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Activity: Culturally Responsive Teaching

Alignment: 10 in 10 strategic goal#

Description Providing and delivering instruction that is culturally responsive to

all learners

Definition of Success - All students will see their cultures reflected in their
learning environments
- All students will express increased (measured yearly)
levels of satisfaction on LACO survey in regards to
teachers presenting material that reflects their identities
and engages them in the learning

Person Responsible Naomi Khalil

Desired State: - Individual teachers and PLCs will examine instructional

materials and practices to ensure that they are responsive
the the identities and cultures of all the students they are
serving, and not just to a select group
- Culturally Responsive Teaching will result in increased
engagement and learning for ALL students
- All schools will send a team, including required admin
lead, to Anti-Racist institute in Fall 2017 or Spring 2018 to
examine what CRT is and how to audit and adjust their
- Leadership Team will continue to work with the Equity
Collaborative to become Equity Focused Leaders
- On-going PD options will be offered on: Privilege,
Oppression and Education; Implicit and Explicit Bias;
Social Justice Practices; Responding to Hate & Bias in
the School Setting;

Lead Measures LACO survey results

/Indicators of Progress

Communication PLC, LT, MTSS

Plan/Feedback Loops

Resources Required Time, Subs, PD resources, MSAN membership, SYD


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