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Project 2

Private airline company

A private airline company owns a small aircraft carrying 12
passengers only. The company manages flights to Benghazi,
Tripoli and Abraq. Passengers departing to Benghazi Arrive
according to exponential distribution with rate of 6 passengers per
minute, while passengers who arrive in Tripoli follow exponential
distribution with rate of 5 passengers per minute and passengers
who arrive in Abraq follow exponential distribution with rate of 7
passengers per minute. The aircraft doesn’t take off unless all its
sets are completely occupied. Flights to Benghazi, Tripoli and
Abraq are uniformly distributed with 1.0 and 1.40 h, 1.1 and 1.15
hours and 1.25 and 1.45 hours respectively.
When Passengers arrive, they have to check in security office to be
passed. The security process are distributed according to
TRA(4,6,8) minutes. A Passenger who doesn’t pass the security
rules must go to investigation office, the investigation process are
TRA(0.5, 1, 1.5) hrs. If a Passenger passes he/she will go home,
O.W. he/she will stay for 48hrs in prison until they go to the Court.
The Court will judge whether to release the Passenger or send
him/her to 3 months prison. Simulate the system for two weeks and
created performance measures.

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