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María Camila Forero Salazar

Martha Cecilia Díaz Manrique


Ruby Estella Mendoza

Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia

Faculty of Education Distance - FESAD

Degree in Basic Education with Emphasis in Mathematics, Humanities and Spanish


English for Primary Education



A document is made highlighting inductive, deductive and interactive activities that

are used in the teaching process in education, in this work for a specific ninth grade. These
methodologies are applied to the use of "used to", identifying how to use it in the different
scenarios present in the context of a conversation in English.

The work presents three different activities where the use of modal "used to" is
identified, in conjugations with the verb to be and with the other existing verbs in the
language, identified its rules of use.

Finally identifies each of the proposed activities in the teaching methods that you
want to apply, and highlighting in a simple way, the strategies used, the methods of
evaluation, activities of beginning, development and closure, as well as the resources
necessary to be able to carry out such activity.
1. Comparative Table


When part of a dynamic, pedagogical activity, among

others, is establishing a relationship of the general to the
particular, to get to deduce a norm, apply a norm.
Grammatical rule or structure. A deductive approach
DEDUCTIVE (rule-driven) starts with the presentation of a rule and is
followed by examples in which the rule is applied.
Deductive reasoning is essentially a top-down approach
which moves from the more general to the more specific.
In other words, we start with a general notion or theory,
which we then narrow down to specific hypotheses,
which are then tested. In this activity is part of a
conversation. And it is asked to interpret the compared
ACTIVITY 1 based on it.
Take from: Liz and John Soars (2013). New Headway Beginner
A1 Student's Book

Part of a standard, by means of a given structure, a

concept is generalized, that is to say, it is part of the
INDUCTIVE particular to the general. An inductive approach (rule-
discovery) starts with some examples from which a rule
is inferred. Inductive reasoning is more of a bottom-up
approach, moving from the more specific to the more
general, in which we make specific observations, detect
patterns, formulate hypotheses and draw conclusions. In
this activity it is part of the rules for use in the compared,
which was then used at the general level.
Take from: Liz and John Soars (2013). New Headway Beginner
A2 Student's Book
Part of a standard, by means of a given structure, a
concept is generalized, that is to say, it is part of the
INDUCTIVE particular to the general. An inductive approach (rule-
discovery) starts with some examples from which a rule
is inferred. Inductive reasoning is more of a bottom-up
approach, moving from the more specific to the more
general, in which we make specific observations, detect
patterns, formulate hypotheses and draw conclusions. In
this activity it is part of the rules to use the prepositions
of time, and then it is asked to carry out an activity
applying these general rules.

Taken from: Cambridge, Org (2016). English Grammar

When part of a dynamic, pedagogical activity, among

others, is establishing a relationship of the general to the
DEDUCTIVE particular, to get to deduce a norm, apply a norm.
Grammatical rule or structure. A deductive approach
(rule-driven) starts with the presentation of a rule and is
followed by examples in which the rule is applied.
Deductive reasoning is essentially a top-down approach
which moves from the more general to the more specific.
In other words, we start with a general notion or theory,
which we then narrow down to specific hypotheses,
which are then tested.
Taken from: Cambridge, Org (2016). English Grammar


 School:
 Degree: Ninth
 Teacher:
 Student: Ninth grade students

Skills to develop:

 Identifies and understands the strategies, techniques for teaching grammar in

learning English.
 Analyzes didactic and methodological proposals in several textbooks for teaching
 It proposes creative activities in the design of workshops based on the
communicative approach.

START ACTIVITIE: ACTIVITY 1. Read and listen to the convesation

Note: Deductive method. The teacher should read the conversation while the students
follow each other's reading with their respective material. Then the teacher chooses 5
students to read the conversation again. Finally, students solve the proposed activity

KEVIN:-- Hello, Tom! How are you?

