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Syrian Aesthetical Scream

Konstnärer med ursprung från Syrien

14 april - 13 maj 2018
Syrian Aesthetical Scream
14 april - 13 maj 2018

Dr. Ahed Al Naser Rajjoub, Ferial Hafez, Abdullah Asaad,

Anas Al - Raddawi, Asia Rajjoub, Elias Ayoob,
Farouk Muhammad, Fidan Khalil, Hanan Saif,
Iman Hussien, Jango Moussa, Jihad Hussien,
Kamal Sallat, Kamiran Khalil, Kulistan Hamo,
Mufida Dayoub, Mohamad Kuty, Mohannad Sarea,
Mohie Aldeen Malak, Noah Jbara, Ramadan Hussien,
Saed Salloum, Sameer Al Safadi, Tarek Arabi

Vi är nog alla överens om att konst spelar en mycket De tillhör olika konstriktningar men förenas av sin
viktig roll i tider av krig och tragedier, särskilt vid tro på konsten och dess estetiska uppdrag. Dessa
kriser när människor behöver moraliskt stöd och syriska konstnärer bor i olika länder i världen, men
tröst och söker trygghet för att kunna formulera idéer som hemvist för sin bildkonst har de valt Sverige –
och föreställningar på nytt – med nya ögon och ny detta levande land fullt av mänsklighet. Sverige har
känslighet. blivit platsen där deras estetiska skri tar sin början.
Det råder ingen tvekan om att detta estetiska skri har
Utställningen Syrian Aesthetical Scream är den denotationer just här i Sverige.
andra utställningen efter Paintings from the Orient
som visades 2010 i Sandvikens konsthall och kan ses Författaren Alain de Botton menar att ”konst ger oss
som en inramning av en särskild tidsperiod och ett tröst, särskilt när vi har någon som känner med oss”,
utmärkande inslag i krishistorien och i syrisk konst. och detta är särskilt påtagligt under
förhållanden av krig och katastrofer. Det är tydligt
Syrien är med om dramatiska händelser som orsakar att de konstnärer och andra inblandade i detta
oerhört lidande. Förstörelsen och tragedierna som konstprojekt inser vidden av dessa denotationer. Nå-
drabbar landet och människorna etsar sig fast i våra got som alla i konstvärlden är överens om är att det
sinnen. Till följd av denna kris har bildkonsten levt unika med konst är att den är den viktigaste faktorn
upp på nytt i en bredare och mer expressiv form som i mänsklighetens estetiska och civiliserade bildning.
anpassar sig till den hemska verkligheten, och som Eller för att citera Stendhal:
till och med går bortom den som ett språng i ”Skönhet är ett löfte om lycka.”
mörkret. Som ett resultat av detta har en grupp Slutligen vill jag uttrycka mitt hjärtliga tack till
syriska konstnärer börjat använda uttryckssätt som Fahed Mustafa och Daniel Palmberg och alla dem
vittnar om större grymhet, och starkare tekniker har som har arbetat med och organiserat denna
växt fram. Men gemensamt för alla konstnärer är utställning i fantastiska Sandviken.
fortfarande en vilja att ge uttryck för situationen och
resultatet av den.
Ahed Alnaser Rajjoub
Utställningen Syrian Aesthetical Scream
sammanfattar och ger uttryck för allt det man
önskar visa. Den visar också på det djupa och öppna
traumat och är ett litet fragment av konstnärernas
förhoppning om en vacker värld där människor kan
leva utan smärta och exil.

Konstnärerna i utställningen är syrier från skilda

religioner och intellektuella trender och falanger.
First of all, let us agree that the role of art during sects. They are of various artistic schools, but they
wars and huge tragedies is of a great significance are united in their belief in Art and its aesthetical
especially at the critical moments during which mission. These Syrian artists live in various
people need moral support and consolation, and need countries of the world map, but they selected the
to retrieve stability and then reconstruct concepts Kingdom of Sweden, which is vivid and full of
with a new sensitivity and a pure vision. humanity, to be the domicile of their plastic arts
works, where Sweden would be the place from
Therefore, this exhibition Syrian Aesthetical which their aesthetical Scream would begin. There is
Scream is the second exhibition after Paintings from no doubt that this aesthetical Scream has denotations
the Orient in the Kingdom of Sweden 2010, and it in this specific place (Kingdom of Sweden).
is considered as a timeframe for a special era, and a
distinguishing feature in the history of the crisis and Psychologist Alain de Botton believes that: ”Art
Syrian Art evenly. provides us with consolation, especially when we
have a man that sympathizes with us”, especially in
Syria witnessed huge events that gave rise to signi- the conditions of wars and disasters. It is quite
ficant suffering. Nobody can forget the destructions established that the artists and the persons supervi-
and tragedies extended to both place and man, and sing this artistic project (Exhibition) realize the es-
which got stuck to mind, consequently in front of sence of these denotations. The unique thing agreed
this crisis plastic art revived and expanded, and its on by all in the world of art is that the art is the most
expressive mode had augmented, even it became important factor in man aesthetical and civilized
more adapting of the distressful reality; moreover education, as Stendhal says:
it went beyond as a jump in darkness. As a result, a ”Beauty is a promise of happiness” .
group of Syrian artists possessing modes with more Finally, I send my best wishes and thanks to Fahed
savagery, and stronger techniques emerged. But Mustafa and Daniel Palmberg and all those who
expressing the condition and its results remain the cooperated and organized for this
denominator among all artists. exhibition in the lovely town Sandviken.

