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The following the to answer questions 1 to 2!

Dearest Clara,
Mom and Dad will go home late. Don’t forget to cook some rice, warm the food and tidy up the
family room and my room



1. Who wrote the message?

a. Mom and Dad
b. Clara
c. Mom
d. Dad

2. From the text we know that Clara has to ….

a. Cook some rice
b. Warm the food
c. Tidy up the room
d. Do the house chores

The following the to answer questions 3 to 4!

Dear Bryan,
Remember you won’t pass the final examination unless you study harder. Do your best son.

3. What does Bryan’s mother want him to do?
a. To remember the final exam
b. To pass the final exam
c. To do the final exam
d. To study harder
4. “Remember you won’t pass the …”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to …
a. Finish
b. Succeed
c. Perform
d. Complete

The following the to answer questions 5 to 6!

To: Ryan

Buddy, I’ve just received news from Herdy. This afternoon Mrs Ida wants us to finish
our projects at school. Please don’t come late. Our group presentation must be good next week!

5. Why did the writer ask Ryan to come to school?

A. To finish their project.
B. To meet his teacher.
C. To receive Herdy’s present.
D. To ask for his buddy’s friend.
6 What is the relationship between Ryan and the writer?
A. Brothers.
B. Relatives.
C. Roommates.
D. Classmates.

The following the to answer questions 7 to 8!

To: Akmal

Sorry for not able to join the Ramadhan Brealfasting Together program in your house this afternoon. My mom is
suddenly ill and has to be hospitalized. I have to accompany her.

Your friend

7 Why couldn’t Akbar join the program?

a. He must stay at home with his father
b. His mother is sick and must stay in the hospital
c. He is very busy with his parents at home
d. His father is hospitalized this afternoon
8. Why did the writer write this kind of the text to his friend?
a. To tell him that his mother is sick
b. To show that Akbar is very sad
c. To ask for apology to his frined
d. To inform the breakfasting program

The following the to answer questions 9 to 10!

To : Margareta

Margaret, please tell Mrs. Ayuni that I couldn’t join the math class tomorrow. I have to go with y Mum to
Surabaya for visiting my grandma who is sick now. I will be there for three days.


9. Dinda didn’t attend the math class because….

a. She was sick
b. She got an accident
c. Her mother took her to the hospital
d. She visited her sick grandma in Surabaya
10. The purpose of sending the message is …
a. To ask for clarification
b. To ask for permission
c. To describe Dinda’s trip
d. To share Dinda’s problem

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 and 2.

Dear Mira,

I’m sorry I have to tell you that I can’t come to your house to work on our project as we have planned before.
Unexpected thing happens. My grandma must be hospitalized soon. I’ll tell you about our plan later.


1. From the message above we know that....

A. Dinda and Mira have to work together on their project

B. Dinda’s grandma involves in project

C. Dinda dan her grandma will meet Mira at the hospital

D. Dinda expects Mira to stay in the hospital with her

2. What did Dinda’s purpose to write such kind of message?

A. To tell about her sick grandma

B. To give information about the delay of an activity

C. To ask Mira to work on their project

D. To persuade Mira to change the project

Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 1 dan 2.
1. Perhatikan kalimat “I can’t conic to your house to work on our project as we have planned
before” (Saya tidak bisa datang ke rumahmu untuk mengerjakan proyek kita seperti yang telah kita
rencanakan sebelumnya). Kalimat tersebut memberi isyarat bahwa Mira dan Dinda harus bekerja
sama mengerjakan proyek mereka, pilihan yang tepat adalah Dinda and Mira have to work together
on their project.
Jawaban: A

2. Perhatikan kalimat:
- “I can’t conic to your house to work on our project as we have planned before” (Saya tidak bisa
datang ke rumahmu untuk mengerjakan proyek kita seperti yang telah kita rencanakan
- “I’ll tell you about our plan later” (saya beritahu kamu tentang rencana kita nanti)
Dari kalimat tersebut kita dapat mengetahui bahwa tujuan Dinda menulis pesan tersebut "What did
Dinda’s purpose to write such kind of message?" adalah untuk mengabarkan penundaan
kegiatan To give information about delay of an activity yang telah direncanakan.
Jawaban: B

Read the following text to answer questions number 3.

