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Wily Routines Simple Present Instructions: Read the following paragraph and complete it with the correct form of the Hil Everybody! My rome is Gerald. This is my first yeor ot the University, I M(be) from Englond. T 2(eet = work). I just 3(study) to be Computer software Engineer. I 4{have) two sisters. I Sinot - have) ony brother, Karla, the oldest, ‘6{work) as a phormacist, She T(have) one daughter, Mariom, the youngest, 8 (attend) to kinder garden. ‘Mr Anderson is my Computer teacher, He ‘9{be) 50 and he 10 (live) in Chicago with his parents ond his twin siblings - Denise cand Mike, who 11 (be) 20 years old. ‘On weekdays, Mr Anderson 12 (woke up) at half past seven. He 13 (wash) his face, he 14 (not- comb) his hoir because he is bald, and 15 (put on) his tie, which he ‘lo(hate), ‘My porents 17 (not - be) from England. They 18 from (come) Conada. My father 19(not-work) because he's retired, My mother 20 (represent) peaple in a court. She's « lawyer, IL, Part, Read the paragraph again and answer the following question in a long way. Share your answer. . What is his nome? Ts Moriah a pharmacist? . Where does he come from? 7. Does Gerald come from Canada? 1. How old is Gerald? 8. Does Gerald's father work asa lawyer? |. What dees he do? 9. Does Mr Aderson comb his hair? Why? How many siblings does he have? 10, Are the twins older than Mr Anderson? LI (walle) the dog every day We {have) dinner at eight every night. 3, My brother and my sister ____(qo} dance classes every weekend, [4. Mary. (meet) her friends every month ). You never {sleep) late. 6. My father (gc) to work early in the morning |. My mother and my father are teachers; but they at the same school. TIONS ( Short and Long Answers) a 1. you watch OVD in your free time? Yes, sane read a newpaper ever day? a 3. Jane and Jack write e-mails? Yes, + —__ your cousin listen to rock music? ee, No, or -es to the verbs _ see 14, wake . take 15. teach . brush 16. lose |. kiss 17. catch © 5. call 18. buy © 6. give 19. pass © 7. play 20. come © 8. study 21. fight 9. watch 22. water 10. help 23. choose 11. cut 24. fly 12. ery 25. match 13, swim 26, carry © 3. Rewrite the sentences with the new subject: : 1. Kate likes to eat an ice-cream. (I) 2. We go to the 200 every Sunday. (Sam) 3. The boys play football well. Com) 4. My brother ae English well. once ‘to draw dolls. (My sister) 6. T play computer games every day. (Pam) —— Kate help her mother every day? —— you listen te rock music? Tem know all the computer games? ° ___ they go to the zoo on Sundays? + you like to draw animals? - your brother drive his car well? __— the boys like to plant flowers? __— Ben want to find his friends? you often call your friends? + 5 10. ___ your sister wear nice dresses? Oe 11. __ they learn to dance at school? 12. ___ Mary spend much time on shops? : 13, ___ your dog chase the cats? + : 4 4 2. 3. 4, iigr like to get up early. 56 yo 8 z © 10, They ° 11. We his room every Saturday. b) tidies to the music every day 9) listen | Mary usually @) watch . The girls often a) play b) plays I in the poal on Sundays @) swim b) swims their homework every day. TV iin the evening. b) watches with the dolls. ae play tennis every Sunday. go to the park. like to eat fish. wear long dresses, . My brothers like to drink milk, . My cousin know Italian well e Ua 46 ot wR ry og. . Pam go to the gym. understand this rule. ~ often go to the movies. 12. wear shorts at all, 13. Tim grow flowers in the garden PRESENT SIMPLE:PRACTICE 1. : ee st “ e eee : : eves Me 1 .Add £5 or eS to the verbs 2 .PUT THE WORDS IN THE RIGHT ORD! 1 Watch 2. Play 1 *she* television “always “watches: + 3. Sing 4, Make - 6. Speak 8. Wosh 10. Cut 12. Help 14. Fly 16. Come 18. Run 20. Take 22. Like 24, Woter SS 4.FIND THE QUESTIONS CORRESPONDING |- + ,| TO THE FOLLOWING ANSWERS F —they go out every day ? she watch TVa lot ? -you play football in.o club > Karen often go to the cinema ? he speak English fluently ? -your father work in a factory > -you always do your homework ? + ng Steven sometimes do baby-sitti ee ew 6. USE SHORT FORMS TO ANSWER Vs yes Xeno 1. Do you play tennis in a club 2X 2. Does your sister often go to the cinema 2V- 3. Do you speck many foreign languages ? x - Core rtre cr 7. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH DON'T 2 or Q -go to the swimming pool very often. -learn her lessons very e = spend too much time in 4, Does your father work in a well-known 5. My best friend --often help his mum ‘firm 2V- at home. 5. Do you want to go to the casino ?Veam=== 6. know if the latest « Stor wars « - fillm is good or not It 6. Do they worry about the coming exam 2 7. She care about eating healthy food. x 7, Does your sister know her future boss > 8. My san ~ 9. My grandparents usually make his bed. 9, Does your father’s car work electricity ? V- 10, Do the neighbours often mow their lawn? x on 6— the restouront with their children. centre with her friends every Wednesday. 8. 9 ‘sometimes ploy chess with your father ? 10, ? What oonneee - TRANSLATE THE SENTENCES IN ENGLISH T take the bus every ? Do you often watch sports on television ? . My sister never tidies her bed, — We do our homework in our bedroom. ‘She doesn't want to go to the cinema tonight. -. They Sometimes eat at Jenny goes to the city . They never eat hamburgers. ? Does your brother sports do you practise ?

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