The exhibition Syrian Aesthetical Scream

summarizes the expression of all that is desired to Ahed Alnaser Rajjoub
view. It also indicates the deeply open trauma. It is
just a stroke that involves the artist’s hope in
aesthetical civilization in which man lives without
pain or exile.

This exhibition contains group of Syrian artists of

the various religious and intellectual trends and
‫متعددة‪ ،‬يجمعهم اإليمان بالفن ورسالته الجمالية‪ ،‬وهؤالء الفنانون‬
‫السوريون موزعون على خارطة العالم‪ ،‬لكنهم اتخذوا من مملكة‬
‫السويد – هذا المكان النابض باإلنسانية ‪ -‬مركزا لعرض أعمالهم‬ ‫بداية‪ ،‬لنتفق أن دور الفن في خضم الحروب والمآسي الجسيمة‬ ‫ت‪،‬‬
‫التشكيلية هذه‪ ،‬وليكون هذا المكان بداية لصرختهم الجمالية‪ ،‬ومما‬ ‫له أهمية كبيرة خصوصا في اللحظات المفصلية التي يحتاج فيها‬ ‫لفن‬
‫ال شك فيه‪ ،‬أن لهذه الصرخة الجمالية دالالت وفي هذا المكان‬ ‫الناس إلى المواساة والدعم المعنوي‪ ،‬وإعادة التوازن‪ ،‬ثم إعادة بناء‬ ‫الية‬
‫بالذات ( السويد )‪ .‬يقترح عالم النفس " دوبوتون "‪ " :‬أن الفن‬ ‫المفاهيم بحساسية جديدة ومخيلة لم تتلوث بمرض الحضارة‪.‬‬
‫يمنحنا سلوى عندما نرى شخصا آخر يشاطرنا آالمنا "‪ ،‬خصوصا‬
‫من هنا‪ ،‬يشكل هذا المعرض ‪ " -‬صرخة جمالية سورية "‪،‬‬ ‫نيل‬
‫في ظل الحروب والكوارث‪ ،‬والثابت أن الفنانين والقائمين على‬
‫وهو الثاني من نوعه بعد معرض " لوحات من الشرق " في مملكة‬ ‫هذه‬
‫هذا المشروع الفني ( المعرض ) يدركون ماهية تلك الدالالت‪،‬‬
‫السويد ‪ – 2010‬إطارا زمنيا لمرحلة خاصة‪ ،‬وعالمة فارقة في‬
‫له‬ ‫فالشيء الوحيد الذي يتفق الجميع عليه في عالم الفن هو أن الفن‬
‫تاريخ األزمة والفن السوري على حد سواء‪ .‬فقد شهدت سورية‬
‫النا‬ ‫ذاته يشكل العنصر األهم في تربية اإلنسان تربية جمالية‬
‫أحداثا كبيرة‪ ،‬وتمخضت عنها آالما عظيمة‪ .‬وال يمكن أبدا نسيان‬ ‫وب‬
‫المف‬ ‫وحضارية‪ ،‬وكما يقول " ستندال"‪ " :‬الجمال وعد بالسعادة "‪.‬‬
‫ما علق في الذهن بشأن الدمار والمآسي التي طالت المكان‬
‫وأخيرا أرسل أطيب األمنيات مع الشكر لفهد مصطفى ‪ ،‬دانيل‬ ‫واإلنسان‪ ،‬لذلك‪ ،‬وبموازاة تلك األزمة‪ ،‬انتعش الفن التشكيلي‬
‫وه‬ ‫بالمبيرغ و لجميع الذين ساهموا بتنظيم هذا المعرض في هذه‬ ‫وتوسع‪ ،‬وازدادت وتيرته التعبيرية‪ ،‬حتى أصبح أكثر مسايرة‬
‫الس‬ ‫المدينة الجميلة ساندڤيكن ‪.‬‬ ‫للواقع األليم‪ ،‬بل تجاوزه كقفزة في الظالم‪ ،‬فظهرت مجموعة من‬
‫تار‬ ‫الفنانين السوريين الذين امتلكوا أساليب أكثر ضراوة‪ ،‬وتقانات أشد‬

