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HUONG DAN SU DUNG AuTOCAD ELECTRICAL | : i" 2Tri< mos ae OLID Co VERTER PDF > tomes Paneial eeriaaeameroae BAI 1: TONG QUAN VE AUTOCAD ELECTRICAL 1) Khéi déng AutoCad Electrical (ACDE) > Menu Start All Programs\ Autodesk DWS\ Autocad Electrical @ Internet Explorer 8) kei uvisiona (@& Windows DVD Maker 3 Windows Fax andi Sean 1 Windows Media Center ©} Windows Media Player 2} Windows Update “XPS Viewer “h Accessories (B) autodese Design Review 2010 Bs utocAD 2010- Enaish [By AutoCAD Electrical 2010 «Batch Stand a unch AutoCAD Electrical 2010 24 My Documents - AutoCAD Elect Reference Manager eis 4 Back co ‘Search programs and files | ate AutoCAD Electrical >f 2 < Hlam eee) SOLID CONVERTER PDF > oman paca > Giao dign ACDE Pods aie =e i nue 2) Céc thanh céng cy, menu a. Céc thanh céng cu ding vé ban vé dién [09) 8 1 484 4) a) Thé Home. Thé Project Quan ly dy én Thé Schematic VE so dd nguyén IV AutoCAD Electrical HLam Sr SOLID CONVERTER PDF > samtenarnmente Fae @ 93 |Ooae @ an 2 5 & temuen RNAi ey owe | fer Ge) | Smut nvm corte | bing difn, th Paes connor eee | ata arma eens” ervaaiae >| "aT maT? Weare hetec Scenes Peet rm The Repors Beal at @ = EE et renonsemarseun BL ows avait Repors ising catalog © pons | Automatic BF se Atibutes Data iq Signal Ervorfist Reports Seema oo 2 Sy GE] Bronreiecwos © sprescsee to Table The ImporvExport Uy ro PLEO. From leer Oh Te Uulty—spreaitheet By RSLonix 500 sane impor pon The SAY Pa. Be Conversion some ne SelB m fell tools Conn Gay Comets See conse iB ow Ae ve enue | a sa a Vault =] i Heaee w Goto | login Open Vet eis» Fe Sas Project Tools panel OHSAGO & GB Manager Copy Delete Zip Update/Retag Utilities Mark/Verity owGs . Proiect Tools Biéu tugng Lénh (Command) Migu ta — Project Manager ‘Quin IY dir dncai dat dy dn, AEPROJECT i Copy Project ‘Sao chép mgt dy 4n 6 sin AECOPYPROJECT Delete Project Xoa I dyrdn AEDELETEPROJECT —% AutoCAD Electrical > Tas < HLam ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash Zip Project Nén I dy dn Fl AEZIPPROJECT =a Project-Wide Cap nhat me Update/Retag AEPROJUPDATE 1 Project-Wide Utilities AEUTILITIES Mark/Verify DWGs AEMARKVERIFY Insert component: Chen linh kign’ Catalog list: Ti danh sch c6 san Equipment list; tir danh sach thiét bi Panel list: tir bang dign Terminal: : “Oe Catalog List 5 : BB rns Fg stair Multi Insert: § 3 ‘AutoCAD Electrical > ia < eet =) SOLID CONVERTER PDF =e SED Pe Ei Cho phép chén nhigu tinh kign cing kiéu trén Ff Mattie insert (icon Menu) ladder <> Ins a component selected from the con menu at pin wwnete the fence you deine crosses 2 wie Each point where the fence crosses a wires an optional insertion point. The operation inserts each component an} breaks any underlying wires. You can edt the component} a w i ~ 3 a Sos (eAcMuttr Insert PLC iy (BEB. e See gigel “> [J @ | insert PLC: cho phép chén PLC IO 12 en PLC Pare) seuicaly generated FLC/O module noes pat Generate PLCWO Jes on dan in avait of graphical mpate UO mode ary symbole, Mods ng lacer rong spocing You con sretch of tinearton time. APLC ration Is contains the stack ate onto ear symbal in AEPLCP Press Fi for more help Circuit builder: ‘AutoCAD Electrical > To < HLam ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash Circuit builder: cho phép chin mt s mach thong dung