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 1 Kilo of beef
 4 Tomatoes
 2 onions
 1 tablespoon of garlic
 1 Aji yellow
 3 potatoes
 2 cups of rice
 1 Tablespoon vinegar
 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
 4 Tablespoons of oil

Condiments - Spices

 1 tablespoon of salt
 1/2 Tablespoon pepper
 1 chopped parsley


1. In a pan the potatoes are fried.

2. In a pot with oil and garlic. The rice is cooked
3. In a pan over medium-high heat the meat with salt and pepper is fried
4. The meat is removed from the pan, then the onion is cooked
5. Tomato and yellow pepper are added to the pan.
6. The vinegar and soy sauce are added.
7. The meat is added again and it is allowed to cook together with the other ingredients
for 3 minutes.
8. The parsley is added at the end.

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