To : Sant

I’ve just got the news that our grandmother passed away two hours ago. We are going to leave for Purworejo soon to
attend the funeral.
Please be here before 7 p.m.


3. What does Tati tell Santi?

A. The death of their grandmother

B. The plan to have a burial ceremony

C. The plan to do it before 7 p.m

D. The ceremony for the death person

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 3.
3. Tati memberitahukan pada Santi bahwa nenek mereka meninggal. Sesuai dengan teks "I’ve just
got the news that our grandmother passed away two hours ago". Berarti jawaban yang tepat
adalah The death of their grandmother.
Jawaban: A

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 and 5.

Rani, sorry I can't come to your house tonight to do the wall magazine project as we have planned. My grandmother
has just come and she wants me to accompany her to my aunt's house. I will meet you at school tomorrow.


4. What is Erika and Rani's plan?

A. To say sorry

B. To meet Rani's aunt

C. To accompany her grandmother

D. To do the wall magazine project together

5. From the short message we know that Erika will be . . . tonight.

A. In her grandmother's house

B. In her aunt's house

C. In her own house

D. In Rani's house

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 4 dan 5.
4. Pada awalnya, Rani dan Erika berencana untuk membahas mengenai proyek majalah dinding
mereka sebelum Erika berhalangan. Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah To do the wall magazine
project together.
Jawaban: D

5. Coba perhatikan kalimat "My grandmother has just come and she wants me to accompany her to
my aunt's house" Dari kalimat tersebut kita mengetahui bahwa Erika pada malam tersebut akan
berada di rumah bibinya. Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah In her aunt's house.
Jawaban: B

Read the following text to answer question number 6 and 7.

Dear Ayu.

How are you? Here is some informaton you'll need. The examinaton will be held soon, started from June 2"d.
Calculator and dictonary are not allowed. Lateness is not tolerated. The first day is Indonesian. It will be held for four
days. Don't forget to bring your examinaton card. See you soon. Take care.


6. Based on the text, what's prohibited to do during the examination?

A. To be punctual

B. To buy a calculator

C. To bring your examination card

D. To open a dictionary in class

7. From the text we can say that ....

A. Ayu does not need any information

B. Ayu should study English for the first day

C. Ten minutes late is still tolerated

D. A dictionary is prohibited during examination

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 6 dan 7.
6. Pertanyaan “Based on the text, what's prohibited to do during the examination?” (Berdasarkan
pada teks, apa yang dilarang selama test?) Jawaban yang tepat dapat dijumpai pada kalimat
“Calculator and dictionary are not allowed” yang artinya adalah (Kalkulator dan kamus tidak boleh
dibuka.) To open a dictionary in class.
Jawaban: D

7. Maksud dari pertanyaan "From the text we can say that .... " kita diminta untuk mencari
pernyataan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.
"Ayu does not need any information" (Ayu tidak membutuhkan informasi)
"Ayu should study English for the first day" (Ayu seharusnya belajar bahasa inggris pada hari
pertama) padahal hari pertama pelajarannya adalah Bahasa Indonesia “ the first day is Indonesian”
"Ten minutes late is still tolerated" (Telat sepuluh menit masih ditoleransi) padahal tidak ada
toleransi untuk keterlambatan “lateness is not tolerated”
Jadi, pernyataan yang tepat dan sesuai dengan isi text adalah A dictionary is prohibited during
Jawaban: D

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 and 9.

To: Dania

Don’t forget to join us in the English Club meetng this evening. We’re going to discuss our plan to celebrate our
school anniversary. Mia, Nury, Arief, Panji and Gadis will he there too. Please, be punctual.

See you there.


8. Whom is the message addressed to?

A. Nury

B. Panji

C. Dania

D. Dimas

9. The purpose of the text is to ….

A. Realize the plan

B. Arrange the agenda

C. Remind Dania of the meeting

D. Celebrate the school anniversary

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 8 dan 9.
8. Surat tersebut ditujukan untuk Dania sebagai penerima “short message”. Dan penerima biasanya
bersamaan dengan kata to (kepada). Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Dania.
Jawaban: C

9. Inti dari surat tersebut adalah mengingatkan Dania bahwa ada meeting pada sore hari. Remind

Dania of the meeting.
Jawaban: C

Read the following text to answer questions number 10 and 11.


