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Linking Words 3° medios

We usually use shorter sentences when speaking and longer sentences when
writing. Linking words provide a text with cohesion and illustrate how its parts
relate to each other.
We use but / however / although to indicate a contrast between ideas.
Ex: "He works hard, but he doesn't earn much."
We use besides to say that there is something additional included.
Ex: She wants to learn other languages besides (= in addition to) English
and French.
We use therefore / so to express the result of something.
Ex: If you are able to consume more energy, you can do more work
and therefore create more.
We use as long as / provided that to express a condition (replacing if in
conditional sentences).

Ex: You can borrow the car as long as you don’t drive too fast.

Complete the sentences with the correct linking word.

1. You are allowed to go _________you let us know when you arrive.

2. My computer has a virus,______ I have to reformat it
3. You can go out to play football _________ you have finished all your
4. _______playing tennis, she skis very well.
5. I don't like cherry pie. _______, I love apple.
6. _______ being a businessman, he is a musician
7. I don't like cherry pie, ____ I like apple.
8. ___________Tom is sick, he's planning on going to school.
9. I know you must be tired, _____ I will let you rest.
First Conditional 4° medios

Utilizamos el first condicional para hablar de una posibilidad real en el futuro; es decir, de
una acción que es posible que ocurra en el futuro siempre y cuando se cumpla la

The First Conditional usually consists of two clauses:

The first conditional has the present simple after 'if', then the future simple in the
other clause:

 if + present simple, ... will + infinitive

If I study today, I'll go to the party tonight.

If it rains, I won't go to the park.

Transform this exercise into first conditional

 _____you come to the party, you ______meet my sister.

 _____ you come late, I _____be angry

 I _______help you ____I have time.

 _____she studies hard for the exam, she______ get a good grade.

 _____is warm tomorrow, we______go to the beach.

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