Recalculate wire size: tinh toan kich c& day Edit component g Gh Be Edit: chinh sira thudc tinh Tinh kién 2 Sl eB Gel ce 2S Faye: eee Delete component: xod linh kién Delete Component Op semeccoue # Copy Component a ay 2 Copy component: sao chép c4c linh kin eS Copy Git Copy circuit: sao chép mach fs AECOPYCIRCUIT a Mm cut Move circuit: di chuyén Geok aewoveccurt oh - Save Circuit to Keon Save to Icon: luu thinh biéu tugng, GT enw = et = Scoot: di chu: + Agscoor linh kign trén Rung AutoCAD Electrical > Tas < HLam ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash Align: canh hang ‘ign Classen a Move component: di chuyén owe Component eS ay AevesserF#p Component Reverse/Flip: G ur Insert wire VE 278 2 2 Wire: dling ndi day gitta céc Tinh kign a a fl. +o | Multiple bus: cho phép vé 2, 3 ,4 day pha song Wire Multiple Wire Source | ~~) | Song | 7 Bus Numbers” Arrow ~ Wire Number: Dénh diu day insert WiresWire Numbers Source arrow: vé day lién ket Insert ladder; chén khung day Cable markers: danh dau day — mbes te, ‘ati Edit wires ‘Sita diy Edit wire number: chinh stra so diy Re RAL: Trim wires dy Edit Wie trim QDs BBD Number 7 Wire Ecit Wires/Wire Numbers + AutoCAD Electrical > Tels < HLam ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash Sura s6 day sit Wine Number 2, ‘AEEDITWIRENO, Face Numbers Khod s6 day Dy ‘eSNG Swap Wire Numbers AESWAPAVEENO ii ob Dbi sé Fina/Replace Wire Num- - Tim kiém, thay thé Hide Wire Numbers ‘ AEHIDEMRENO An Tim wre Trim wire: elt diy AEM Delete Wire Numbers Delete wire numbers: xoa dau day AEERASEVIRENUM Add eng ‘Add rung: chén thém rung AGUNG A # 7 > ee Phuc hoi thuge tinh an Q * &e a + Revise Ladser Xoay nguge ladder 65 senestaboea ae Se Banh sé tham khao io , HAE] senerwwacrivooen AutoCAD Electrical > [ols < HLam eee) SOLID CONVERTER PDF > oman paca 3) Tao dw an: Create an AutoCAD Electrical project eS 4) Chon Project tab > Project Tools panel > Manager. b) Project Manager. chon New Project too. saat arko-@8 Mev ios C6 thé str dung Project Manager dé mé 1 dy én dé cs. 6) in Crate Now Pej clon box pct Name chéc chan phai din, cdn thude tinh .wap thi khong nhat thiét pha nhap 4) Chéc chén wodemo.wp & hop thoai Copy Settings trom Project File Name: (Oven wad Lecaton CClsesUSER|Docurens/AcedE 2010AeDam a Browse, [Zlcrente Foes wih Projet Name (MeereUSER\Docamers\AcadE 2010/teDatnproOu an meDu me Copy Stings om Project Fila uel sccmerlucte 2 aedudehenowadorand Descipons. (orctiomateass) (Tos) (Easenos) (Gestep) €) Chon Nat OK Properties AutoCAD Electrical 2Pwy< eet =) SOLID CONVERTER PDF == as Pigjact SoUings |Camponanta| Wie Numbers | Grass References | Siyles | Drawing Format Project ClVaere|USERWDocumenie\scadE 2010)AeDets\pro\Dy an mauiDu an mau {Bt Lievary andticon Menu Pathe ees = Cjusers/publcidocuments/aviodesk/acede 2010Rbs/pc125) 3 Cheerinthncerateeslcede Nene 5 Chuser/pubeldecumentsautodeskiacede ANI0;RDs/pneu 0125) | Cusers/publicidocumentsaviodesk/acede 2010Rbsihyd_je0125) Remove “=> Cjusers/pubiejdocuments/aviodesk/acede 2010Rbs/pid/ 1) Sehematiclcan Menu Fi MovoUp ‘ACE _JC_MENU DAT 1 @ Panel Footprint branes Move Down | Cjusers/publicidocumentsaviodesk/scede 2010Rbsipenel 1 Parente le (9 ACE_PANEL_MENU DAT 18 Catiog Lookup Fil Prtornce @ Ure component spestctbles tronedetned) (© Aways se MSC_CAT table (© Use MSC_CAT mle ony