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The Target Market and Potential Customers

A target market is a group of customers a business has

decided to aim its marketing efforts and ultimately its
merchandise towards.

//A well-defined target market is the first element of a

marketing strategy. A target market is a group of people
considered likely to buy a product or service. //

 Government Sectors like Police and Defence

 Out Door Enthusiasts and Off Roaders
 Golf and Shuttle Ranges
 Amusement Parks and Racing Tracks
 Tourism Department For recreational Purposes

Along with all these Target customers, We are also trying to target the “ Indian” Customer, Who
wants something really attractive but at a reasonable Market Price. Something he could show off to
the world but also have great fun riding. Durable , Fashionable , Fuel Efficient and something that
provides a great deal of Value for money is the demand from the Indian Market. And That is exactly
What we are going to Give them.

Along with this There is a notice trend in other countries that quad Bikes are used by plantation
owners to easily move around their plantations and for other agriculture purposes. They are also
called farmer’s friend. They will serve as potential customers for us.

Other Potential Customers Include rich Farm house owners, Politicians and pleasure drivers who
might the bike for spin once in a while.

Side Note ;
 With the intensive roles of mechanization of traditionally labour as present, agriculture will
be assisted much by ATVs which would be perfect for enhancing labour productivity and
therefore contribute to agricultural development. Also, a strong tourism sector could help
with the purchase of vehicles for recreational use

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