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Non Fiction Response

Dreams: Why Do We Dream?

1. Some researchers think dreaming is really important. dreams are the
mechanism whereby the brain incorporates memories, solves problems and
deals with emotions. might have evolved for physiological reasons. Dreams are
important for emotional health. We should enjoy the show our brain puts for us.
Studies show that people still do not know why we dream?
2. The connections I can make with this article is that I love dreaming a lot but I
always do wonder why did i dream about that?
3. The author is trying to inform people. The author is trying to inform people how
people do not know why we don't have a answer to dreaming.
4. The audience is the people that are aware of dreaming and not knowing why.
5. The most relevant details was when it states that dreams are the mechanism
when the brain saves memories, solves problems and deals with emotions.
6. The most prevalent in the writing is logos. “According to Jim Pagel, MD, Director
of the Sleep Disorders Center of Southern Colorado, "If dreaming has an actual
function, it really supports why we spend a third of our lives sleeping.” “A few
years after the REM discovery, Michel Jouvet, MD, of Claude Bernard University
in Lyon, France, recognized that brain activity during REM sleep resembles that
of wakefulness.” “...conducted by William C. Dement, MD, PhD, in 1960, the
psychological effects of REM deprivation were discovered by waking subjects
just as they began dreaming.”
7. The possible theme for the text is to just enjoy what our brain shows us.
8. This helped me understand because dreams can help our emotional health.
9. I would not change any element
10. Dreams are really important for the brain. Dreams are important for the brain
because it helps our brain rests but also helps with our emotional health. National
Sleep Foundation states, “In this way, she maintains, dreams are essential for
our emotional health.” (National Sleep Foundation) This shows dreams are made
to help us with our emotional health. That way we have a way to deal with it.
Dreams are really important for us and the brain.

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