Reampenent specie woe does retest Options Tag / Wie Number Soa Order Realtime enor chacking [No Project Defeult = Elsencal Code Standen Detaut(NatonalElecncal aca) = OK Camco 0 Project setting: cai dat duran Components: Cai dat kiéu linh kign, danh dau... AutoCAD Electrical fu y< eet =) SOLID CONVERTER PDF =e Suffic List for Reterence-Based Component Tags Listat sume characters for duplicate family eampansns on the same line reference orn same zone (to keep fogs unique) Note sufi is dded et the end ofthe component, ‘To add inside thotag, use code "%.X" inthe Configuration componcntteg foomat Examples (using “A” as suf) EP" or "E2EN-SSF9CK" = sufix always etend “107-CRAY (90% GF" «ade to number, before family code "IO1A- CR" Moo ee ee Stordard detauts (ex PB'S on reference 100") ABC. x PETOO PBID0A E1008 ABC... ox PBIOOA PBIO0E, PBIONC, @123.. ox PBT001, PBI0N2 PBIO03 (©9.2,3.« P51004,PBT002 B05. OK. Sancel Chon kiéu C6 thé chinh sita céc thudc tinh khéc a) ban vé méi: b) Tren thé Project Manager, chon New Drawing toot. EE] ©) Trén hgp thoai Create New Drawing Name: Mach khéi dng déng co Description 1: Mach khoi dng dng co 3 pha 4d) Chon niit Browse dé chon hép thoaiTemplate Chon templates (*dws files) ching han acad.dwt hay ACAD_ELECTRICAL.dwt. Ban ciing cé thé thiét ké ban templete cho minh ‘Trong hop Select template dialog box, chon ACAD_E click Open. ECTRICAL.dwt, and (reate New Drawing eal Deowg Fie Noms Pisce c150NC DONO} Tempite _CiUsea\ISERVAppDstnl ocafAuocentueCAD Elects 2100218 [Pec eeence ony oct: user ueocumenisacads 20;Chedssprfi nm aoa c\wentucrSocunentalacede 2010jcdtsprjes ar MACH KC DONG.OONG CO dg eccipiont! _ MACHKHOIDONG DONGCOPHA . esertion?2 a Descipion3 AutoCAD Electrical HLam TB 1D CONVERTER PDFS nate e) Create New Drawing dialog box,CHON OK. 4) -Vé mach khéi dong dong co. Ve khung ladder (Insert Ladder) Insert Ladder Width ie Ee 4.5000 Lengh D6 dai =| AutoCAD Electrical Se SOLID CONVERTER PDF Cancel Ist Reference i Spacing Khodng cach E (07500 1 | Index — [Without reference numbers Draw Rungs No Bus No Rungs @yes 0 | Skip Helo HLam To remove this message, purchase the product at www.SolidDocur Components > Insert Component Icon: Plalife iver | invades ||) Seracemer 1000) vert) [intima | Elen dtrurnevesy wedren Cems Stn 1 x) eed ‘Chon Nuit nhan: Push Button AutoCAD Electrical fw 1T< HLam SOLID CONVERTER PDF > sma case te eT Bo peas Sa Chon Push Button NO >Push Button NO (Nut nhdn thing mé) ‘Component Tag: Tén linh lign Description: m6 ta chite ning cia linh kign Catalog data: dit ligu nha san xudt (ding khi thiét ké bang dign) ascenby [| ton [Jeon] Provo (ome | (Bisa | (m8 | Gailey Crock etnge ‘AutoCAD Electrical ST 15 < HLam S Soup CONVERTER PDF > smash Két qua: START PBIO1 10 1 Twong ty nhu vay cho nit nhan Stop ta chon Push Button > Push Button NC en > || 10: Pus eens 1a JIC. Schematic Symbols Ts ie rs alo +9 Selecterswicnes 5-9: Fuses/ Creut Breskers/ Transformers Push Buton Push ton NC [51 Relays/ Contacts NO Chon cugn day c6ng téc to: Motor control > Motor start coil with pin a \ BEE tht ome =. te Va tiép diém phu chon Motor control >2™ + Starter coil. ‘onporst 05 eseton — [oes] 02 Foensictn J wes i: some sree AutoCAD Electrical >fiel< HLam S Soup CONVERTER PDF > smash Ta duge nhu sau START step 0 10 MOTOR Nott Ne 11 MOTOR RUNNING VE day ndi: Vé