I’ve just received a phone call from Andi. He said, Dini’s mother is hospitalized now. She got an accident two days
ago. Her left arm and her left leg were broken. We will visit her at the hospital after school. Will you join us? Please
inform us as soon as possible.


10. Who got a phone call from her friend?

A. Andi

B. Dini

C. Robi

D. Asti

11. “I’ve just received a phone call ...“ The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....

A. Got

B. Made

C. Rejected

D. Listened

Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 10 dan 11.
37. Dalam suratnya, Asti mengatakan “I've just received a phone call from Andi” (saya baru
mendapat telpon dari Andi). Jadi, yang mendapatkan telepon adalah Asti.
Jawaban: D

38. Kata "receive" mempunyai arti yang sama dengan “got” yaitu (mendapatkan atau menerima).
Sedangkan arti pada pilihan yang lain made (membuat) rejected (menolak) listened
(mendengarkan). Sinonim kata receive adalah Got.
Jawaban: A

Read the following text to answer question number 12 and 13.

This is a short message from Janet to Hanifah:

Sorry I can't go window shopping with you. We can go next tme also with Nadia. I have to visit my aunt with my

12. Who will accompany Janet to her aunt's house?

A. Hanifah

B. Janet's mother

C. Nadia

D. Hanifah's mother

13. The underlined phrase in "Sorry I can't go window shopping ..." The underlined word is closest in meaning
to ....

A. Looking at goods in shops without buying

B. Looking for a window for your house

C. Buying some windows from a shop

D. Looking at your house's windows

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 12 dan 13.
12. Yang menemani Janet ke rumah bibinya bisa kita ketahui pada pernyataan "I have to visit my
aunt with my mother. " Jadi, yang menemani Janet adalah ibunya Janet's mother.
Jawaban: B

13. Window shopping artinya melihat-lihat, baik melihat barang-barang yang di toko maupun
ditempat lain tanpa bermaksud ingin membeli. Pada pengertian tersebut kita bisa mengetahui
bahwa makna dari Window shopping sama dengan Looking at goods in shops without buying.
Jawaban: A

Read the following text to answer questions number 14 and 15.

To: Mr. Winfield

From: Andrew
Phone Number: +6242897640

The monthly meetng is postponed due to the technical reason.
Further informaton will be conveyed soon.
Call him, when you are back.


14. Who delivered the message to Mr. Winfield?

A. Andrew

B. Mr. Winfield

C. Andrew’s secretary

D. The secretary of Mr. Winfield

15. From the text we know that Mr. Winfield will call Andrew back to .… of the meeting.

A. Ask the place

B. Fix the date

C. Ask information about

D. Clarify the postponement

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 14 dan 15.
14. Yang membuat pesan singkat atau memo kepada Pak Wienfield adalah sekretarisnya. Jadi,
jawaban yang tepat adalah The secretary of Mr. Winfield.
Jawaban: D

15. Dalam pesan singkat tersebut, PakWienfield meminta Andrew untuk mengklarifikasi tentang
penundaan rapat. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Clarify the postponement.
Jawaban: D





The functions of notice are:

1. Prohibition notifies people not to do something.
People may find this kind of notice in a public places.
2. Caution or warning warns people to be careful in handling something.
Ignoring the notice may cause injury or breaking the facilities.
3. Guidance gives information to people to do something appropriately.
4. The informational notice provides information that could be useful for people.

Fungsi dari Notice adalah:

1. Prohibition memberitahukan orang lain agar tidak melakukan sesuatu.
2. Caution atau warning memperingatkan orang lain agar berhati-hati dalam melakkukan
sesuatu. mengabaikannya mungkin akan menyebabkan kecelakaan atau kerusakan.
3. Guidance memberikan informasi kepada orang lain agar melakukan sesuatu dengan baik.

