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School Based Assessment

(General Proficiency)

Presented to:

Little London High School Business Education Department

In Partial fulfillment for Certification

In Office Administration

By the Caribbean Examination Council


Title: An Investigation into the role of the Sales of the Department.

Submitted by: Christina Folks

Submitted to: Ms. Forbes

Registration #: 

School Code: 100064

Territory:  Jamaica

Year: 2011/2011

Title: An Investigation into the role of the Sales of the Department.

 To understand what happens in the sales department

 To understand what makes the sales office effective and profitable.

 To understand the roles of the sales clerk.

 To understand profitability and the overall work situation of the office.

 The Sales office maintains sales records, and follows up with customers after

 The sales office monitors stock control and liaise with other departments.

Auldayr District
February 27, 2011

Courts furniture store

73 Great George St
Savanna- la-Sept

Dear Sir/Madam

I am a fifth form student of Little London High School, who has chosen your
business in partial fulfillment of the certificate in office administration as the area
of my study to accomplish my research. I would appreciate it if you grant me the
permission to study your business.

This research would include the duties carried out by the sales and Septketing
offices. This information acquired would be kept strictly confidential. I may be
contacted at the following number 393-3393; I will be looking forward to your
Yours respectfully,

Christina Folks

The researcher used a questionnaire in the collection of data. This is because this way the
information gathered would be kept confidential. The internet was also used to collect some vital
information needed in the research.

In addition the researcher will be interviewing the sales clerk of Courts furniture store.

The researcher chose to use a questionnaire as it was confidential and most appropriate. The
researcher also found an interview to be most efficient.
The questionnaire was given to six employees in the sales department, a total of ten questions
were on the questionnaire.

1. What is your gender?
 Male  female
2. What age group do you fall in?
 20-25years  25-30years  30-40years
3. How long have you been working in this department?
 6 month- 1 year  1-2 years  5years
4. How many personnel would you say is required in this department?
 2-4 workers  4-6 workers  6- 8 workers
5. What are the main requirements of this area of work?

6. What type of office plan is used?

7. What is the working relationship like in the office?

8. What type of salary does a sales clerk acquire?

9. How demanding is your job?

10. What kind of salary would you say the position accumulates?


1) How important do you think your role is in the running of your department?
2) How is the sales department link to the Septketing department?
3) Is there any training involved in order becoming a sales clerk and if so could you please
4) What are some of the equipment used?
5) What kind of salary would you say this particular job holds?

Date Activities Comments
Sept. 22, 2011 The Researcher chose the The process of title
project title. selection was quite
Sept. 23, 2011 The Letter was written to The researcher used up his
organization by the researcher. letter skills from English
class in the process.
Sept.25, 2011 The researcher typed the The researcher found this
questionnaire. to be a bit challenging.
Sept. 27,2011 The researcher Delivered The researcher delivered
letter. the letter to business.
Sept. 28,2011 The Interview was considered. The Researcher was
pleased with the
information collected.
Oct.02,2011 The researcher was granted Researcher was pleased.
permission for the interview.

Oct.05,2011 The Interview was held. Researcher was pleased.

Oct.12,2011 The researcher collected the The Researcher was
distributed questionnaires. pleased with effective use
of the questionnaires.
Jan. 1 ,2012 The research completed Researcher was pleased
S.B.A with the time he used to
complete the project.
Feb. 10 ,2012 S.B.A was handed in by the Researcher was pleased.

Government regulations
Workplace legislation

The researcher was informed that sale records are to be kept confidential by the manager. This
law was put into act in the 1980’s.

Safety legislation
Fire extinguishers were placed in the organization and also a fire alarm. Burglar alarms were also
installed. Employees were trained on how to react to emergencies. No smoking is allowed in the
work area.

Health and safety practices

The researcher found out that a sales clerk must and should restrain from eating in there offices.
This is to protect files and records in the office.

Staff rule
A staff rule was that cellular phones must either be turned off or put on silent once at work. This
is to prevent disturbance.

The topic chosen by the researcher was: the contribution of the sales clerks to the sales
department. The sales clerk is a vital asset to the sales department.

The main duty of the sales clerk is to maintain the customers’ database to ensure that

customers contact information and order history is up to date. The sales department maintains

sales records, monitor stock control, liaise with other departments and follow up with customers.

The department is also responsible for selling the product manufactured by the business. The

sales clerk ensures the department generates income and is profitable so the department can

achieve the businesses goal.

Incorporated with filing, is preparing sales documents. The sales clerk must have a good

knowledge of what products are in stock or what services are provided when a customer places

an order; the sales clerk will check the stock records to see whether the order can be filled from

available stock. Another task the researcher realized was done by the sales clerk is preparing the


The researcher realized that the personality of the sales clerk should be suited to the nature

of the job that is liaising with and relating to customers. They must be appropriately attired and

groomed. Person should also articulate and demonstrate effective oral and written

communication skills.

The sales department processes orders. These can be placed in person, by telephone, by the

internet and by mail order catalogues. The sales department ensures that customers are satisfied

with the services they receive or that they keep buying the company’s product. The sales clerk

will record sales on the sales database and the office copies are filed numerically. The sales clerk

also monitors the progress of the order by liaising with the dispatch, transport and account


The sale clerk is usually responsible for maintaining the department’s mailing list. The sales

office must keep accurate records of all transactions.

Question .1 What are the equipment use to help carry out your job?
 Computer
 photocopier
 Telephone
 Multimedia projectors and scanners
 Risograph

The following bar graph shows the percentage of workers who use the equipment
mentioned above.

The data on the graph shows that 100% of the workers use the computer, 25% use the
photocopier, 80% use the telephone, 50% use the multimedia projector and scanner and
40% use the Risograph.

On the day of the interview on arriving at the business the researcher was informed of the
situation, as a result of the manager being out on business. The researcher was unable to
gather the data necessary on the date scheduled. However the researcher was able to
reschedule the interview at a later date where he could be accommodated.

Business Form

Date Name Purpose

Oct 14, 2011 Invoices Invoices show the name of customer,
together with the delivery address,
and details of the goods ordered, the
price, and taxes that may be
applicable and the total amount

Oct 14, 2011 Quotations Quotations give details of the

product, its cost, whether any
discounts are allowable and the
delivery date.
Oct 14, 2011 Pro forma invoice It gives a description of the product
and the prices. It also includes the
items of sales. That is how the
product is to be shipped.

Date Equipment Purpose equipment Suitability for task
December 02, 2011 Computer The computer is used to The computer enables
manipulate data efficient storage of
according to a set of records.
December 02, 2011 Telephone The telephone is used The telephone allows
to transmit and receive effective
sound, most commonly communication with
the human voice. other departments.
December 02, 2011 Photocopier A photocopier or copier The photocopier allows
is a machine that makes copies of information to
paper copies of be made.
documents and other
visual images quickly
and cheaply.
December 02, 2011 Risograph The Risograph is a The Risograph allows
high-speed digital the sales department to
printing system print and copy high
designed mainly for volumes of information.
photocopying and

Office Equipment

Computer data projector

Scanner photocopier

telephone Risograph

Internet sites list: projector

Persons list:
date Place interviewed Job titles
October 3, 2011 Courts store General manager
October 3, 2011 Courts store Sales clerk

Publications list
Finisterre, S , Payne, L , Reid, J ,(2004). Longman Office Administration For CXC ; pearson education

The invoice:


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