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we ae Sa Odile M. Liebard A Consortium Book ‘rom MeGrath Publishing Company ‘Wilmington, North Carolina 1978 6 HUMANAE VITAE Eneyelical Letier of Pope Paul VI ‘on the Regulation of Bisth ‘July 25, 1968, for which maried persons are the free and responsible collaborators of God the Creator, has always been a source of gre joys to them, even if sometimes accompanied by not a few difficulties and by distress. "At all times the fulfillment of this duty has posed grave problems to the conscience of mamied persons, but, withthe feeent evolution of society, changes have taken place that verse to new questions which the Church could not ignore, having to do with a master which so closely touches upon the life and happiness of men. The changes which have taken place are in fact note- worthy and of varied kinds. In the fest place, there ithe rapid demographic development, Fear isshown by many that world population is growing more rapidly than the available re- fources, with growing distress to many families and developing countries, so that the temptation for authorities to counter this danger with radical measures i great. Moreover, working and lodging conditions, as well as increased exigencics both in the economic field and in that of education, often make the proper education of a larger number of children difficult today. change isalzo seen both inthe manner of considering te person of woman and her place in society, and in the value tobe attibuced to conjugal love in martiage, and also in the Ts most serious duty of transmitting human lie, 1162 1163, 116s ies 166 ais? 68 COttcial Catholic Teachings: Love & Sexuality 332 ton bee oe meget ot SE aah ste poten oe a ota Re ert acer deineen buseand and wife and to thee mutual fidelity, would a a erp! sce Hr i cae i eee epres erie ate tet ae ge gl ne ato "No believer will wish to deny that the teaching authority merle eee mS Oe es re thr os A eal ad 333 On The Regulation of Birth the natural law, which sao an expression of the will of God, the faithful fulfilment of which i+ equally necessary for salvation? Conformably to this mission of hers, the Church has always provided-and even more amply in recent times~a coherent teaching conceming both the nature of martiage and the comest ue of conjugal ght and the dues of husband and 5. The consciousness of that stme mission induced us to confirm and enlarge the study commission which our prede- czssor Pope John XXIIL of happy memory had istitsted in March, 1963. That commission which included, besides 4ev- eral experts in the various pertinent disciplines slso married couples, had as its seope the gathering of opinions on the new questions regarding conjugal life, and in particular on the fegulation of births, and of furnishing opportune clemente of information s0 that the mayisterium could give an adequate sol co he expectation not only of healt bu ao of world opinion ‘The work of these experts, a well as the succesive judg: ‘ments and counsels spontaneously forwarded by or exprealy requested {rom a good number of our bathers In the episeo pige, have permitted us to measure more exactly all the ‘aspects of this complex matter. Hence with all our heart we ‘express to each of them our ively gratitude, 5. ‘The conclusions at which the commission arived could ot, nevertheless, be considered by us as definitive, nor dis: pense us froma personal examination ofthis serious question; land this aso Because, within the commission itself, no full ‘concordance of judgments concerning the moral norms to be proposed hhad been reached, and above all because certain ster of solutions had emerged which departed from the moral teaching on marrage proposed with constant frnmess by the teaching authozty of the Church. ‘Therefore having attentively sifted the documentation laid before us, after mature reflection and assiduous prayers, we now intend, by virtue of the mandate entrusted to us by (hist to give our reply to these grave questions. 169) 170 um nn urs nim a7 176. aT nis 173 ‘Official Catholic Teachings: Love & Sexuality 334 4, ‘The problem of bith, ke every other problem re aiding hanuan if, 10 be considered, beyond parthl per eines of the bilo! or psyeholgia demo: Fogle socologial otderein the light of an intel ein of man and of his vocation, not only his natural and [Siny, but ao his siperatua and etemal voetion. And Since, the tempt to july arial methods of Bit tol, many have sppeled othe demands both of conjugal ore st of espns parnthood,” ts good to tate very Freely the tue concept of thee to ret relies of a MEE, fteringpiniply to what was recently set fuk See ear hd int higly tutoriatve form, by the 2.28 TENG Counc ine pstral consttion Ganon Sper. F Sonjug love reveals iste nate and nobly when ix contdted int supreme orgs, God who inlove “the Sache rom whom every fly im heaven and on cast mine" Thane is nt, then, the eet of chance or the product of olution of anconclous natural forces tis the wie ifeitaton ofthe Crestor ta rele in mankind Mis dxign of eeeey teams ofthe recprocal personal git of ell proper wee Se wo them, huband and wife tend towatds the cere eer being in ve of mutual perma et REA cllaborate with God inthe generation and die fui of ew ives ° Te bpd persons moreover matige inves the ini ot erent sgn of pace, smc a represent te Ghion of Chrscand of the Catch. 10 Ger thi ht thee cleat appear the characterise amclis il demands uf conjugal love and eof supreme in Fovtnce to have an oxen of these. "Fas ve i iat ofl fally human, that i 0 sy, of the enue and ofthe spit at ee sue tine. Ie not then, 2 SIR rapore of instinct and sentiment, bat ao, and stl yer et ofthe ee wl tended to endure and to ar cans of the joys and sorts of al ie, auch a wom tabard and wife become one only heat and one TIES gener tein their uma perfection. 