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build - is nothing but compiling of sources into an distributable artifact.

compile ---> packaged ---> distribute to users.

Build can happen after development or during development or in perirodic basis.


CI is nothing but software development practice where members of each team integrate thier code and
test it frequently. so they can identify the problem earlier and fix it earlier, by this we can make our code
more stable. So we cant see any issues during release time.

Build script – Build script is written in Ant or batch or MAVEN project XML.

Source Repository – SVN,Bitbucket or github – is a source code repository which keeps the versioning of
our file and maintaining our file data.

Hudson/Jenkins – is a Continuous Integration system which pulls our source repository like SVN and take
the source code from the repository and it starts the Build using Ant or Maven. And Build script will
generate the Artifacts

Build system – where build script is installed. (Ant or Maven)

Artifact – is nothing but the output of source code. After compiling and packaging our source code the
Artifact will generate.

QA – once artifact is generate it can be given to QA for validation. Any automated test can run and result
will be displayed.

Reports – results will be published on the Hudson dashboard.


1.Jenkins_Home directory – all jobs are configured here.

2.Building/Testing projects continuously (Fail Test)

3.Schedule Builds

4.Viewing change sets

5.Viewing build logs from browser

6.Junit/TestNG test reporting

7.Monitoring execution of externally run jobs

8. 300+ plugins

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