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Author’s Name: Maya Singhal Personal Narrative reflection/feedback 

Guiding Questions: 
Self  Learning Target  STAR  WISH 
Review  Find a GREAT example of each  Where can this learning target be 
learning target & write it below.  exercised a bit more? Write it below. 

√  S1. Punctuation     All have been highlighted 

Narrative has correct end 
punctuation and comma use 

√  S1. Capitalization    All have been highlighted 

Narrative is capitalized correctly 
with capital sentence starters, 
proper nouns, and lowercase 
common nouns.  

√  S1. Paragraphing    All have been highlighted 

Narrative is written with natural 
paragraph breaks that are indented.  

√  S1. Dialogue Punctuation    All have been highlighted 

Narrative uses speech/quotation 
marks to show dialogue. 

√  S1. Apostrophes     All have been highlighted 

Apostrophes are used correctly.   

√  S2. Thoughts and Feelings    All have been highlighted 

The narrative shows the author’s 
various thoughts and feelings.  

√  S2: Sensory Imagery    All have been highlighted 

Imagery is used to make mind 
movies for the reader. 

√  S2. Dialogue    All have been highlighted 

Dialogue is realistic and used 

√  S3. Organization  ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------- 

The narrative has a clear beginning, 
middle, and end. 

√  S3. First Person POV  My narrative  Nowhere 

First Person POV is used correctly. 