335 On The Regulation of Birth ‘Then, this love is total, that is to say, it i a very special form of personal friendship, in which husband and wife gen- ccously share everything, without undue reservations or self- ish calculations. Whoever tly loves hie marrage partner loves rot only for what he receives, but for the partners self, re- icing that he ean ensich his partner withthe gift of himself. ‘Again, this love is faithful and exclusive wntl death. Thus in fact do bride and groom conceive it to be on the day when they freely and in full awarenese assume the duty of the mar- age bond. A fidelity, this, which ean sometimes be dilficlt, Dut is always possible, always noble and meritorious, as na fone ean deny. The example of so many married persons ‘down through the centuries shows, not only that fidelity is according to the nature of marriage, but also that ita source ‘of profound and lasting happiness. ‘And finally this love is fecund for itis not exhausted by the communion between husband and wife, but is destined to continue, raising up new lives. “Mariage and conjugal love ate by their nature ordained toward the begetting and educat- ing of children. Children are really the supreme gift of mat- riage and contebute very substantially o the wellare oftheir penta. 10, “Hence conjugal love requires in husband and wife an awareness of their mission of “responsible parenthood,” ‘which today is rightly much insisted upon, and which also tmust be exactly understood. Consequently itis to be consid- cred under different aspects which are legitimate and con- nected with one another. In relation to the biological processes, responsible parent- hhood means the knowledge and respect of their functions; Inuman intellect discovers in the power of giving life biolog- ical laws which are part of the human person? Tn relation to the tendencies of instinct or passion, sponsible parenthood means that necessity dominion which reason and will must exercise over them, In relation to physical, economic, psychological and social conditions, responsible parenthood is exercised, either by the deliberate and generous decision to raise a numerous family, or by the decision, made for grave motives and with due 180 nih aa uss. aise. 1185 sé us? Lise 1189) 1190 Oficial Catholic Teachings: Love & Sexuality 336 respect forthe mona lw to avid fo the time beng oF even fotan indeterminate petod, anew bit. [Responuble parenthood aso and above al implies amore pratound seaionhip tothe bette moral order esablshed By God, ef which a ght consciences the faihfl interpreter ‘he reponse exercise of parenthood implies, therfore, that hasband and wife recognise fully their own dates o- Svards God, towards themes, towards the family and t wus societys ina corset hierarchy of vale, nthe tat of uanssting if, therefore, they ae not fee to proceed completely a wil 8 if hey could determine in & bly sucnonous way the honest path to fllowsbut they Rua Zontorm this sty to the erative intention of Cody pres in the tery ntute oF matiage and oft acs nd Suiteted by the constant acing ofthe Chute Te These ets by which husband and wie are uted in chuste intimacy and by means of whieh human lei tan Ghd, are as the Counel recalled, “noble and worthy." Tia they do not cewe tobe lawful if for causes independent Site ill of husband and wif, they are foreseen to be inf SEAS Shee they avays semnin ordained towards expressing SE Lenotdaung thet union in fet, as experience bess oun not every conju acts followed by anew lie, God TEPSRUYubponed naar lows and shythms of fecundity viichs ot shemseves, enue a separation in the succes of Sate! Nonetheless the Church, aling men back to che eee ah f te norms ofthe nual ave, a interpreted by Ree eamtant doctrine eaches tha each and every mange se ullder maurmond urs) must remain open t0 the Tans of ie en Te That teachings ote set forth by dhe magiteri, found upon the insparable connection, willed by God sad att ta be broken by man on his wn inte, betwen Te vo meanings of the conjugal act the unive meaning ia the procreat ve meaning Indeed, by its inmate srt, FRESE unite most closely uniting husband and wife, easel tne for the generstion of new lives ecording Se ceded in the wey Benga man and of woman. BY cere both thew extent spect the unite andthe 337 On The Regulation of Birth procreatve, the conjugal act preserves in is fullness the sense of true muta love and its ordination towards man’s most high caling to parenthood. We believe thatthe men of our day are particularly capable of sciing the deeply reasonable sand human character ofthis fundamental principle, 15, Ttisin face justly observed that a conjugal act imposed ‘upon one’s partner without regard for his oF her eondition and lawful desites is not a true act of love, and therefore Genies an exigency of right moral order in the relationships between husband and wife. Likewise, if they consider the ‘matter, they must admit that an act of mutual lovey which is deterimental to the faculty of propagating life, which God the Creator of all, has implanted in it according to special laws, is in contradiction to beth the divine plan, according to whose norm mateimony has been instituted, and the will of the Author of human life. To use this divine gift destroy- ing, even if only partially, its meaning and its prpote is (0 contradict the nature both of man of woman and of their ‘most intimate