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Thesc *lll appear to be funny. -'- \

I carrled out experimcnts wlth tbe cows I had to find out
how far prenatal epoch worls. I took my cows to tho
Veterinary hospital, had them inoculated-inoculation and ejcc-
tion for co *'s is only once-noted the date of lnoculation and
tbe delivery of the calf. I found a lot of disagrcement. Latcr
I collectcd data from matcrnity hospltal and found that thG
prcnatal epoch ls not rellablo and hclpful whereas it ls usclcse
ln the cascs of those born with a pcrlod of one hour. Thus
I havc done experimcnts which arc raro but whlch opcn our €yct.
Whereabouts of Fetbrr

"Oh fathcr-Where are you ? cries thls ron-having

lcft hla house, without eny lnformallon, thc fatbcr, may bo
roamiog about or might havc attelncd ctcrnal rcst. iWho can
say what could have bappencd to him? or if ho is alivc lcading
a secludcd lifc, who can predict scientifically crccpt learacd
actrologers ?

To find out thc truth, honry astrology ls thc moot corrcct

Bethod as thc horoscopoiof tho.nativc who ls abFent or that of
thc coo msy or say not bo corrcot,

So ask the son to givc a numbcr betwecn I arld 249.

Thc son cayr "139";

Ercct a chart for the moment at whlch thc aslrologer
bcglns to work for the judgment. One nced not worry about
tho tlmc takon to cast the chart if hc at once proceeds to work.

Tlme of tbe commencemest of tho worting of thc ciart is

to bc compared to "Boopadana" i.e., thc moment when a child
ls out of the mother in full. Timc of commcncemcnt of judg.
ment in continuatlon without a brerk ls slmllar to thc chlld
after a fcw minutes havc passed from the mom€nt of Boopadana.
Ilencc one should take only the moment when ono starts erectlng
.a chart and in coatinuation offers the predlction. Now it is
7-20 A.M. I.S.T. on 24-7.1969. Placc of judgmcot 22" 33'

- rE So, erect a horoseope, taking the ascendant as 20o Libra-

- Nirayana which is thc position for the numbdr 139 given by the
, 8on (Refer the ready reckoner given in July 1968 issue Astrology
, and Athrisbta or the book Krishnamurtl Ephemeris or Krishna-
murti Padhdhati).
As the 9tb house lvl Rahu
23. 50'l
fiJ:'p |
represents fatber, his I o'zs' I

vrr 2oo I 'nY'11


walking out of thehouss i


rhould bc judged from

A M. I.S.T.
the houses 3,9 and 12 I v 23'50', 7-2024-7-1969
counted from 9th house,
i.e., to this lagna llth,
ltl--l 22'33' North
Ayanamta 23o 20'
Balance Jupiter
5th and 8th houses to lv Dasa 6 yrs
2t 50, 9 months 4 days | 2lo
Juplter and Kethu are
t:=" ia ll, Rahu ib ln 5 and
Vcnus is in 8.

Rahu lc ln Jupiter star : None ln Kethu's star: None ir

Rahu star, Saturn is in Venus star. As Jupltcr Dasa is running,
hc ought to have left the houee during Jupiter Dasa Saturn
Bhukthi Kethu Anthra Ratru Shookshma in April, May 1963 or
Jupiter Dasa Kethu Bhukthi Saturn Aothra Rabu Shookshma in
:fanuary 1968." Now we have to see the transit on both
oocaslons and fix up.

"True, Sir: my father left on 9-5-t963".


"Please find out when he will return if he is alivc".

For any action dono by ono, the l2th house therefrom is to
-undo lt. Separation came because of the sigoificators of 3, 9
'-snd houees counted from the 9th. Therefore take houses 2,
8 and ll counted from the 9th. It means judge thc houses 10,
i-- 4 and 7th counted from lagna. No planet occupios any of
tbese 3 houses 10" 4 ot 7. Owncrs aro Moon, Sgturn and Mars.
i |.[o planet lo Moon's star. Sun, Mars and Mercury aro io

.saturn star. Venus ls tn Mars star. His return will be during
Jupiter Dasa Sun Bhukthi Venus Anthra Marg Shookehma, 1.o., \
around 4tb weck ofJuly, 1971.

"Hotiv clo you take Sun sub-period. lt can be Moon or

Mars sub-period also."
Now the point which rises ln thc east is Simha-Leo lagna. It ls
ncither Karkata-Cancer, nor Scorpio.
Secondly, the lagoa is in Poorvapalgunl star ruled by Vcnus.
Further Moon is in Venus sign-Jupiter star. Qucr_y is tofind out'
thc father's dare of return. So take thc ruling planets. Juplter
Dasa Venus Bhukrhi, Sun, Moon and Mars Anthra passed.away.
So, thc next date is only Jupiter Dasa Sun Bhukthi .Vcnus
Also note the transit. Jupiter from itr retrogradc iotioo '
tates direct course in Mars sign Jupiter star ln the th-week of '-.
July, 1971. Venus will be in Jupiter star Sun sub. Sun-will bc
ln Moon sign.' Mars in exaltation in its own star. Saturn ln
Suo's star Venus sub. So one should predict 4tb lr€€k of July,
" l97l to be the safe return of the fatber.
"So, two more years."
"Yes, What to do ?"
"Can I pray to God, Sir ? Will it not help for early
rcturn ?"

"Whether you pray or oot, publish in the paper or not, his

date of return wlll and must be 4th weck of July, 1971."

Overseas-When ?

Dcar friend !
One should know whether one is promised to go overseas
of oot; theo alone one should think'whcn one will bo going.
are a wonderful bcy. -Xou select the name to be given to .2,.-*,
your child at the time you rebain unmarried. Should not you ' i
find whether mcrriage is promised-and then whethcr you cao i

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