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Coming Of Age

It only seems like a few days when I finally turned 18 (April 6), and up to now, I still feel no change in me
whatsoever. Not physically, but the privileges, responsibilities, and the knowledge that I’m supposed to
have. I’m still the same old me – I’m no different than when I was 17. I don’t really know how to
emphasize that fact more than I already have. I’m still stuck at home with nowhere to go but Church and
Bible Studies (I’m not complaining), and when I DO get the chance to go shopping at City Centre, I am
required to have a ‘chaperone’. Should I feel… locked up? I really don’t, by the way.

So, what’s going to happen? What new things do I hold mine, and what other responsibilities have been
added to my ‘to remember’ list?

My Expectations

Not a lot. I mean, I do expect to get my driver’s license and have dad teach me first, to think more
maturely and refrain from acting all at once, and to know more about God. Aside from that, I hope to
get more privileges (like making my way around different places and spending money in a reasonable
manner) and to be treated with more respect by others. I also hope to be given a chance to do more for
the Lord, like go on mission trips across the country and in places that haven’t heard of Him yet. I also
want to be a volunteer for some BIG project that will touch the lives of people. I expect to be able to
voice my opinions and thoughts legally. I expect to be able to use my God-given abilities to serve Him
and others through work. Just a few days ago, mom allowed me to get my own credit card, much to my
amusement. That’s one expectation fulfilled. A whole bunch more to go.

My Responsibilities

I don’t think I’ll have MORE duties – just more emphasis on their importance I guess. Just like taking care
of my brother. When I was 17, the responsibility was light, and I could still be allowed to ‘think of myself’
and my situation. Now that I’m more mature in thinking, my parents expect me to be more of a sister
and put my brother before myself – not that I didn’t do that before. As I said, the responsibility has
become heavier and the consequences have become greater. I’m in charge of keeping the house clean
too, while my folks are at work. That’s no easy task, especially with all our things. I’m actually looking
forward to the challenge I now face, as an older, logical daughter to my parents. I guess I’m ready to
move on towards a new way of life.

For me? Having more privileges, and being included in the legal system. I hope to study abroad soon
(Australia hopefully) and get the chance to be a bit more independent without staying under my
parent’s roof. I’ll get to make decisions and have my own room (which I’ve been dying to have), and
aside from that, I can finally have a job to support our other needs.

Spiritually, I HAVE noticed some changes from the past. I am a bit more ‘slow to speak’ now and my
understanding and patience have doubled. Before, when I had problems about something, I would go to
my friends, but just a few years ago, I’ve become more reliant on God. I really like what’s been
happening in me personally. The spirit faithfully rebukes me for what I’ve done wrong, and it’s a sign
that God still gives me the chance to change.

I praise God for this additional year, and I pray that I may do more pleasing things than bad ones. May
my actions and thoughts and deeds be parallel to His will, and may I learn to obey my Lord in everything.
And another thing: I really want to share the gospel to more people this year, without being timid and
scared of rejection. I look only to God for help and guidance!

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