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Jaelyn Whiting

TV Broadcasting and Politics Essay

Television has not had a positive impact on presidential elections. In fact, they do anything but create a

self-renowned response only benefiting themselves.

The negative influence produced arises from the American citizens daily dosage of television.

Citizens are so dependent on television that they become gullible to whatever comes out. Source B

claims that “because of televisions sense of intimacy…(2)”, and “because of mediums…(3)”, people don’t

look at presidents on televisions as respective figures. They are “judged by the standards used to assess

rock singers’ and movie stars”.

This as a negative influence on presidential elections because these people are actually trying to

run for president. How ironic is that? Due to controversy around what is presented on television, it can

lower a presidential candidates lections.

Opponents may say that television has had a positive effect on presidential elections. According

to Menand, “holding a presidential election today…undemocratic”(Source C). Television has pursued

candidates as images rather than pursuing issues. One commentator states that “an effective president

must every year be more concerned…(Source C). This gives the assumption that television is the main

influencer in elections leading candidates to try and be that standard.

By simply not allowing presidential elections to be incorporated in television , It wouldn’t allow

for the influence of any mind rendering impacts, good nor bad. Roppel notes that “it is a joke to call an

event like the one…(Source F). Although it may be a “joke” , no matter who the viewer is everyone takes

“jokes” differently. This can negatively and positively effect a election.

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