TOM:-- Hey, friend. It passed a long time since we met last time. What did you do all
that time?
K:--Oh, only a few things. Well, I am used to driving a taxi, but I changed my mind and
decided to look for an employ in a fix place. So I began to work as a mechanic, but I
was used to crossing time of the street's movement last year and I changed my job.
T:--And what are you doing now?
K:--Let me tell you. I became a police, but it is used to being a very dangerous work,
so I retired and then I bought a boat and became a fisher. I love to be on the sea.
T:--I see, you are an adventurer. You don't spend much time in the same place.
Practice thesure!
K:-- Yes, conversation,
Oh, I mustHow do you
go now. Bye, use
Tom,the verb
we'll to be
meet whit used
in some time. to?
T:-Bye. I hope so.

When used to "used to" as adjective means "to be accustomed to". It is used for things that
are familiar, normal, or common and can be used in any verbal time. When "to be used to"
is followed by a verb, the verb must be in gerund ("- ing"). The verb to be can go in its
conjugation of simple and past simple present.

I _______(be) used to _________(drive)

I_______(be) used to __________(cross) time of street’s movement last year.

It_______(be) udes to____________(be) a very dangerous work


Note: Inductive method. The teacher explains by means of the grammatical rules the use of
"used to", and explains in a communicative way by means of examples and audios of
listening examples of the thematic.


To talk about habits in the past that have already ended.

 Robert used to play football when he was younger, but he stopped playing 20 years
ago. - Robert jugaba al fútbol cuando era más joven, pero dejó de jugar hace 20
 I used to smoke a lot but I stopped two years ago. - Yo fumaba mucho, pero lo dejé
hace dos años.

Or something that happened regularly in the past, but it doesn't happen anymore.
 Ben used to travel a lot in his work. - Ben viajaba mucho en su trabajo.
 I used to cycle to work but now I go by bus. - Yo solía ir en bicicleta al trabajo, pero
ahora voy en autobús.

To say that a situation or state has changed.

 There used to be a cinema in the town but now there isn't. - Antes había un cine en
la ciudad, pero ahora no lo hay.
 She used to have really long hair but now she's had it cut really short. - Ella tenía el
pelo muy largo, pero ahora lo tiene muy corto.

Form the negative or ask with used to. When we ask a question or form a negative phrase,
used to becomes use to and as all regular verbs we need the auxiliary verb do in the past,
that is, did.

 I didn't use to like him but now I do. - Yo no le gustaba, pero ahora sí.
 Where did you use to live? - ¿Dónde vivías?

Exercise: Elaborate 15 sentences written using "Used to", five in an affirmative form,
five in negative form and five in interrogative form. In groups of five students the
created sentences must be socialized.

Note: Interactive method. The teacher gives students an interactive activity to develop.

Select the correct answer

Q3 of 10

Q1 of 10 I ____ the smell of smoke because my

husband smokes.
I ____ smoke when I was in my 20s.
a. usually
a. usually
b. use to
b. use to
c. used to
c. used to
d. am used to
d. am used to

Q4 of 10
Q2 of 10
There was a time when she ____ always
I ____ smoke when I drink. work late.
a. usually a. usually
b. use to b. use to
c. used to c. was used to
d. am used to d. would
Q5 of 10

He ____ be a vegetarian when he was a Q8 of 10

It's a noisy apartment, but I ____ it.
a. usually
a. used to
b. use to
b. am used to
c. used to
c. use to
d. would
d. am use to

Q6 of 10
Q9 of 10
They ____ the silence when they built a
restaurant next door. Bill is used to ____ long days.

a. used to a. work

b. are used to b. works

c. are getting used to c. working

d. were getting used to d. worked

Q7 of 10 Q10 of 10

Sally ____ drink a lot of wine. By the time John moves in, I ____ living
a. didn’t use to
a. am used to
b. wouldn’t
b. would be used to
c. didn’t used to
c. will be used to
d. don’t use to
d. used to

Resources: The student will have the material given by the teacher, besides audio that
allows to follow the listening of the given material. Board, markers, Eraser, a classroom.
Recorder and photocopies with the theme to see.

Evaluation: Throughout the class, the inductive and deductive activities will be reviewed,
evaluating performance in class. Finally, the highest value evaluative system will be the
delivery of the development of activity three, the interactive activity with multiple selection

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Black, M. (01 de Junio de 2001). Sherton English . Recuperado el 16 de Agosto de 2017,

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