‫أحد‬ ‫عهد الناصر رجوب‬ ‫تحررا‪ ،‬لكن التعبير عن الحالة وما أفرزتها بقيت هي القاسم‬

‫ما‬ ‫المشترك بين كل الفنانين‪ ،‬فـ " صرخة جمالية سورية " تختصر‬

‫واإل‬ ‫التعبير عن كل ما يراد رؤيته‪ ،‬وهي تدل على الجرح المفتوح‬

‫وتو‬ ‫بالكامل‪ ،‬وهي ليست إال جملة تحمل في طياتها أمل الفنان بحضارة‬

‫للو‬ ‫جمالية بعيش فيها اإلنسان بال ألم‪ ،‬وبال اغتراب‪.‬‬

‫ويضم هذا المعرض مجموعة من الفنانين السوريين متعددي‬
‫اإلثنيات واالتجاهات الدينية والفكرية‪ ،‬كما أنهم ذوي اتجاهات فنية‬
‫متعددة‪ ،‬يجمعهم اإليمان بالفن ورسالته الجمالية‪ ،‬وهؤالء الفنانون‬
‫السوريون موزعون على خارطة العالم‪ ،‬لكنهم اتخذوا من مملكة‬
‫السويد – هذا المكان النابض باإلنسانية ‪ -‬مركزا لعرض أعمالهم‬
‫التشكيلية هذه‪ ،‬وليكون هذا المكان بداية لصرختهم الجمالية‪ ،‬ومما‬
First supper
120 x 120 cm

Dr. Ahed Al Naser Rajjoub

His career began when he graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts– Painting Department in 1982 in

He followed up his Higher Education in the Wall Painting, in Russia Academy of Fine Arts, and
gained his scientific Degree (Dr. of Philosophy, PH.D) in Art Science in 1992

• 2007-2010 Head of Mural Section- Faculty of Fine Arts-Damascus
• 2011-2014 Head of Painting Section-Faculty of Fine Arts-Damascus
• 2016-2017 Dean of Design –Kalamoun University-Damascus
• Many Solo exhibitions and Group exhibitions
• An Organizer for many artistic Workshops

Artist is:

The creative of the Beauty

The Clown King
30 x 20 cm

Ferial Hafez


English literature
Lives in Damascus


Many Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

My lovely husband Ahed Rajjoub (Me is He & He is Me)

Holy Light Saturday in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
44 x 40 cm

Abdullah Asaad


PH.D in Philosophy of Interior Design –Straganouv- Academy-Moscow

Professor in Kalamoun University in Syria


Two Solo exhibitions and many Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

The creative…the conscience… and the eye…for all periods

I’m still a baby
120 x 100 cm

Anas Al - Raddawi


Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in 2009 at the University of Damascus
He got Master degree in 2015


Many Solo and Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

A mythical creature looking for beauty everywhere

Imaginations’ Nights
60 x 50 cm

Asia Rajjoub


Graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts-Damascus- in 2016

Studying Master in Austria


Many Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

A combination of contradictions of life, in each of us

3 years later - Moscow 2017
100 x 80 cm

Elias Ayoob


Graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts-Damascus- in 2006
Completed his Master in Art Education-Russia
Study to get PHD Degree in the History & Philosophy of Art at V.I ”Surikov”


Many Solo and Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

The person, who can use all resources to express through himself what can vote on other’s soul;
Artist is the intellect and susceptibility
No title
140 x 150 cm

Farouk Muhammad


Graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts-Damascus- in 2006

Lives in Austria -Vienna


Many Solo and Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

an organism that translates feelings and ideas into symbols

Without title
100 x 80 cm

Fidan Khalil


Faculty of Mass Communication at the University of Damascus in 2012


Many Solo and Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

in a continuous exploration, trying to dip into the secrets of colors to dig out new forms to represent
the true picture of situations on earth
60 x 45 cm

Hanan Saif


Graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts-Damascus- in 2010

Studying Master in Hungary .


