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Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, Thomas Gray 1751.

The poems is about the return to home path of a person who has been working all day, describing with high
accuracy the landscape he finds as he goes walking.

We find that the author is in a cementery, this is due to the fact that Thomas Grey belongs to a group of poets
called "graveyard poets". While typical authours find inspiration in the mountain, in the beauty of the sea or in
the muses as classical poetry, these type of poets find their own inspiration in a graveyard. Furthermore, the
position that the author offers creates a elevated dark ambientation, making an easier task for the poet to
induce us in his poem. An example of it would be the tower mantled by a ivy, which is popularly associated with
dark themes, such as pesimism or death or the rugged elms, which denote that sense of no-life, that is, death
or approximation to it.

With all these factors, it is relatively simple for the author to transmit the perfect image he wants us to see,
making an allusion, for example, to the dark shadows of the tree in the graveyard.

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