4. Notice menyediakan informasi yang dapat beruna bagi publik.

Example Notice and Warning:

Latihan Soal



1. Where do we usually find the text?

A. At the lake

B. At the beach

C. At the river bank

D. At the swimming pool


2. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To warn people not to push the door

B. To advice people not to sit beside the door

C. To warn people not to lean against the door

D. To advice people not to stand before the door



3. What is the purpose of the text?

A. to ask somebody to do something

B. to warn somebody not to do something

C. to advise somebody not to do something

D. to inform somebody that something is not dangerous



4. What does the warning mean?

A. drivers should obey the speed limit

B. drivers should use the left lane to precede

C. right lane is only to overtake other vehicles

D. drivers should use the right lane before stopping



5. What does the text mean?

A. the truck is big

B. the truck brings fluid gas

C. other vehicles should run faster than the truck

D. other vehicles should be far enough from the truck

6. The following warning means that pedestrians should…the grass


A. not cut

B. not keep

C. not water

D. not walk on

7. You find this notice at the gate of a housing complex


It means that only the…who owns the houses at the housing complex can go there.

A. Security guards

B. people

C. Participants

D. guests


Do not aim the camera directly into the sun or at other intense light resources that
could damage your eyesight

8. The warning means….

A. It will be good if we take the picture of the sun

B. It will be better if we take the picture of other intense light sources

C. If we aim the camera directly into the sun, the sun will have a problem

D. Our eyes might be in danger if the camera is aimed into the sun or intense light resources


9. Read the following notice. It is put in the library.

What does the notice means?

A. You cannot return the borrowed books it the library is closed

B. The library return service is available after hours only

C. You should put the books here if you return them after the closing time

D. You can borrow books from this counter even if the library is closed


10. Where do you usually find the cautions above?

A. At the stationary
B. At the bus station

C. At a petrol station

D. At a police station


11. What does the text mean?

A. We are allowed to mix food and chemicals here

B. We have to add chemical materials on food

C. We can put chemicals in the store room

D. We can only put food in the unit


12. What does the notice on the right mean?

A. Do not throw rubbish in the room

B. Do not destroy everything in the room

C. Do not sleep in the room

D. Do not speak in the room


13. What does it mean?

A. The dustbin is not the place where students can throw the rubbish

B. The rubbish in the dustbin must be thrown away everyday

C. Students should throw the rubbish into the dustbin

D. Students may not have rubbish in the school


14. This sign places at the cover of electrical devices.

What does the text mean?

A. We must be careful to open the cover of the radio

B. It is hazardous to open the body of electrical appliance

C. It is forbidden to open the cover of the radio

D. Electrical shock will make us experienced


15. The caution above means...

A. We must keep the place silent

B. We must keep the place clean

C. We enter the place

D. We may read aloud

"Articles are considered sold if you broke"

16. Which of the following sentence best explains the above sign?

A. If you break any of the articles, you should pay for it.

B. You don’t have to buy articles that are broken.

C. In this section you will only find broken articles

D. The shop seller special broken articles

"Help us create a clean air environment.

Smoke only at the designated smoking area.
Thank you"

17. What does the notice above mean?

A. Smokers have to make the environment clean

B. People must design a smoking area for smokers

C. Smokers have to smoke in a certain area

D. We should create a smoking area for smokers

"For pedestrian only"

18. What does the notice tell you about?

A. We should ride something in the area

B. Pedestrian aren’t allowed in the area

C. We should all be pedestrian

D. We should walk in the area

"Switch off the engine while filing up a gas tank"

19. Where do you usually find the sign above?

A. At railway station

B. At a bus station

C. At a station wagon

D. At a petrol station


20. The text means that we…..turn off the laser in emergency.

A. Are not allowed to

B. Are forbidden to

C. Have to

D. May

"Please check in you baggage one hour before boarding time"

21. Where do you find the caution?

A. At the railway station

B. At the airport

C. At the bus station

D. At the bus station



22. What does the notice mean?

A. The tank is harmful for people

B. The people allow to smoke near the tank

C. The cautions is easy to burn and to explode

D. It’s dangerous when you don’t smoke near the tank

"Beware of pickpockets"

