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Mock test Happy Street 1 (units 5-6)

1.) Napiši brojeve slovima: /5

4 _______________________________________________________
17 _______________________________________________________

2.) Napiši reči za date slike: /10

1._________________________________ 2.________________________________

3._________________________________ 4.______________________________

5._________________________________ 6._______________________________

7._________________________________ 8.__________________________________

9.________________________________ 10._________________________________

3.) Spoji pitanja i odgovore tako što ćeš pored svakog broja pitanja napisati slovo odgovora: /10

1. Have you got a sister? A It’s in the wardrobe. 1_____

2. Is it in the cupboard? B Yes, I have. 2 _____
3. Anything else? C Peppers? No. 3 _____
4. What’s that? D Here you are. 4 _____
5. Where’s my hamster? E No, thank you. 5 _____
6. Can I have two apples, please? F Yes, I have a torch. 6 _____
7. Do you like peppers? G Burger and chips. 7 _____
8. What’s your favourite lunch? H It’s a door. 8 _____
9. Have you got a torch? I No, it’s white. 9 _____
10. Is it a black dog? J Yes. 10_____
4.) Napiši gde se nalazi: /5

1. It’s __________________________________________________

2. It’s __________________________________________________

3. It’s _________________________________________________

4. It’s _________________________________________________

5. It’s __________________________________________________

5.) Popuni tabelu: / 10

yellow fourteen kitchen six twenty green black
bedroom three purple

6.) Popuni rečenice datim rečima: / 10

feathers close there’s go haven’t count can your hamster washing
1. Let’s_____________________to the park.
2. Can you ____________________ to twenty? – Yes.
3. There are _____________________everywhere!
4. Hammy’s in the____________________ machine!
5. ____________________ I play?
6. ____________________ your eyes.
7. I____________________ got a bike.
8. Where’s my____________________?
9. Dear penfriend. Thank you for ____________________ letter.
10. ____________________ a radio on the cupboard.

1) 4 four 15 fifteen 18 eighteen 9 nine 17 seventeen

2) 1. bike 2. bed 3. yo-yo 4. skipping rope 5. bat

6. alarm clock 7. lamp 8. skateboard 9. wardrobe 10. kite

3) 1 B_ 2 J_ 3 E_ 4 H_ 5 A_ 6 D_ 7 C_ 8 G_ 9 F_ 10 I_

4) 1. It’s in the bed.

2. It’s on the dinosaur.
3. It’s under the chair.
4. It’s on the skateboard.
5. It’s under the book.


fourteen kitchen yellow
six bedroom green
twenty black
three purple

6) 1. go 2. count 3. feathers 4. washing 5. can

6. close 7. haven’t 8. hamster 9. your 10. there’s

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