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Please observe inputs and understand the results of both SIP calculators before proceeding

SIP calculator in terms of years (annual compounding)

Years to goal 10 Fill only Green cells
Amount you can save each month 5000 This amount is assumed to invested at the end of the month
Net rate of return (annual) 10.00%
Annual increase in monthly invest. % 0.00%
When investment are made 1 Choose '0' if SIP occurs at month beginning and '1' if SIP occurs
Corpus you will accumulate 1,051,868
SIP calculator in terms of months (monthly compounding)
months you want to invest 36 Fill only Green cells
Amount you can save each month 1000 This amount is assumed to invested at the end of the month
Net rate of return (annual) 10.00%
Annual increase in monthly invest. is not incl. in this case as compounding is monthly. Will need to figure how to i
When investment are made 1 Choose '0' if SIP occurs at month beginning and '1' if SIP occurs
Compound Annualised Growth Rate 0.797% Correct value Corpus you will accumulate
Compound Annualised Growth Rate 0.833% Incorrect value usually assumed Corpus you will accumulate
** 1st 10 days can be taken as 'month beginning' and last 10 days as 'month end' approximately.
If the SIP occurs in the middle 10 days then it does not matter which option you choose!
1 beginning of month
0 end of the month
ed at the end of the month

beginning and '1' if SIP occurs at month end**

ted at the end of the month

y. Will need to figure how to include this

beginning and '1' if SIP occurs at month end**
Corpus you will accumulate 41,840
Corpus you will accumulate 42,130
Goal Planner (annual compounding)
Years to goal 3 Fill only green cells
Present cost 43,692
inflation 0.0%
Net rate of return 10.00%
Futire Cost 43,692
Amt invested so far 0
RoI of current invest. 0.00%
Future value of curr. Inv. 0
Annual inc. in monthly invest. % 0.00%
When investment are made 1 Choose '1' if SIP occurs at month beginning and '0' if SIP occurs at m
initial mon. invest. reqd. 1,000
postpone invest. (years) 0
if postponed, pm invest. 1,000
** 1st 10 days can be taken as 'month beginning' and last 10 days as 'month end' approximately.
If the SIP occurs in the middle 10 days then it does not matter which option you choose!
and '0' if SIP occurs at month end**
Use this for calculating CAGR of lumpsum mutual fund investments
Lumpsum investment 5000
Current value 5410 This is a simple coumpound interest calculator where the interest is calculated !
Duration (Years) 1

CAGR 8.20%

Lumpsum investment 5000

Date of investment January 1, 2000
Date of maturity December 31, 2000
Maturity value 5410

CAGR 8.20%
re the interest is calculated !
Use this calculator to find out the performance of your mutual fund SIP for any number of months
Best used for ongoing SIPs with no withdrawals made (see notes below)
If you have made lumpsum investments in the same fund then you can use this calculator
only if you can deduct the present value of those lumpsum investments
Enter data only in green cells
Monthly SIP amount 1000
Duration in months 36 Use the entire duration of your SIP for a start*
Present value 47,927.79 or value at end of above duration*
When investment are made 1 Choose '1' if SIP occurs at month beginning and '0' if SIP occ
Compound monthly growth rate 1.49% This is the value you will get if you had used Excels 'IRR' fun
Compound Annualised Growth Rate 19.48% Correct value
Compound Annualised Growth Rate 17.93% Incorrect value usually assumed
Make sure data entered is accurate as CAGR can vary a lot. If you get +/- 100 % and you are sure
about the data entered then the CAGR is either > +100% or < -100%!!

The calculation assumes the SIP is made the end of each month
* If you choose a set of months in the middle of your SIP tenure then you can must know
the value of those investments at the end of the period you seek
For example in a 36 month SIP if you need to know the CAGR between the 10th SIP and 20th SIP
The durartion will be 11 months. The 'present value' has to be the value of these 11 investments
at the end of the 11th investment or 20th SIP

** 1st 10 days can be taken as 'month beginning' and last 10 days as 'month end' approximately.
If the SIP occurs in the middle 10 days then it does not matter which option you choose!
mber of months

ur SIP for a start*

nth beginning and '0' if SIP occurs at month end**

f you had used Excels 'IRR' function

nd 20th SIP


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