23. What does the text mean?

A. We must make a pocket

B. We must be careful

C. We must have a pocket

D. We must be friend

The notice is for questions number 24-25

24. The following are the meaning of the notice except ……

A. No one is allowed to swim here

B. Swimming in this area is prohibited

C. Do not swim in this area when it is dangerous

D. To swim in this area is forbidden

25. The caution may be found at the dangerous areas in the following places, except…

A. beaches

B. rivers

C. ponds

D. bathrooms

This notice is for questions number 26 and 27

26. This caution is meant to warn anyone who walks on the floors to be careful because ...

A. the floors are wet this time

B. the floors are not wet

C. anybody can make the floors wet

D. anybody will be wet if they walk on the floors

27. From the text we know that….

A. we may not make the floors wet

B. we are required to step on the floors

C. we might slip if we step on them

D. we should mop the floors

28. What does the sign mean?

A. Anyone who sees this sign will be dead.

B. Anyone who passes this road will die at the end.

C. This is the end of the road and progress cannot continue

D. Somebody is dead so anyone must stop at the end of this line

Read this notice to answer questions number 29 to 31

29. This notice means....

A. No one is allowed to smoke in these buildings.

B. Everyone may smoke in this area.

C. It is not good for your own health to smoke here

D. Smoking is dangerous for your health.

30. These are no smoking premises.

The underlined word has similar meaning to ....

A. statement

B. building

C. promise

D. permission

31. ... to permit smoking in these premises.

The underlined word means to ...

A. allow

B. invite
C. obey

D. forbid

32. What does this caution mean?

A. You are not allowed to enter because it might be dangerous.

B. You may enter if it is not dangerous.

C. You have to buy a ticket first if you want to enter.

D. You are welcome to enter the area or the building.

33. You ...park here.

A. may not

B. should not

C. have to

D. will not

34. This notice means that the property belongs to one particular person or group only so ....

A. anybody can approach and make use of it

B. it is intended for public

C. anybody must not approach or make use of it

D. it must be put outside

This notice is for question number 35


35. What does the sign mean?

A. Don't drive too fast

B. Don't be too far from this vehicle

C. Don't be too close to this vehicle

D. Don't drive over the speed limit

Read the following text to answer question number 1.


1. Where do you usually find the sign above?

A. At the railway station

B. At a bus station

C. At a station wagon

D. At a petrol station

Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 1.
1. Pada soal terdapat peringatan (caution) “SWITCH OFF THE ENGINE WHILE FILLING UP A GAS
TANK”. Peringatan tersebut memiliki arti (matikan mesin saat mengisi bahan bakar). Peringatan
"Caution" ini pada umumnya terdapat di stasiun pengisian bahan bakan umum (SPBU) atau A
petrol station. Opsi lain memiliki maksud:
- Railway station: Stasiun kereta api
- Bus station: Terminal bus
- Station wagon: Gerbong
Jawaban: D

Read the following text to answer question number 2.



2. The text above means that we … turn off the laser in emergency

A. Are not allowed to

B. Are forbidden to

C. Have to

D. May

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 2.
2. Menurut notice tersebut “In emergency push switch to shutdown laser” (dalam keadaan bahaya
dorong tuas untuk mematikan laser). Jadi teks di atas menjelaskan bahwa kita harus mematikan
laser dalam keadaan darurat.
- have to (harus)
- may (boleh)
- are not allowed to (dilarang)
- are forbidden to (dilarang)
Maka pilihan yang tepat adalah Have to.
Jawaban: C

Read the following text to answer question number 3.


No Chemicals In This Unit

3. What does the text mean?

A. We are allowed to mix food and chemicals here

B. We have to add chemical materials on food

C. We can put chemicals in the store room

D. We can only put food in the unit

Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 3.
3. Teks "notice" di atas memiliki arti pesan bahwa hanya diperbolehkan mengisi unit tersebut
dengan makanan saja, tidak boleh ada zat kimia yang diizinkan. Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah We
can only put food in the unit.
Jawaban: D

Read the following text to answer question number 4.



4. Where do we usually find the text?

A. At the lake

B. At the beach

C. At the river bank

D. At the swimming pool

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 4.
4. Arti dari Notice tersebut adalah “dikarenakan banyak terumbu karang yang runcing, pengunjung
dilarang untuk berenang sepanjang area ini” kata kata tersebut biasanya berada di Pantai At the
Jawaban: B

Read the following text to answer question number 5.


5. What is the text about?

A. A warning at a zoo

B. A notice for the visitor

C. A prohibition to feed the animals

D. A suggestion to feed the animals

Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 5.
5. Notice tersebut mengatakan untuk tidak memberikan makan dan minum terhadap binatang.
Jawabannya adalah A prohibition to feed the animals.
Jawaban: C

Read the following text to answer question number 6.

