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To continue con la exposition i am going to talk about the components of the traditional and

internal marketing in order to compare them.

Well for all of us the marketing how we all know it , the traditional have some essential
elements like the customer, the product (that we offer), the sales force (people who is in
charge of sell the product), sales techniques (how we are going to offer it), and the objective
that is to catch the costumer, make them like the product.

Next I going to explain each component but in the case of the internal marketing:

First, we make the question “Whom do we direct the strategy? In case of the traditional
marketing we would say the costumer, people who want to buy the product, but what about
the internal marketing here we direct the strategy to our workers , people who participate in
the process of the company.

The next question to determinate the other component is “What do we offer”. Normally in a
traditional marketing strategy we would say a product or a service, but in the case of the
internal marketing we don’t offer this, we offer our company, the culture of this, and what our
workers want in this, they want greats conditions of work, participation, a great working
environment and also integration and motivation. If we have all these factor in our company
we can improve our productivity.

The third component, in the traditional marketing we named it sales techniques, that how its
own name says are the techniques that we aplly, but in the case of the traditional marketing
what techniques we use, here we have the internal communication as the technique to apply
our strategy.

The next component, Who apply these strategies in case of the traditional marketing we have
the sales force as the specialist team to aplly the strategies but in the case of the internal
marketing, the people who is in charge of apply this strategies are the management team, the
people who direct each part of the company.

And to end what is the objetive of the traditional marketing, how we know is catch the
costumer, capture them, because they are the cause of this strategy, but in the case of the
internal marketing our client are our customers and our goals are increase their motivation in
order to improve the production.

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