day néi gitta 2 duéng ngang 1 Chon Schematic tab > Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel > Insert Wires drop-down > Wire. A. + Nhp chust tréi vao vitrt 1 va 2 START STOP FEIO. | 4 PBTO2 10 3 MIO1 5 1 MOTOR Cit day du:Schematic tab > Edit WiresWire Numbers panel > Trim Wire, “AR START ap PB101 ey so MoTOR non mit ly | ® 7 MOTOR RUNNING 10 woror HLam AutoCAD Electrical eet > | SOLID CONVERTER PDF) Szram Nhdp chust vao vj tri cin bé : START stor PBIOl Bayo MOTOR 10 ngtt N at Mict MOTOR RUNNING io MOTOR Chén day 3 pha e a 2 bo a [Wire Souree fee “is|_ Edit Wire Multiple Bus Inserts a multiple wire bus with automatic connections, Tai hop thoai Multiple Wire Bus Horizontal Vertical NGANG boc Spacing a Spacing: ie psc t foso00 | | Stating at ©Component(Muliple Wes) Bat dau tir Linh kién @ Another Bus (Muliple Wires) Bat dau tlr Bus khéc Empty Space,Go Horizontal Bat dau, di ngang (Empty Space, Go Vertical © Bat dau, di doc B | NumberofWires [2] | 3] [4] Ce) Ve day 3 pha AutoCAD Electrical >f 18 < HLam ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash Sé vé duge bus 3 pha Chen 3 pole circuit breaker: OF Semeaee 7 - on oe FE p> Sacco A Max Ores! Morr tad Crd_ at Tha Eos Fee Cet cla! Tonos Propet Mame Meescte Powter piste te BeBe (P= aeayrcomacs, Es twee (S-4% Motor Contr} Aue dae Face Creston ve o Gnsttences Deere Inter nde fe Pett Shee dis Oe AS cee [Cicuk Breaker Discomect Fused Disconnect and 2nd Fused 1 Temnaescomecon SsanGon, Suc” Osttme. MRIs Ostin. Saco {2 Pas Tepe onttes - ‘2 Foto stoee & 8 5 Mertens Suc gS 3 Soeae shoe 2Paarisad ‘x erenon coecones “becomes ‘Compenent Tag Desergton [esto lea ge (SEREEY Use PLC Areas tine 2 a ee Panel & Chen tiép diém 3 pha: “HG: Sohemate Symaois wen = IC: Schematic Symbols © Pugh Butone {40 Selector Stches: (1) Fuses) Circuit Breskers Transformers “4 Relays) Contacts += Timers % | [me weter Conver Wp RE | a 3p{ 2 Phase Site: Coriacis ° Bese eee |Commend:we Sunelinsz1 [Oe i} Matar Control xe xD | ? i Circuit Broako] Disconnects Oveoed Phase Molar nde Stator 1: Ereshery Dcormes Come Chon Motor control 3 phase starter contacts NO. AutoCAD Electrical Tels HLam This document was c S Soup CONVERTER PDF > smash Tag M101 line? MOTOR: (pe) ue ~ ParonySibiing Line Tuong ty chon Motor control 3 phase overload. ‘Motor control 3 phase motor. pie 1 BRIa A HBR! to |e! ior igwivnis 4 Miro ruin ‘Chén terminal: ‘Chon Terminal/Connectors > Power Distribution block Ge Tomo “oa ne tine tae Aw . pO : 2S Reon ts Trango Thejowh niatro Deri a 2 Comcon hovvenmewrcoroe | Fama Ghee” GSN" 0] Sia one benewon de -CormecosWhenmber Changes Chon Terminal/Connectors> chén round terminal number Wars 2 6 Tera ansComectre a oO 6 f§ O wf O 6 ya aee sien, (ace) eat aiieeem) fos) | pace | Fuso) Creat Bieter Tnstmare \irshompsr ‘Tamnal” Wren ie moor Ips Retyaconact 82 ortaes ~ O § OD OT mene on AE ees Mean tan (i aa a er eee Lo o 8 Oo * A RK Pe tae Tes Ee Doncid Dendvit Dancnawts Darerdwit Tange Tage wh once Recteeker Temak" Beck Wr inicio Aen | 5% Comets: Norenumbat Chonges | 1S Comscore- MrenimberConges Trango Toaglown Iminevive Powel comsecaio-- Comoe in Wretuma "“Lnboe —Qlamoen. eens Wianum AutoCAD Electrical >f 20 < HLam ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash ame oi oh win \, a Pd) i oO nf Lign két linh kign: Pal] ear |e ootex wire ao on