Many Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

Who seeks to touch the soul of an object

Woman from Kobani - Mosaic-Marble
90 x 70 cm

Iman Hussien


Graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts - Damascus 2001

Lives in Austria -Vienne


Many Solo and Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

The one who formulates the things into an aesthetic meanings

80 x 60 cm

Jango Moussa


Bachelor’s Degree –Academy of Art in St. Petersburg in 1991

Master degree –Academy of Art in St. Petersburg
Higher studies –The relationship between artist and the drama director in the Academy of Drama in
St. Petersburg


Many Solo exhibitions and many Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

The one who wears a mask to see what he wants freely. The Human being is a result from the
Horse’s (”Metamorphosis) conversion
30 x 20 cm

Jihad Hussien


Private (special) study in Art

Lives in Damascus.


Many Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

The creative of the most important language (visual language)

The childhood
30 x 20 cm

Kamal Sallat


Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in 2009 at the University of Damascus
Lives in Germany- Berlin


Many Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

The One who always seeks to reach the beauty through his works even in the ugliest subjects that he
The Box
100 x 60 cm

Kamiran Khalil


Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in 2009 at the University of Damascus
He completed Fine Arts at the faculty of UDK in Berlin in 2017


Many Solo and Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

The one who is familiar with the spatial and temporal dimensions, but he is keen to add his own
dimension as well
100 x 100 cm

Kulistan Hamo


Private (special) study in Art

Lives in Austria -Vienne


Many Solo and Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

Who show the beauty of the life to the others

Ruins of happiness
35 x 20 cm

Mufida Dayoub


Graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts-Damascus- in 2000

Lives in Damascus


Many Solo and Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

The Noble who plant from his soul to let the happiness be forever
In Museum 1
105 x 105 cm

Mohamad Kuty


Graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts-Damascus- in 2010

As a Lecturer in the Faculty of Fine Arts-Damascus in 2011-2012
Lives in Austria-Vienna


One Solo exhibition and many Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

A Child, a Color, a Love, a Memory, a Peace and a Human being

Before the morning
20 x 10 cm

Mohannad Sarea


Graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts-Damascus- in 2017

Lives in Damascus.


Many Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

The closest human to the GOD

Assignation or Meeting
39 x 34 cm

Mohie Aldeen Malak


Still studying in the Faculty of Fine Arts -Damascus

Lives in Damascus


Many Solo and Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

The one who dreams for a better life in the miserable world
Waiting for
39 x 35 cm

Noah Jbara


Graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts-Damascus- in 1989

Lives in Damascus


Two Solo exhibitions and many Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

The one who dives inside the soul

120 x 98 cm

Ramadan Hussien


Private (special) study in Art

Lives in Austria -Vienna


Many Solo and Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

The One who fill the gap done by the other human
The Sad Stone
80 x 50 cm

Saed Salloum


Professor of fine arts at three universities in Syria

Teaching: painting, art history and aesthetics of art


Many Solo exhibitions and many Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

The one who makes us understand what we can’t put in words

Beginning of feelings
32 x 27 cm

Sameer Al Safadi


Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in 2007 at the University of Damascus
He Got Master degree in 2015


Three Solo exhibitions and many Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

The one who expresses the real meanings of the life

75 x 58 cm

Tarek Arabi


Graduated from Faculty of Fine Arts-Damascus- in 2009

Studying Master in Hungary


Many Collective exhibitions

Artist is:

Upplaga: 200 ex
Digitaltryck: Trycktrean AB
Papper: Omslag 300g Silk
Inlaga: 150g Silk
Efterbehandling: Limbindning

Grafisk form: Daniel Palmberg / Kulturcentrum Sandviken

Syrian Aesthetical Scream
14 april - 13 maj 2018

Dr. Ahed Al Naser Rajjoub, Ferial Hafez, Abdullah Asaad,

Anas Al - Raddawi, Asia Rajjoub, Elias Ayoob,
Farouk Muhammad, Fidan Khalil, Hanan Saif,
Iman Hussien, Jango Moussa, Jihad Hussien,
Kamal Sallat, Kamiran Khalil, Kulistan Hamo,
Mufida Dayoub, Mohamad Kuty, Mohannad Sarea,
Mohie Aldeen Malak, Noah Jbara, Ramadan Hussien,
Saed Salloum, Sameer Al Safadi, Tarek Arabi

Köpmangatan 3, Sandviken, tel. 026 - 24 14 90
tis ons 12-17 tors 12-19 fre-sön 12-15
Första maj och Kristi himmelfärdsdag stängt

Fri entré

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