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Formerly, in the Inca times, anticuchos were prepared with llama meat.

was cut into pieces, seasoned with some herbs and chili. Years later, with the
arrival of the Spaniards, the beef replaced the flame and the garlic became part
of the recipe. The Spaniards used to macerate the beef in wine and other
condiments. Then they braked it and threw it into sticks like skewers. According
to Cecilia Portella, "the contempt for the viscera and the less noble parts of the
cattle, on the part of the Spaniards, caused that in Lima these trifles were
relegated to become the diet of black slaves." In this way, the heart of beef cut
into pieces was macerated with chicha and then with vinegar. "Shortly
afterwards, fine cane sticks entered their presentation, were used to string the
giblets and for their best baking. This also facilitated service and tasting. " The
word would have a Quechua origin. "Anti, in front; And chop, cut, "says Aída
Tam Fox in his book" Vocabulary of the Kitchen of Lima. " For his part, the
linguist Noé Lara, in the article "El criollísimo anticucho" published in El
Peruano =, wrote that "anticucho comes from uchu, ají; And anti, walk. "

- 1 Heart of beff
. - ½ cup Ground pan pepper.
- 2 tbsp.
Red vinegar.
- 2 tbsp
. Ground garlic
- ½ cup Oil
Sat , papper and cumin
- Potatoes (Preferably
12 cut in half),
yellow pepper and corn.
- Cane sticks
preparation: Start preparing this delicious dish by cleaning the heart and
removing the veins and fat. Then, place in pieces of about three centimeters
and place in a deep well. Now season with salt, pepper, cumin, garlic, chili, chili
pepper and vinegar. Then, mix and cover well and let it macerate for 24 hours in
the refrigerator. When the time has passed, drain the dressing and store it in a
bowl. Spread 4 pieces of heart in each anticucho stick and let it rest while the
grill is heating. Place the anticucho sticks on the grill and then mix the old
dressing with the oil. When well combined, lacquer the anticuchos. When you
notice that they are golden on both sides, remove them. Accompany it with
potatoes, corn and your favorite sauces.

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