NOTOR RUNNIN Multiple Wie FF tok component with Dashes ine Bus Insert Wires/Wire Nu Numbers Lo} Link Components with Dashed Line Links selected components with a dashed line, ; 4 The TAG, description, and cross-referencing attributes of the SY3) second through nth campanents you select for linking become suse he tase pcoranane ate wy ot fe cn nes DI Shon pos ee TA attributes one 3 Chon Schematic tab > Insert Components panel > Dashed Link Line drop-down > Link Components with Dashed Line. _s__ Tai dong lénh Component to link from: Chon linh kién thir nhat Component to link to: Chon inh kién lién k&t AutoCAD Electrical HLam Pa y< ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash 5) Bai tap Khoi dong d9ng co truc tiép AutoCAD Electrical 2 < HLam , S Soup CONVERTER PDF > smash 2 eho B+ Lo a (Fs, <0 fro [Fle.° sa 5 2 i-e—_ Le 4 i re 3 Mach Diéu khién dao chiéu quay déng co AutoCAD Electrical > Pa ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash M W HLam Mach dao chiéu tryc tiép ding nét nhan > ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash AutoCAD Electrical | W Mach dio chiéu ty déng AutoCAD Electrical > fs Bs ) < eet =) SOLID CONVERTER PDF =e Mach khoi dng qua 2 cap dign tro AutoCAD Electrical >Pw1T< HLam SOLID CONVERTER PDF > ematanasin pace te boo | ss ul (om 24H ay oF lise si Oc Multi speed switches of three-phase motors. AutoCAD Electrical >fPa eet > | SOLID Tes en PDF =e uee -or AutoCAD Electrical > T< HLam SOLID CONVERTER PDF > sateen eas ube oallF ol? oolt aolt 023 ony AutoCAD Electrical > T< HLam ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash u fon Multi speed switches of three-phase motors AutoCAD Electrical Se SOLID CONVERTER PDF =e 6) Véhé théng sir dung PLC: a. Tao ban vé PLC.dug. b. Chon Schematic tab > Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel > Insert Ladder drop-down > Insert Ladder. ¢. Trong hép thoai Insert Ladder nhap: Width: 4.500 Spacing: 0.7500 1st Reference: Without reference numbers Rungs: 20 Phase: 1 Phase Draw Rungs: Yes wan — ; t ee (0.7500 000 tet Reference Longa — fa eo50 I — fi] Rugs eS {ziWinetreterncesumbors Prose Drow Rings No bus © 1 Phe : F No Rungs : ©3Phase cy i [0.5000 | Spec’ D Skip Cancel Help| AutoCAD Electrical >a 31 < HLam ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash d. PLC Modul BAB.) ee Sat 52") Insert PLC (Parametric) | Inserts a parametrically generated PLC YO module Generate PLC/O modules on demand in a variety af graphical styles with no complete /O module litary symbols Medules adapt to the underlying ladder rung spacing. You can stretch or break them into two or more pieces at insertion time. A PLC database, ACE PLCMDB, drives generation. It contains the stack sequence and the text values fo annotate enta each symbol in the stack. ‘a. Chon Schematic tab > Insert Components panel > Insert PLC drop-down > lngert PLO (Parametric) ey b. Trén hép thoal PLC Parametric Selection , chon: ‘AutoCAD Electrical > [2 /s < eet =) SOLID CONVERTER PDF =e Wer USER\Doeamera Aad 20 AAD OMB PLC YDS 5 CH Sem ce) Sete Se: 5 ElAppiortctoerony Tobe omon.CPW2A cones sone CPIORMICD.. Co. 30 2AVOCIN GS. CPHOA-CFU.AEPTIN 12° RELAYOUT Manufacturer: nha sn sut Omron Series: CPM2A SERIES (ho PLO) Type: Controller Par Number CPM2A ~ 30CDR-A Graphics Sly: 1, Vertical Module ‘Tai khung day thi nhp chuét