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The dentist looks at the child& mouth and old BW was with him when age
was 7 yrs. In those BW, 84 has deep distal caries till
gingiva with 1/4th pulp involved & 75 has occlusal caries touching the pulp
horns. The child had slight
sensitivity to cold in 75 and some pain in 84 on eating or biting.

1. What would have been the ideal treatment for 75 at that time?
A. indirect pulp capping & steel crown.
B. pulpotomy& steel crown.
C. pulpectomy& steel crown.
D. Extraction and space maintainer.
E. Ortho consultation, extraction, space maintainer.

2. Bitewing of 84, what is the treatment for 84?

A. indirect pulp capping & steel crown.
B. pulpotomy& steel crown.
C. pulpectomy& steel crown.
D. Extraction and space maintainer.
E. Ortho consultation, extraction, space maintainer.

3. What is your present treatment plan if the girl is going to USA in 6 months
A. extraction 84 & 75. Use space maintainer.
B. extract 84,75,44. Refer to oral surgeon for that.
C. refer to oral surgeon & orthodontist for extraction 84,75,44,35 plus follow
up overseas.
D. restore 84 & 75 and wait

10 year old girl, who is going abroad in few weeks comes for regular check-
up. Everything looks okay, good oral hygiene, no complains. You took OPG.

1. OPG:
A. is contraindicated below 12 years.
B. dose is less than combined 2 BW & 1 periapical X-ray.
C. gives better periapical view
2. On the OPG you can see 75 & 84 are heavily restored with amalgam
including part of pulp chamber. Below these 2 elements big circular well
defined radiolucency and developing premolars underneath. What is the
diagnosis of 75?
A. periapical abscess.
B. dentigerous cyst.
C. Granuloma.
D. radicular cyst.

3. The dentist looks at the child’s old BW when age was 7 yrs. In those
BW, 84 has deep distal caries till gingiva with 1/4th pulp involved & 75 has
occlusal caries touching the pulp horns. The child had slight sensitivity to
cold in 75 and some pain in 84 on eating or biting. What would have been the
ideal treatment for 75 at that time?
A. indirect pulp capping & steel crown.
B. pulpotomy& steel crown.
C. pulpectomy& steel crown.
D. Extraction and space maintainer.
E. Ortho consultation, extraction, space maintainer.

4. Bitewing of 84, what is the treatment for 84?

A. indirect pulp capping & steel crown.
B. pulpotomy& steel crown.
C. pulpectomy& steel crown.
D. Extraction and space maintainer.
E. Ortho consultation, extraction, space maintainer.

5. What is your present treatment plan if the girl is going to USA in 6 months
A. extraction 84 & 75. Use space maintainer.
B. extract 84,75,44. Refer to oral surgeon for that.
C. refer to oral surgeon & orthodontist for extraction 84,75,44,35 plus follow
up overseas.
D. restore 84 & 75 and wait

A 35 year old man comes to your practice with the complaint of a cavity on
the side of right back teeth. Picture shows posterior teeth in occlusion with
bucco-cervical carious lesion on 16. Molar relation is class III & anterior
teeth are in cross bite.

1. What is the other tool you will use for diagnosis of occlusion?
A. lateral cephalograph.
B. make study casts.
C. clinical examination

2. How do you approach patient?

A. explain the situation, positive and negative points of treatment or non-
B. refer to orthodontist.
C. don't say anything, patient is not interested.
D. Ask him and if he is concerned about his malocclusion, discuss in details
the treatment plan and
all up to date data of the treatment.

3. Ortho diagnosis for this patient is:

A. Class I.
B. Class II division 1.
C. Class II division 2.
D. Class III.

4. When is the best time to treat this malocclusion?

A. Before 8 years for maxillary expansion.
B. Before growth spurt to get maximum benefit of growth.
C. After 18-24years to get benefit of surgery.

