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May 28, 2018

To Whom It May Concern,

It is my honor and pleasure to recommend to you Guadalupe Macias Aguirre. I have had the
pleasure of knowing Guadalupe for almost three years. Guadalupe was a student in the
Algebra 1 classroom which I taught from 2015-2016. While Guadalupe was my student, she
impressed me with her positive outlook and her compassion. Guadalupe was always helpful
with other students, more than most young adults her age. Additionally, Guadalupe spent many
lunch-time breaks in my classroom. During that time, I witnessed Guadalupe’s ability to patiently
listen to other students who needed a friend. She showed amazing maturity as she patiently and
gently offered sound advice to her friends. Guadalupe’s compassion goes beyond the
classroom setting.

It is for these reasons that I recommend Guadalupe Macias Aguirre to you as a potential
employee in the health-care field.

Teresa Dunne
Windsor High School

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