vao vj tri day dau tién AutoCAD Electrical >P SL < HLam ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash Specing 7500 Allow spacers/breaks: x Note: This module already —_ hos 2 pre-defined brank point Plinctude unusedjexra conecions Co Lewes) [tow] Spacing: chon phi hop voi khung day da vé V/O points: chon Insert all Bam OK Chon OK button, CPMBA3OCDR-A ‘Omron (CPM2A-CPU, 1&-PTIN, 12PT RELAY OUT fpoo.00 Baginning address 00, =] Quick picks List_] Used sofer Conca Tai hép thoai IO address nhap Beginning address: dia chi bat du 000.00 ‘A*oreek” point has been hit inthis module's data list Do youwantto break the module now or continue unbroken? (Ceeeiow] AutoCAD Electrical fa y< eet =) SOLID CONVERTER PDF == Ss ‘Tai hop thoai PLC module break point: chon break néu muén téch, cdn muén lién tuc thi chon No Break CPM2A-30CDR-A, Omron (CPM2A- CPU, 18-PT IN, 12-PT RELAY OUT 10004 Beginning address (0700 +] Quick picks List| Used so far Tai ngé vao ‘AutoCAD Electrical > [as |< < Peete =) SOLID CONVERTER = ===s IN 10 pooetg oor ee (00.12) ore? (80.3) uot IN 02 ‘Do cac dia chi nhdp theo decimal nén can chinh lai cho dang véi loai PLC thyc ‘Chon Edit attribute Stipa) DUS? aisa.| 7 = & Bris Wire Multiple — Wire es (eH Tes Numba ‘Compo == Edit Selected Attribute Edits the value of a selected attribute. Nhap chudt vao thuge tinh can sita: 000.12 > 001.00 000.13 001.01 000.17 > 001.05 ‘Tuong ty 6 ng6 ra 100.08 > 101.00 100.11 9101.03 AutoCAD Electrical >Pe< Peete =) SOLID CONVERTER = ===s Chinh cde dau néi day: ding Iénh trim wire vs warn — or e0gp.00 wore a WN OC > Winn Fo Vé cdc dau ndi day, cho ding theo thiét ké onde cu HUE PsP Li . e+ —__} od rm oar aago.o0 war une 5 PD Chen linh kign vao thi cing trong ty nh trén khi chén trén Ladder AutoCAD Electrical > Ta 37 T< HLam ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash rE ci i >f x Js HLam AutoCAD Electrical ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash 7) Véhé théng thuy khi Oo FA gap: Icon Menu Circuit Builder EB Chon Schematic tab > insert Components panel > __TseriCompanents =p) Ingo Hygraule Components —? b.__Trong hop Insert Component: hop thoai Hydraulic Symbol chon check box for Vertical . Trong hép Insert Component: Hydraulic Symbol dialog box. chan General Valves icon, (ool 4. Trona Hydraulic: General Valves dialog box, chon Shut Off Valve Open. Dxt fe. Tal déu hdc lenh: Speciyincerton point Select fo place the vaive in the upper left comer of your drawing: chon vi tri dé trén man hinh . Tai hép thoal InservEdit Component nhap: Component Tag: VAL2 Click OK. 9. Lap lai steps 1 -3. fh. Tai Hycraulic: General Valves dialog box.chon Checkvalve Flow Lett. > i, Tai déu nha lent: Specityinserton pont Select to place the check valve below the shut off valve J. Inthe Inseridit Component dialog box. click OK. AutoCAD Electrical >I 3 HLam eet > | SOLID CONVERTER PDFS Sztnnaaiore ‘Mot sé linh kign thong dung PushButton Selector Switch Limit Switch Relays/Comtacts, Timer Pressure/ Temperature Proximity Switch Miscellaneous Switch Terminal Connector DOT PLC Pilot light Miscellaneous Breaker / Disconnect Fuse/ Transformer Solenoid Motor control ‘M6t sé ki higu thong dung: Céng tic nhiéu vi ti Céng tic gidi han, céng tic hanh trinh Ra le/ Céng tic Dinh thi Ap suat, nhiét 46 Cam bién tiém cn Céng téc co (c6 chia khod, loai dap chan. Dau néi Diém néi day PLC Din bio inh kign khéc nh ty, dign 6... 