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Senior Citizens

Canes. Wheelchair. Adults. Welfare. Pension.

Experience. Old. Wrinkles. knowledge. Sensitive.


Sheltered Migrants Refugee Camps Humiliation Federation

Exiled Protected Discarded Stateless Persecuted


New Dynamism Unskilled Labor Principle of freedom Short-

movement term only
Skilled Labor Boost the economy Childcare Exiled Migrants

Homeless People

Unemployment Poverty Clothes Food Homes

Bad Smell Diseases Malnutrition Bad Decisions Bad Economy

Pregnancy in teenagers

Condoms Pension Disobedient Teenagers Abandonment

Imprudence Contraceptive Abortion Sex Irresponsibility

Violence Against Woman

Superiority Men’s Cruelty bullying Aggressive

Male Chauvinist Discrimination Girls Culture Superiority

Labor Exploitation

Job Salary Exploitation Dishonesty Abuse

Rights Slavery Employee Boss Labors

Cruelty Superiority Shout Aggressiveness Abuse
Harassment bullying Mistreatment Violence Inhuman

Handicapped People

Wheelchair Inability Limitations Difficulty Equality

Walking Stick Crutches Rights Access Discrimination

Gender Roles

Men’s Women’s Discrimination Machismo Stereotypes

Homosexuality Lesbianism Gays Culture Feminism

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