5. If you are going to commence orthodontic treatment for this patient, how
will you restore tooth #16?
A. Resin modified GIC.
B. Elective RCT and crown.
C. Crown for better prognosis with orthodontic treatment.
D. Extract

A 22 years patient named Martin, a native Australian came to your clinic

complaining of unilateral jaw pain
on waking up each morning, which subsides as the day progressed. He was
living with his wife and 3
Q1 Based on the symptoms what would be the diagnosis?
A. Bruxism
B. Pericoronitis
C. Trigeminal Neuralgia
D. Myo-fascial Pain Dysfunction Syndrome

Q2 Initially when you asked him about any medication that he is taking he
denied, then when you
revealed some signs associated with the medication he revealed he was
taking some medication for
Tardive dyskenisia. Which medication it could be?
A. Anti-psychotic
B. Anti-retroviral
C. anti-coagulant

Q3. What could be the major problem in the patient with this condition?
A. Taking a bite-wing Xray
B. Impression making
C. Block injection

Q4. Will his medication and condition have any effect on his oral health?
A. Yes, LA dose needs to be adjusted
B. No
C. Destructive effect on oral tissues

Q5. The patient was very anxious for the dental treatment, what you should
A. Conscious sedation
B. Let the partner stay in the surgery to relieve his apprehension
C. General Anesthesia
D. Oral Anxiolytics

A 60 year male has had 16 extracted. He comes after 10weeks that his
socket has still not healed. He is
on alendronate for the last 6 years.

1. What is alendronate is prescribed for?

A. osteoporosis
B. osteoarthritis
C. multiple myleoma

B. Dry socket
C. Osteoradionecrosis
D. Bisphosphonate (osteonecrosis of the jaw)

3.Treatment ?
A. Leave it alone
B. Primary closure of the socket
C. Bone graft
D. Curette the socket

4. What to discuss with pt GP ?

A. stop treatment (alendronate )
B. Give antibiotic
C. Change to another medication to non nitrogen
D. Nothing

5. How long it is going to take to heal?

A. 3 months
B. 6 months
C. one year
D. never

A Patient comes to your surgery after a crazy night of party and He cannot
recall any event from last
night and, he thinks he was assaulted and suffered a blow or trauma. He tells
you that he woke up very
sore and his bite doesn’t feels right (X-ray as I remember shows
displacement of fractured fragments)

1. According to the Australian Medical Guidelines how many standard rinks

per day is the
maximum recommended for a male?
A. 1.
B. 2.
C. 4.
D. 8.

2. How many millilitres of alcohol are in 1 standard drink?

A. 10ml.
B. 20ml.
C. 25ml.
D. 50ml.

3. Posteroanterior view of left half of the skull, identify the abnormality?

A. Left condylar fracture with displacement
B. Sub condylar fracture.
C. body fracture.
D. ramus fracture.
E. left condylar fracture.

4. What is the treatment?

A. Soft diet and observe
B. Closed reduction.
C. Open reduction.
D. Inter maxillary fixation.
E. Elastic intermaxillary fixation.

5. What is the most common long term complication?

A. Malocclusion.
B. Loss of balance.
C. Right TMJ dysfunction.
D. Left TMJ dysfunction.

A 22 years old girl with Pericoronitis , severe pain in lower right 3rd molar
which is impacted, patient desires the tooth to be removed. You gave
amoxicillin to patient and she comes back to you after 4 days with rashes
and itching on her skin.

1. What is rate of urticarial for penicillin in population?

A. 5%.
B. 15%.
C. 25%.
D. 50%.

2. What is your immediate management for this patient?

A. Ask her to continue medication as penicillin allergy will not occur 4 days
B. Prescribe antihistamine and change the antibiotic
C. Ask her to continue the medication, this is a normal reaction of this
D. Leave it and ask her to come back in one week for a review

3. What would you do as a local treatment for this patient (pericoronitis)?

A. Hot saline rinses. Warm saline irrigation
B. Povidone iodine rinses.
C. Immediate removal of 3rd molar.
D. Operculectomy.
E. Essential oil extract.

