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Running Head - Myoelectric Signal Capture

Myoelectric Signal Capture Applied to the Control of

the Second and Third Upper Limbs of a Robotic


David Jonatán Pérez Hernández

Reserch Methodology Project

Dr. Ing. Guillermo César Modragon Rodríguez


May 2018


Since memorable times, the development and implementation of

technology in the style of human life have allowed it to develop in an

immeasurable way, starting with those devices that allow daily tasks to be

carried out in less time intervals, as well as those that substitute the effort

human and provide continuous performance.

Currently technological innovations have opted to increase efforts in the sector

of care and solutions to human health, taking as reference those problems that

are summarized in lifestyle deficiencies, within which, a sector of high priority

is the type of situations in which mobility and human versatility is limited by

situations concerning accidents, as they have to be lost from extremities and / or

bad human formations.

Incentive for which, the present research project intends to use an experimental

approach for the analysis of the myoelectric signals emitted by the striated

muscles of the second and third limbs, which are part of the main composition

of the upper limb. Specifically, the objective is to achieve, by obtaining signals

emitted and through a process of noise purification, a clean signal that can be

amplified to achieve its manipulation, applying that manipulation to the control

of an articulated robotic hand-forearm prototype. Using the captures and

treatments of these signals, will allow that in a quantitative way modifications


can be made in the stimulations on these signals and observe the behavior

before different excitations, to be used in the design of a control with greater

fidelity and similarity to a real human limb.

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