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Grave of the fireflies is one of the most important anti-war movies of all time, it received a
huge critical acclaim for its anti-war message;

The movie is one of the most revealing movies of the hardships of war and the attempts of
recovering by the society, grave of the fireflies its usually associated with the warning of the
need of having a bx of tissues due to the sadness associated with the movie.

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The film takes place in 1945 japan, and its main focus are the hardships endured by its
population in special the main characters Seita e Setsuko, a couple of siblings who loose their
mother during an American bombing raid over Tokyo.

After moving in with their aunt they soon loose their food rations and are forced to leave their
aunts house’s and move into an abandoned bomb shelter.

Unlike a “typical” war movie this one doesn’t have the trilling action of a war movie, instead
this movie reaches a new emotional level with its message.

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The movie starts with the criminal fire-bombing of Tokyo. Seita’s and setsuko’s house and their
entire neighborhood is gone. They both stay at a school for shelter and supplies. Their mother
is badly injured and shortly dies of the burns sustained during the raid.

This forces seita to grow up and deal with the reality around him, making decisions that
otherwise he wouldn’t make.

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After learning of its mothers death, seita and setsuko move in with their aunt. The food rations
start become less available and their aunt resents seita because he’s not contributing to the
war effort and to the house.

This makes seita and setsuko leave their aunt’s house and move in to the abandoned bomb

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While at the shelter, they use fireflies to light the shelter during the night, in the morning
setsuko finds them dead and makes a little grave for them. While she buries the fireflies
setsuko asks seita why they (fireflies) have to die like their mother.

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During this time their start to running low on food and setsuko suffer from malnutrition, at the
same time seita learns that Japan lost the war and his father is most likely dead (his cruiser was
sunken in 1944 during the battle of leyte gulf in the Philippines). After withdrawing all his
money from the bank to buy food he returns to the shelter to find setsuko hallucinating after
feeding her she falls asleep.
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Setsuko dies from malnutrition. In order to cremate her seita sells most of its belongings. After
collecting her ashes, he puts them in a fruit drop tin that setsuko used to love together with
their father’s picture. in the end seita also dies from malnutrition in a train station;

The final scene gives the viewer a feeling of hopelessness, that the horrors of war only end
with the death of the innocent, that war only leads to more death and more hatred.

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