4. In 2 weeks acute symptoms have subsided you decide to extract lower 3rd
molar. What antibiotic would you prescribe?
A. Clindamycin 600 mg, iv 1 hour before the procedure.
B. Clindamycin 600 mg, 8 hourly/day for 5 days.
C. Erythromycin 500 mg 8 hourly for 5 days.
D. Metronidazole 400 mg for 5 days.

5. Risk of lingual nerve injury following wisdom tooth extraction?

A. no risk.
B. 1:10.
C. 1:100.
D. 1:1000.
E. 1:500.

Ear pain is not referred from

A. Upper molar
B. Lower molar
C. Trachea

You are postered in a dental facility 200 kms in rural Australia where a lot of
old patients visit from the old age homes.
1. First patient was fragile, stayed in an old age home facility. How to prevent
legionella infection?
A. Use of bi-carbonate
B. Flushing of water for 30 secs at the start of the day
C. Flushing water for 3 mins start and end of the day

2. The 2nd patient had recent Tuberculosis requiring immediate root canal
access opening to be done. What infection control procedures should be
A. Use of normal mask
B. Use of P295 respirator mask
C. Use of Continuous Positive airway pressure (CPAP)
D. Entire room in negative pressure

3. Management wants to evaluate sterilization procedures by autoclave are

effective. What would be the best way to determine them?
A. Steam under pressure at 134 C for 2 mins
B. Steam under pressure at 134 C for 3 mins
C. Steam under pressure at 136 C for 3 mins
D. Steam under pressure at 138 C for 2 mins

Q.4 One patient had a past H/O CJD comes to you for dental treatment. What
additional infection control procedures would you undertake?
A. Discard the instruments after the end of the treatment
B. Routine infection control measures as the prions are not active
C. Fumigate the entire room after treatment

A 35 year old man comes to your practice with the complaint of a cavity on
the side of right back teeth. Picture shows posterior teeth in occlusion with
bucco-cervical carious lesion on 16. Molar
relation is class 1 & anterior teeth are in cross bite.

I. What is the other tool you will use for diagnosis of occlusion?
A. Lateral cephalograph.
B. Make study casts.
C. Clinical examination, see difference between occlusion and retruded
II. How do you approach patient?
A. Explain the situation, positive and negative points of treatment or non-
B. Refer to orthodontist.
C. Don't say anything, patient is not interested.
D. Ask him and if he is concerned about his malocclusion, discuss in details
the treatment plan
and all up to date data of the treatment.

III. Ortho diagnosis for this patient is:

A. Class I.
B. Class II division 1.
C. Class II division 2.
D. Class III.

IV. When is the best time to treat this malocclusion?

A. Before 8 years for maxillary expansion.
B. Before growth spurt to get maximum benefit of growth.
C. After 18-24years to get benefit of surgery.

V. If you are going to commence orthodontic treatment for this patient, how
will you restore
tooth #16?
A. Resin modified GIC.
B. Elective RCT and crown.
C. Crown for better prognosis with orthodontic treatment.
D. Extract

Most common cause of cancer of tongue is

1. Pierre robin syndrome

2. Plummer vision syndrome

3. Leukoplakia

4. Geographic tongue
If the paracetamol tablet contains 500 mg, how many tablet do you need to
take in a single time to exceed the toxic dose :
A- 5
B- 10
C- 15
D- 20

Risk of lingual nerve injury following wisdom tooth extraction is

A. No risk

B. 1 in 10

C. 1 in 100

D. 1 in 1000

E. 1 in 500

Total diameter =3.5+3.5= 7

Distance between two implants =3 mm
Distance between implant and adjacent tooth =1.5 mm ( on both side 1.5+1.5=3 )
Total =7+3+3=13 mm.

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