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Examination of the cardiovascular system

Identifying murmurs
Examination of the Jugular Venous Pressure
Examination of the peripheral vascular system (incl. ABPI + BP)
Measurement of Blood Pressure
Measurement of the ankle-brachial pressure index.
Performing and interpreting an Electrocardiograph (ECG)
Examination of the respiratory system
Measurement of peak flow
Taking and interpreting Arterial Blood Gases (ABG’s)
Basic Life Support
Advanced Life Support
Basic artificial respiration
Respiratory function tests
Cardiovascular history taking
Respiratory history taking
Pleural Aspiration

Examination of the Nervous System, including cranial nerves, upper & lower limbs
Assessment of level of consciousness using Glasgow Coma Score
Assessment of Mental State incl. Mini-mental

Phlebotomy and Cannulation
Lumbar Puncture
Cross Infection and Infection Control
Blood Cultures
Setting up intravenous infusions

Taking a history of GI symptoms
Examination of the mouth
Nutritional Assessment
Examination of the abdomen
Examination of the groin and scrotum (chaperone)
Rectal & prostate examination
Proctoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy, Colonoscopy, Urethroscopy & Gastroscopy
Liver & Renal Biopsy
Insertion of a Nasogastric tube
Insertion of a Urinary Catheter
Intramuscular and Subcutaneous Injections
Calculation of drug doses

Breast examination
Examination of the neck and thyroid
Basic wound care
Gloving and gowning
General Skin Examination
Temperature taking

422. Perform an examination of the motor neurological system

438. Demonstrate the use of a Snellen chart to test visual acuity
445. Perform an eye examination including inspection, visual fields, visual acuity, eye
movement, pupillary reflexes and Ophthalmoscopy on a colleague
460. Identify appropriate skills to elicit an accurate history of chest pain
591. Demonstrate the ability to perform a full physical examination of elderly people
including systems often affected by illness in old age (locomotor, nervous and cardio-
respiratory systems). Know that some physical signs may be absent or altered in old age.
657. Demonstrate effective history taking with relation to prescribed drugs
658. Demonstrate effective history taking with relation to over the counter medication
Demonstrate effective history taking with relation to complementary and alternative
659. Demonstrate effective history taking with relation to illicit drug use
660. Demonstrate effective history taking with relation to allergies
677. Students should be able to calculate drug dosages based on patient weight or eGFR
(or creatinine clearance if eGFR unavailable)
678. Students should be able to calculate the strength of an infusion based on the
required rate of drug administration
679. Students should be able to prescribe oxgen (flow rate delivery)
680. Students should be able to give sc, im and iv injections
681. Students should be able to mix and inject drugs into an intravenous infusion bag
682. Students should be able to prepare and give drugs by infusion pump
683. Students should be able to prepare and give nebulised drugs

Be able to calculate body mass index and relate the result to the normal range Blood
Demonstrate urine and blood glucose testing to a patient
Describe the assessment and investigation of a patient with falls to establish the cause
Management of a seizure
992. Outline the process and role of self-examination
12. Explain to a patient the difference between a reliever and preventer inhaler and
the use of each in asthma management and explain to a patient how to use two
different sorts of inhaler including the use of metered dose inhaler with and without a
spacer to a patient
30. Give smoking cessation advice to a patient
229. Demonstrate a subcutaneous injection to a patient
314. Perform urethral catheterisation on male and female manikins and patients under
323. Describe how blood cultures are taken, processed and interpreted
351. Identify appropriate safety measures for obtaining and handling blood samples
472. Perform a twelve lead ECG on a colleague or patient

14. Be able to interpret spirometry Short and long synacthen tests
164. Describe and interpret biochemical tests used in assessing jaundice
Anion gap
490. Interpret a chest x-ray
270. Describe the interpretation of blood gas results with reference to acid-base
disorders Calculate and interpret the anion gap
Describe how you would perform short and long synacthen tests and explain how you
would interpret these
794. Outline the pathophysiology of the thyroid gland and be able to interpret thyroid
function tests and immunological tests.
Blood tests
323. Describe how blood cultures are taken, processed and interpreted
352. Interpret data from results of blood glucose, full blood count, lipid profile and
urea and electrolytes