relationship, and therefore itis to contradict aso the plan of God and His will.On the other hand, to make tse of the gift of conjugal love while respecting the laws of the generative process means to acknowledge oneself not to bee the abiter of the sources of human life, but rather the minister of the design established by the Creator. In fact, just 25 man does not have unlimited dominion over his body ia general so also, with particular reason, he has no such dosnin- Jon over his generative faculties at ich, because of their intinsie ordination towards rising up life, of which God is the principle, “Human life is sacred,” Pope John XXUI re called; “tom its very inception it reveals the creating hand of God." 14, In conformity with these landmarks in the human and Chistian vision of marsage, we must once again declare that the dizect interruption of the generative processalready begun, and, above all, directly willed and procured abortion, even if| Tor therapeutic reasons, are to be absolutely excluded as lict smecans of regulating birth! * Equally 10 be excluded, as the teaching authority of the (Church has frequently declared, isdivect sterilization, whether nig. sz 193 nist 1195 1is6 ‘Offical Catholic Teachings: Love & Sexuality ae petal ot temporary, whether ofthe man or ofthe wor TES" Siy uclded ih every ation wih ether Sa 19. Our words would not be an adequate expression of, the thought and solitude ofthe Church, Mother and Teacher ‘of all peoples, if after having recalled men to the observance and respect of the divine law regarding matimony, we did not strengthen them in the path of honest regulation of bith, ‘ven amid the dificult conditions which today afflict families and peoples. The Church, in fact, cannot have 2 different ‘conduct towards men than of the Redeemer: She knows their weaknesses, his compassion on the ctowd, receives sinners but she eannot renounce the teaching ofthe law which Js, in realty, that law proper to a human life restored to its ofiginal uth and conducted by the spitt of God? 20. The teaching of the Church on the regulation of bizth, ‘which promulgates the divine lv, wil easly appear to many to be difficult or even impossible of actuation. And indeed, like all great beneficent realities, it demands serious engage meat and much effort, individu, family and social elfort More than that, it would not be practiable without the help ‘of God, who upholds and strengthens the good will of men. Yet, to anyone sho reflects well, it cannot but be clea that such efforts ennoble man and ate beneficial to the human, community. 1208 204 1206 107 1208, ‘Official Catholic Teachings: Love © Sexuality 342 21, The honest practice of regulation of birth demands fest of all that busband and wife acquire and possess solid Convictions eonceming the trie values of life and of the family, and that they tend towards securing perfect sel- mantery. To dominate instinct by means of one's reason land free will undoubtedly requires asctical practices, s0 that the affective manifestations of conjugal life may observe the ‘Conect ordes in particular with regard to the observance of periodic. continence. Yet this discipline which is proper to fhe purity of matied couples, far from harming conjugal lover rather confers on it a higher human value. t demands continual effore yet, thanks to its beneficent influence, t= ‘and and wife fully develop their personalities, being enriched duit spiritual values Such discipline bestows upon family life fruits of serenity and peace, and facilitates the solution of her problems; it favors attention for one’s partner, helps both parties to dive out selfishness, the enemy of tri loves ind deepens their sense of responsibility. By its means, par hs acquite the capacity of having 2 deeper and more efticay ious influence in the education of ther offspring litle chile fen and youths grow up with a just appraisal of human ‘ralues, and in the sefene and harmonious development oftheir spiritual and sensitive facbtes, 122. On this occasion, we wish to draw the attention of ‘educators and of all who perform duties of responsibilty in fegard to the common good of human society, tothe need of ‘Geating an atmosphere favorable (0 education in chastity, hae int to the tumph of healthy Uberty over license by means of eespect for the moral order. Tverything in the mademn media of social communications whieh leads to sense excitation and unbridled customs, as well we tvery fori of pornography and licentious performances, ust arouse the frank and unanimous reaction of all those Nino ate solicitous for the progress of civilization and the efense of the common good of the human spirit. Vainly vould one seck to justify such depravation with the pretext Branistic of scientilie exigencies?* or to deduce an argument from the fieedom allowed in this sector by the public aur thorities en en gn Jone enemas ba which ple authors can and min eontue tothe ‘in respect of moral law and the liberty of citizens. * ‘lun to this qcton one nich enviage tet and Sarnia naa pelts chante on lick of wisdom in govemment, on an insufficient sense Sosa nee ra doing 9 laudabygenerosnly evve their efforts. And may 1209 1210 rant 112 ais 12g ras as Official Catholic Teachings: Love & Sexuality 3a te is paniclaly desiable tat, according to the wish ak halyfexpsened by Pope Pht Sill, medical scence succeed se plonding sufficiently secure basis for a regulation of Bly fount onthe observance of aural hyhmt?? In Tee Magn scents and especialy Catholic sents {RE slbte to demonstrate in actual fact that a5 the Chur

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