1u dao Cau chi Van dign ti ) Didu khién déng co (Déng co, Céng tic to, tiép diém phu...) Description IEC (DIN EN) NEMA ICS/ANSI/IEEE Conductors, connectors Junction of conductors TOT TOT soz or On Connection of conductors (node) @ 7 sare Terminal ° ° San Terminal strip/block Conductors AutoCAD Electrical Sr © SOLID CONVERTER PDF > sam nenaarnucete ror HLam Description 1EC (DIN EN) NEMA ICS/ANSUIEEE Conductor (for later expansion) Line of application, general = =a====— ee symbol on Line of application, optional, denoting small interval SEE Separation between two fields = ee me ee wai Line of separation between aa co functional units | ] L j ane — Shielding Earth, | symbol Ground, arth, general symbol Grount general symbol a sie oso Protective earth Protective a © aan Connector with plug and socket = ~< Za 0303-05 gp 0303-06 Isolating point, lug, closed L ETS t + 30318 AutoCAD Electrical > L< HLam Sr © SOLID CONVERTER PDF > sam nenaarnucete Description IEC (DIN EN) NEMA ICS/ANSI/EEE Passive components Resistor, general symbol We or 4 WWE oF rere. wore gona Resistor with fixed tappings —W- or Variable resistor, general ‘ Zz RES wove Adjustable resistor A + Resistor with sliding contact, potentiometer 7e Se +e oLorar Winding, inductance, general on o Re sar. emo —__ob2 Winding with fixed tapping (aaa TT L306 Capacitor, general symbol 4h" 4e dk oe coma na Variable capacitor 4k snenot AutoCAD Electrical HLam “This document was eested using. SOLID CONVERTER POF i Control circuit devices Visual indicator, general symbol O © *with colour stated Indicator light, general symbol ® or ® or e100 D “with colour stated Buzzers or Sa Paeu e030 oas011 Hom, claxon HEN a(t 661005 Drives Manual operation, general use —— F--- ano Operated by pushing — ——— ca Operated by pulling eae Operated by turning Operated by key Operated by rollers, sensors aaa as AutoCAD Electrical HLam “This document was eested using. SOLID CONVERTER ae Description TEC (DIN EN) NEMA ICS/ANSW/IEEE Stored energy mechanism, general symbol one Switch mechanism with mechanical release mast Operated by motor os wie Emergency switch eae aan Operated by electromagnetic ‘overcurrent protection > - ona Operated by thermal overcurrent oL protection * - sik ans Electromagnetic operation 6 ane Control by fluid level See o Electromechanical, electromagnetic operating devices Electromechanical operating device, general symbol, relay col, general symbol os oso Ory 1B device code letter > table, page 9-13 Operating device with special features, general symbol AutoCAD Electrical SOE Ty Soup os M W oe Co > sO B- x device code letor > table, page 9-13 HLam ERTER PDF > simoatinnesai, nase te Description 1EC (DIN EN) NEMA ICS/ANSI/IEEE Electromechanical operating or & OF -G device with On-delay » device code letter is — table, page 9-13 Electromechanical device with “Oo g OF Off-delay = as pa % device code letter —> table, page 9-13 Electromechanical device with Oro or arse ety pare device code letter > table, page 9-13 Electromechanical device of @ thermal relay oH ° or oss Contacts NO contact 1 ory J or = van oan NIC contact p if or Changeover contact with | op oL interruption 4 £ Lt Early-make NIO contact ofa 1 {1 Torte contact assembly \ ee oroen Late-break N/C