657. Demonstrate effective history taking with relation to prescribed drugs

658. Demonstrate effective history taking with relation to over the counter medication Demonstrate
effective history taking with relation to complementary and alternative therapies]
659. Demonstrate effective history taking with relation to illicit drug use
660. Demonstrate effective history taking with relation to allergies
661. Demonstrate use of the British National Formulary to support prescribing
662. Discuss the role of the pharmacist in the multi-disciplinary team
677. Students should be able to calculate drug dosages based on patient weight or eGFR (or
creatinine clearance if eGFR unavailable)
678. Students should be able to calculate the strength of an infusion based on the required rate of drug
679. Students should be able to prescribe oxgen (flow rate delivery)
680. Students should be able to give sc, im and iv injections
681. Students should be able to mix and inject drugs into an intravenous infusion bag
682. Students should be able to prepare and give drugs by infusion pump
683. Students should be able to prepare and give nebulised drugs
PPD :Consent - 1
686. Provide sufficient information to a patient to facilitate informed consent
687. Apply the current guidelines (Department of Health & GMC) on consent when working with
693. Explain a doctor's duty to the child when a parent does not adhere to treatment instructions
697. Explain how resuscitation decisions are made and hospital guidelines on resuscitation are applied
706. Explain the main principles of the current Data Protection Legislation with reference to medical
708. Explain the circumstances under which patients can have access to their health records
710. Explain when medical records may be disclosed for formal proceedings
711. Explain the legal status of other forms of communication e.g. e-mail, letters, phone calls etc
776. Explain in detail common post-op complications, including symptoms and signs, investigations,
recognition of at risk patients, prevention and treatment. A thorough knowledge of the following should
be essential:
914. Explain how you would examine a patient to demonstrate inguinal or femoral hernias
272. Make a clinical assessment of intravascular volume
511. Demonstrate the positioning of defibrillator gel pads and safe use of a defibrillator
575. Identify principles underlying common assessment scales used in managing older people.

Communication Skills
• Explain – Difference between preventer & reliever asthma inhalers

- how to ↓allergen exposure

- what will happen when they go for upper GI endoscopy

- to a diabetic how to prevent foot problems

- to pt taking insulin how to recognise & prevent hypos

- to pt. they must not stop glucocorticoid therapy suddenly

- how HIV is transmitted & preventative measures to avoid

infection. Distinguish between HIV & AIDS

- to staff member how to reduce risk of cross-infection

- to increase iron/folate&vitB12 intake

- risks and benefits of transfusion to a patient

- how to take sublingual GTN

- diagnosis of COPD to a patient & discuss treatment options inc.

smoking cessation

• Give advice - smoking cessation

- appropriate avoidance of drugs, foods & alcohol whilst

taking warfarin

- DVT/PE prophylaxis during travel

- a pt with diabetes on diet, exercise & smoking

- elderly pt how to alter home environment to reduce risk of

• Hx – Abdo

- Dietary

- Antibiotic allergy

- Travel

- Back pain

- From older person inc info on functional ability & social support

- Drugs – prescribed, OTC, comp & alternative therapies, illicit

- Allergy

- Resp

- Alcohol dependence & substance misuse

• Discuss aims of management with a pt with diabetes

• Written clinical communication

• Motivational interviewing

• Communicating with people with learning disability

• Assess developmental milestones

• Psychiatric interviewing

• Dealing with distress, anger & hostility

• Interpreter

• Consent

• Confidentiality

• Fill out a death certificate

• Risk

• Survival-analysis theory (Kaplan-Meier curves)

Written clinical communication
Diagnostic reasoning
Presenting to colleagues
History of alcohol dependence and overview of substance misuse
Lumps, breast and thyroid assessment
Clinical Demonstration: Formulating psychiatric assessments

Drug prescribing and administration

Working with interpreters
ABG, Oxygen therapy
Survival analysis-theory and communication
Fill out a death certificate.
Describe how to perform a liver biopsy, the precautions required and the
contraindications to biopsy.
16. Describe in brief how a patient's level of consciousness can be graded a) in
terms of the Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) and b) using the hepatic
encephalopathy grading system. (PBL T1)
17. Outline information that needs to be elicited in order to assess suicidal
intention. (session)

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