6. What does the caution above mean?

A. We must be careful because harm algae grow in this water

B. Swimming in this water may harm the algae that grow in it

C. The algae cannot cause serious harm to the animals

D. Harmful algae does not grow well in this water

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 50.
6. Caution tersebut memperingatkan kita akan risiko algae yang bisa membahayakan manusia dan
hewan. Jadi kita harus hati-hati terhadap algae tersebut. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah We must
be careful because harm algae grow in this water.
Jawaban: A

Read the following text to answer question number 7.


7. The notice above means that we must ....

A. Be careful because it is a dangerous thing

B. Keep the thing closed as it is inflammable

C. Be happy to have the thing because it is valuable

D. Handle the thing carefully because it is breakable

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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 7.
7. “Fragile, Handle with care” (mudah pecah! Tangani dengan hati-hati). Jadi, maksud dari notice
tersebut adalah agar benda tersebut dltangani dengan hati-hati karena barang tersebut mudah
pecah Handle the thing carefully because it is breakable.
Jawaban: D

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 and 2.


To: all employees

There will be a blackout each Saturday during this month. Consequently, we will use the generator as the electric
source. So, please do not use air conditoners on Saturdays.

Please don’t forget to turn off the lights, computers, printers during the break as usual.

1. Where can you read the announcement?

A. At school

B. In a bank

C. In a company

D. In a library

2. According to the text, what should the employees turn off each Saturday?

A. Computers

B. Air conditioners

C. Lamps

D. Printers

Read the following text to answer questions number 3 and 4.


This Thursday is August 17th, the Independence day .
Don't miss the Independence Day festval!
The festval begins at 08.00 in every district In Jakarta.
Gather in front of our school at 07.30 to see the parade with the principal.
Don't miss it! And Join many contests at school.
Free registraton, full of prizes!

3. What does the text tell about?

A. Independence day festival

B. Gathering in school

C. Parade with the principal

D. School contest

4. What time will the festival start?

A. 07.00

B. 07.30

C. 08.00

D. 09.00

Read the following text to answer questions number 5 to 7.


The school drama is going to organize "Mega-Mega" drama cast auditon. For those who are interested to join the
auditon, please come to our office on Monday, 4 August, at 2 pm. to register.

The requirements are as follows:

• Your latest photograph of post card size (2)
• The registraton form (get it at the office) The auditon will be held on Sunday, 10 August at 9 am.

The list of the selected candidates win be announced in a week. We appreciate your partcipaton.
Thank you
The Committee No charge for the registraton form

5. Where should the participant go for registration?

A. School

B. The committee's office

C. Cast audition hall

D. The stage

6. These information are included in the announcement, except ....

A. The place Mega-Mega drama will be staged

B. The audition time of Mega-Mega drama

C. The price to register in the audition

D. The requirement of cast

7. The announcement is released by ....

A. School drama committee

B. Mega-Mega

C. Students association

D. Student committee

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to 10.


To. All 9th Gradeers

We are approaching the end of our days at SMP Nusa Bangsa. Soon, we will leave the school we love very much. Let's
leave something memorable for the school and for the students in need. Do not ruin your uniforms by spraying them
with paint. Do not throw away your books. Donate your books and uniforms to the seventh and eighth graders. You
might never know that your books and uniforms are badly needed by some of them. Give the stuff to Mrs. Katmiat at
the staff office. The school is going to distribute the stuff to the needy students. Come on pals, don't be foolish, let's
do something useful.

Mariana Hartat
Chief of Students Organizaton

8. Why did Mariana Hartati write the announcement?

A. To throw away their books

B. To ask her friends to remember SMP Nusa Bangsa

C. To inform their friends about leaving the school son

D. To persuade her friends to donate their stuff to the needy

9. What should a students do if we wants to donate his uniform?

A. He should meet Marina Hartati

B. He should give them to Mrs Katmiyati

C. He should come to the Students Organization office

D. He should distribute them to the seventh and eighth graders

10. From the text we can conclude that the nineth graders are going to ....

A. Donate soon

B. Graduate soon

C. Visit Mrs. Katmiyati

D. Go to the staff office


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