contact of a TO or TDO contact assembly Ee orto AutoCAD Electrical HLam “This document was eested using. SOLID CONVERTER ae Description 1EC (DIN EN) NEMA ICS/ANSI/IEEE N/O contact, delayed when "or J! losing &) * NIC contact, delayed when or B reclosing aa Control devices Push-button (not stay-put) e-4 at noe Spring-return switches with NIC PB contact, manually operated by eo le pushing, e.g. push-button Spring-return switches with N/O i PB and NIC contacts, manually Ey 7 ole operated by pushing Spring-return switches with 1 PB latching postion and one NO E> ‘oil contact, manually operated by wor pushing Spring-return switches with latching position and one NIC ont le contact, manually operated by striking (e.g. mushroom button) Position switches (N/O contacts) bs Limit switches (N/O contacts) i one sceeat Position switches (N/C contacts) Ls Limit switches (N/C contacts) ae mane Spring-retum switches with N/O 1s contacts, mechanically operated, se N/O contacts closed AutoCAD Electrical eet > | SOLID ‘co ERTER PDF > simoatinnesai, nase te HLam M | \ W Description JEC (DIN EN) NEMA ICS/ANSI/IEEE Spring-return switches with NIC = contacts, mechanically operated, “eo NIC contacts open Proximity switches (WIC contacts), actuated by the Fe a+ & proximity of ron tan Proximity switches, inductive, 1 NiO contacts eg} & Proximity switches, block diagram oem Under-pressure relays, N/O 1 © oro contacts Ps =} a aon one Pressure switches, N/C contact or at Ade Float switches, N/O contact I ae + 3 Float switches, NIC contact or ot g AutoCAD Electrical SOE Ty Soup HLam ERTER PDF > simoatinnesai, nase te M >T Co Switchgear Contactors (N/O contacts) 4 ee Piola c+ +4 raarare ona code letter Three-pole contactor with bimetal relay (3 thermal FL 7 i IAL te 2® fab rah fab elements) X code letter Three-pole switch-disconnector a a 4 = 7306 Three-pole ciruit-breaker kad woo HH ee ar305 Three-pole breaker with switch ny 7, mechanism with three C2 aial aad thermoelectric overcurrent TCI releases, three electromagnetic =e4- overcurrent releases, motor- Tesla protective circuit-breaker iain Fuse, general symbol ti A Transformers, current transformers Transformers with two windings - Hl WD omen ammn “me x 0 Autotransformer or vasa 0 000s Current transformer i € oF t eon ecmo0 AutoCAD Electrical ST < HLam ete = SOLID CONVERTER PDF > smash Machines ser © O"@ soem Motor, general symbol @) ©) oO pare econ DC motor, general symbol @ cco 'AC motor, general symbol ® © © Three-phase asynchronous motor or womens Xa) ose Three-phase asynchronous motor with slip-ing rotor © © 60603 AutoCAD Electrical ST L< HLam Sr © SOLID CONVERTER PDF > sam nenaarnucete Semiconductor diode, general sail Sci wb osteai Limiting diode Zener diode 5 6) ono Light-emitting diode (LED), ae or general symbol ae ey Bi-directional diode, diac = g “@n eam Thyristor, general symbol h ARAK) ca ) PNP transistor X4 AP FOYE x 9 NPN transistor, in which the mae aQe collector is connected to the QB y enclosure es > [a SOLID CONVERTER PDF > ematanesin paces te AutoCAD Electrical HLam or Cece M \ W ‘Tai ligu tham Khao: 1. Wiring Manual Automation and Power Distribution, Heidrun Riege, © 2008 by Moeller GmbH, Bonn 2, AutoCAD electrical Getting Started AutoCAD Electrical eet > | SOLID CONVERTER PDF =e

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