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Rhetorical Analysis Revision Essay

Abigail Adams Essay

Abigail Adams writes a letter to her son ; John Quincy Adams , in a very motherly tone. She expresses

her desire for her son to be successful by giving him advisement tat should lead him through the rest of

his life. Ms. Adam’s achieves her purpose by utilizing allusion, antanagoge, and pathos.

Abigail Adams utilizes allusion in order to create a better understanding for John Quincy

Adams…making a more persuasive letter. Allusion is an expression designed to call something to mind

without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference. Adams notes “and form the character

of the hero and the statesmen” because she compares “superficial” characters that many people

commonly look up to . The use of this allusion was intended to boost John Quincy Adam’s confidence

and delivers encouragement .

Abigail Adams also utilizes antanagoge in order to prove her point on not being a product of the

environment her son has been inevitably put in. Adams notes “great necessities call out great virtues”

and alludes to “when a mind is raised…animated by scenes that engage the heart” and “war, tyranny” to

explain that impose a different light for John Quincy Adams to view by opposing his own .

Abigail Adams also utilizes pathos in order to create a motherly tone that most of us are used to

hearing. Adams notes a numerous amount of terms such as “ my son” and “you” that always draws a

person in to listen closer…especially if it is coming from their mother.

The overall tone of this passage is conveyed by anaphora ,allusion, pathos, and antanagoge. The

result of the tone Abigail Adams presents is a sense of urgency but also reassurance. Ms. Adams takes

her stance as a mother, whilst delivering her ideal to John Quincy Adams as a adult utilizing all of the

rhetorical devices presented.

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