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My Worst Trip

It happened four years ago. My family and i decided t otravel to Buenos

Aires, Argentina por vacations. We chose this destination because we have
some relatives who could host us, letting us to save some money. We
arrived well at the airport, everything seemed fine, the only detail was that
the place where we were going to stay was far from Buenos Aires
downtown. We took a taxi from the airport and we gave the adress to the
driver, the district was called Versalles.
For the most part of the ride everything seemed fine, after 50 minutes we
started to notice we were reaching to some unexpected places, we started
to worry because we realised that this place was a "villa", that how people
call the slums of Argentina, it turned out the driver was lost and wasn't able
to find the adress. We start yelling at him and telling to take us out of that
place. then the taxi driver return to Buenos Aires downtown, then we took
another taxi from there, this time the driver could find the adress and we
arrived safe at our relative’s house.

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