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Exceries 5 tenses

 Change into form introgative and negative!

(simple present tense)
she / to collect / stickers -
they / to play / a game -
the cat / to sleep / in the cat's bed -
she / often / to dream -
he / to play / streetball -

 Change into form posstive!

(present perfect tense)

they / ask / a question -

he / speak / English -
I / be / in my room -
we / wash / the car -
Annie /forget/ her homework –

 Change into form Positive!

(simple past tense)

We open the door. →

You write poems. →
Richard plays in the garden. →
Kerry does not speak English. →
Do you see the bird? →
 Transform the sentences below into negative sentences.

(present continous tense)

1. I am watching TV. -
2. I am talking. -
3. They are drawing. -
4. He is opening the window. -
5. Angela is cleaning the bathroom. –

 Change into form simple future !

they / share / their sweets

 Positive:
 Negative:
 Question:

he / pay / cash

 Positive:
 Negative:
 Question:

I / close / the door

 Positive:
 Negative:
 Question

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