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“The Last of Us”

Sarah’s death

-We’re almost there. We’re almost there, baby.

Joel and Uncle tommy are running down the empty streets, where no human is
alive. However the streets filled with zombies chasing Joel and Tommy, like the
hungry cheetahs who haven’t eaten in a 6 days.
-They’re getting through the fence!
On the right, zombies trying to force their way through the fence. The fence is
made out of rusty metal and looks like a fence on the football court. One zombie
in a police officer uniform smashes into the fance. Joel and Tommy turned left,
and rush through the tunnel of the brickwalls.
-Keep going! Find a way outta here!
Further we can see garbage and a street flashlight which blinds us. Joel turns
right, and we observe a small bar with no one in it. The tables are empty, and the
long garland passing through on side of the fence to another is still shining.
We are running up the ladder. Uncle Tommy glances back and waves, showing
Joel to follow him. Tommy opens the door into the silent bar. On the top of the
door we can see a hat “open” says with neon light. On the right the same type of
sign hanging on the wall above the outside bar, and says “Central Light”
-Move it!
Joel runs into the bar. About 3 zombies are pursuing them. Uncle Tommy closes
and starts to push a wooden door to hold zombies back. Their hands trying to fit
through the small space between the open door. Uncle Tommy pulls out his gun,
and for a second a gun directed at the zombies.
-Get the highway!
Shouted uncle tommy with fear in his face, but with confidence, still holding
nasty and insatiable zombies back with one hand.
Said Joel holding Sarah in his hands. Sarah opened her eyes widely and
resembles two plates, and Joel is panicking. They are still standing near the uncle
-Go you got Sarah! I can out run ‘em.
-Uncle Tommy.
Said Sarah. Joel start jogging and looking at uncle Tommy.
-I will meet you there. Hurry!
Joel opens the back door with his back. He quickly looks at the right where
zombie is attacking another person. That person wiggling and trying to outbreak,
but helps us to escape.
-Daddy. we can”t live him.
Said Sarah about uncle Tommy. Further you can see a bridge where Joel’s and
uncle Tommy’s meeting point should be. Joel starts to rush as fast as he can.
-He’s gonna be fine.
Joel crosses through the hole in the fence and joins the path. Paths like these
you may have seen in the forests, they are made out of sand and dirt.
-We’re almost there.
Joel sprint down the path. The path leads to a bridge where Joel and Sarah’s
paths should cross with Tommy’s.
-They’re getting closer.
Joel comes near a flipped over ambulance car.
He passes through it. On the left a zombie or he is still a human trying to breakout
from the car that smashed him. The scene starts.
Behind Joel were the zombies approaching him. Somebody shoot zombies. A
flashlight is shining on Joel and Sarah making them squinting. The light gives
them hope that they are save.
-It’s ok. Baby. We’re safe.
We view the soldier, it was he who killed the zombies.
-We’re safe.
-We need help.
Joel gets up from his knees.
Joel comes closer to the soldier.
-It’s me daughter I think her legs broken.
-Stop right there.
The soldier gets more serious and points the gun on them.
Joel starts to backup.
-Okay… We’re not sick.
Soldier starts to talk to walkie talkie.
-Got a couple civilians in the outer perimeter. Please advise.
Sarah is frightened.
-Daddy. What about uncle Tommy?
-We’re gonna get you to safety and go back for him. Okay?
Joel stares back at the soldier.
-Sir. There is little girl. But… Yes sir.
Soldier aim the gun at Joel.
-Listen. Boddy. We’re just been through hell.
Joel approaches the solder panickly.
-Okay. We just need-
The flashlight shines on Joel and Sarah. The solder is about to shoot at them.
-Oh, shit.
Joel begins to run away. Soldier starts to fire at them. Joel cover Sarah with his
back so she won’t be hurt. They both fall and roll down the hill. The soldier comes
closer to Joel. There is no choice for soldier. He should kill Joel and Sarah as he
told to, because they are not sure rather Joel and Sarah are infected with the
disease which will turn them into the zombies or not.
-Please. don’t.
A bullet went through a soldier’s head. A dead body of a soldier drops down.
Uncle Tommy with a gun pointing at the soldier comes closer to Joel and Sarah.
-Oh, no…
Joel glance back at Sarah.
He runs to her on his hands and knees like a dog. Sarah is on the ground holding
her hands near her stomach. Her blood is on her pijama. Joel fearfully looks at
Sarah, and tries to help her.
-Okay. Move your hands, baby.
Sarah is touching Joel's shoulder trying to say something, but she can’t. She is
crying, and afraid, she doesn’t know what to do. Her eyes are glancing at Joel's
face and at the night sky.
-I know, baby. I know…
Joel tries to stop the bleeding with his hands. Sarah’s lips are shaking.
-You’re gonna be okay. Baby. Stay with me. Alright. I’m gonna pick you up.
Joel trying to pick up Sarah back in his hands. Sarah doesn’t have any energy to
stand up.
-I know. baby. I know it hurts. Come on. Baby. Please. I know. Baby. I know.
We see how uncle tommy stares at Sarah with the pity and sadness on his face.
Joel looks at the Sarah and she dies. Her dead eyes which become similar to an
eyes of a doll, are still looking at joel and her hands are still at Joel’s shoulders.
-Sarah… Baby.
Joel gives a quick look at Uncle Tommy and than back to Sarah. He hugs her.
-Don’t do this to me, baby. Don’t do this to me baby girl, come on...
Sarah doesn’t give any signs of living.
-No. No…
Joel picks up Sarah's dead and cold body, and hugs her again.
-Oh, no, no, no… Please
He still hugs her and says.
-Oh god. Please, please don’t do this. Please god.
The logo of the game, the sign “The Last of Us” appears on the screen.


Sec 0:15-8:02

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