Chiki my Angel 
I impatiently waited in the dark hallway at school. I waited for the walkie talkie to say “Maya 
Singhal”. All of a sudden I did hear my name in a muffled voice and I ran out. I got into my red cadillac and I 
asked my mom in a somewhat angry tone, why she couldn’t bring me a cream for my arm, which had 
gotten better, but was covered in rough bumps and was red earlier. It wasn’t throbbing anymore but I still 
complained. My mom answered in a calm but worried tone which made my stomach feel like an empty and 
bottomless pit for a minute.   
She replied, “Im sorry”. She didn’t even care to argue.  
She then said in a angrier tone, “​You know Maya​ it's not my fault! Chiki in not acting normal!” All of a 
sudden my breath became shaky and my heart had stopped. My mind wasn’t clear and I got scared. Chiki in 
an old dog who had a blood clot in her spine. What could happen scared me and started racing in my mind. I 
asked in a nervous tone, “What happened?” My voice was shaky.  
She answered, “She started walking into the bathroom shower and layed down all of a 
sudden. She started whimpering and wasn’t able to walk.” I asked what happened, and she told me 
that she took her to the vet and that they were keeping a close eye on her. The rest of the car ride 
was silent and my head had been rushing to thoughts. When we got up I went to my room and sat 
on my bed. I was thinking and hoping the best and as a religious person, I prayed to god for the best. 
I didn’t want it all I just wanted Chiki. Chiki was my friend. When I would cry or be sad I just held her 
feeling her soft fur hit my hands. It soothed me. The way she was patient made me think she was 
listening. When she licked me it was as if she was wiping my pain and tears away. That was one 
thing I loved about her.   
A long part of the day had gone by and it was night. We hadn't heard back from the vet so I was 
worried. I felt nauseous and scared. I felt so bad about complaining earlier and I had felt so selfish. I had 
just finished getting ready for bed and I felt nice and fresh. I smelled like soap and my skin was soft. All of 
sudden I heard a knock on my door and I rushed to open it. My sister opened it with a face so grim it could 
make the whole world sad. I knew what she was going to say and I didn’t like it.  
She told me in a voice as if she was crying and told, “We need to go to the Vet, get changed”. 
I was scared and I couldn’t speak. I nodded and closed the door. I changed at the speed of light and 
viciously wiped the tears off my face with the clothes I was putting on. I didn’t care what I was wearing; I 
just needed to be wearing something. We all ran into the car and rushed away. I tried to say something but 
I couldn’t. When I tried to break the ice I realised the ice was too thick. Once we got to the hospital we all 
tried to find the floor she was in and once we found it we got in the elevator and rode up. My hair was a 
mess, and at that moment, I didn’t care about my fear of elevators I just cared about Chiki. We all tried to 
contain ourselves for what was about to happen. We sat in the leather chairs and waited. I was so restless 
that I just tapped my foot. The chairs were hard but soft and I just sat. My eyes were watery and became 
blurry so I had to keep blinking to clear my eyes. My mouth was almost always closed. The vet smelled of 
dog and cat treats. That was the only whiff in my nose. The vet came out and gave us a sympathetic look. 
He solemnly told us, “I’m very sorry you have to do this”. My parents talked to him for us. None of us 
wanted to do this. We slowly walked in to the room the vet showed us. We walked up to the bed with Chiki 
laying down. She looked sad and in pain. She slowly whined. I knew she couldn’t walk or move and I felt and 
pain in my heart and gut. My body went as stiff as a statue. Her fur looked less silky and more sad. I 
started bawling my eyes out; we all did. I was only able to feel my cold wet tears running down my cheek, 
and I could only taste how salty my tears were. I was across from my dad and I could hear him whimper in 
sadness. I had seen a tear run down his cheek. I had never seen him cry, and I knew he was trying to be 
strong, but he loved Chiki as much as he loved u
​ s​. He was the closest with her. We tried to stay together 
but we fell apart. We felt her ​silky smooth fur​ and pet her ​sweet​ little face. She had tears in her eyes. I just 
cried more. I wanted to be able to think this was a nightmare but it wasn’t. I just thought of all our 
memories with her. We all softly told her she would be okay and that we loved her. We felt her rough ears 
and told her she was amazing and that she was a good girl, because she was. I felt my tears fall down off 
my cheeks on to her fur and I thought of how she let me hold her when I would cry. I held her for the last 
time. My mom asked us to wait outside as they put her to sleep, but I didn’t want to accept that we had to 
leave her. My eyes couldn’t focus on the orange wall with all my thoughts in my head. Me and my sister 
Anya went out anyway and sat outside. We held hands and just cried outside. We started calming down but 
it was hard. All of a sudden a lady came with her dog for a check up. It was an adorable little black terrier 
who started to run up to us and bark. I love animals but I wasn’t able to think of another dog than Chiki at 
the time. The lady saw which section we were in and felt very sorry.   
She scolded him to come back, “Come back Honey! They want to be left alone right now”. We said 
thank you with a quivering voice. Our mom and dad opened the door and in my head it was as loud as an 
earthquake. We knew that Chiki was now gone and I didn’t want to accept that. I cried hard and we all 
hugged each other. It was a silent drive back and we had school the next day, but me and my sister didn’t 
care. Me and Anya changed and went to the basement to our aunt. We sat on either side of her and she 
hugged us. We cried.  
She told us, “It will be okay girls”. She loved her too but she couldn’t feel as much pain as us. I didn’t 
expect her to. I didn’t want to go to school the next day it would be too hard. I thought of all the amazing 
things about her. Chiki was our Golden shepard, poodle mix who lived up to 14 years. She was a year older 
than my sister and had been with us our whole life. Chiki ended having a blood clot in her spine and the 
doctors didn’t know how long she had been in pain for. She had medecine and was fine but I guess time 
had caught up to her. My parents told us that they went to the shelter and when they saw her they loved 
her. My dad said that they went in a pen to play with her and she picked up a leather leash with her mouth 
and put it in my dad's lap. She wanted to be with them and they wanted to have her. My dad loved her the 
most. She was the sweetest dog and the sassiest dog. The only dog Chiki liked was her brother Miki, who is 
still with us. She was feisty, but we liked that about her. She was the alpha, and s​ he knew​ how to get her 
point across. I recently buried her ashes and I know that love will grow there. It was a long night and a long 
year, and I believe that Chiki was a guardian angel sent to us from heaven. 

  Write down your plan for tackling  Have you done it? Check it off 
when you have! 
your second draft. Be clear/specific.  

Fix all highlighted things. 

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