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mo _ 5 | | i | © pan) etree) Museum Satriamandala The Guide of Book Satriamandala Museum Buku Panduan Museum Satriamandala The Guide Book of Satriamandala Museum Markas Besar Tentara Nasional Indonesia Pusat Sejarah Headquarters of the Indonesian National Military Center for TNI History * KATA SAMBUTAN KEPALA PUSAT SEJARAH TNI FOREWORD BY CHIEF OF THE CENTER FOR HISTORY INDONESIAN NATIONAL MILITARY Puji dan syukur saya panjatken \ehadirat Tuhon Yang Maha Esa, otas tohmat dan kerunia-Nyo, sehingge revisi lon cetak ulang buku panduan Museum Solriamendala dapatditerbitkan, Museum Satriamandala wepakan salch satu museum dalam fusjorah TNL, yang secara khusus sonyajikan ‘sejarah perjuangan TN mulai or tahun 1945 sampai sekarong. Dengan Museum Satriamondala, wosyarakat dapot mengatahvi secara lronologis perjuangan TNI, dalam nempertahenken dan, komerdekaan Indonesia. melihat isi mengisi Sepanjang penaabdiannya \epada bangse: dan Negara, TN) telah mengahadepi berbagai permasalchan yong merangrong kewibawaan Pemerintoh RL Upoys kekuatan-kekuaton lar don herbagai kelompok untuk melenyopkon kamerdekaan berhasil ditumpas TNI Wenger segala kemampuan yang odo. fidak terhitung jumlah koran TNI yang, yugur sebagai kusuma bongso, baik dalam pe\uangannya melawan Belanda, Jepang, dyn Inggris maupun periuangannya dalam penumpasan terhadap. pemberontakan~ All poraise be to God Almighty thot with His Blessing the Guide of Indonesia Military (TNI) Museum Satriamandala could finally be published, Museum Satriamandala in one of the museum in the units of Center for TNI History (Pusjarah TNI), that presents the history of TNI's-siruggle since 1945 up to now. By observing the museum's collection, the people could comprehend chronologically the struggle og TNI in defending and giving substance to the independence. During the devotion fo the country and nation, TN! has encountered vorious troubles which undermined the stability of government authority. The ‘attempts ofexteral forces and various groups toeliminote the independence had been successfully suppressed by TNI with all its potential available. Countless casualties died in batile as heroes in fighting against the Dutch, Japanese, and the British or in suppressing rebellion of groups who intended to establish a stale within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, By comprehending the history of the struggle of TNI which bristly explained Pemberonlakon yong dilakuken oleh kelompok - kelompok yang ingin mendirikan negora di dalam Negora Kesaluian Republik Dengan Memahami sejarah perivangan TNI yang secara ringkas dibuat dalam buku panduon ini, mosyarakat diingatkan kembali bahwa TN) teloh berbuat banyak demi tetop tegaknya Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Indonesia. Besarnya pengorbanan rakyot dan TNI dalam mempertohankan dan mengisi kemerdekacn Indonesia diharapkan mampu membangkikon rosa cinte tanah air dan patriotisme di kelangan masyarakat, Khususnya generosi’ muda, agar senantiasd menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa. Sertoga Buku Panduan Museum Satriamandala depot memberikan kemudahan bagi kita untuk mengenal lebih dekat isi Museum TNI beserta informasinya don kehadironnyc bermantaat pula. By comprehending the history of the struggle of TNI which bristly explained in this guide book, it remainds the society that TNI hod done o lot to the country of maintaining the Unitary State of the Republic of Indanesia. The priceless socrifices done by the people and TN! in defending and giving substance to the independence is expected fo encourage the people, specially the yaoung generalion to love their father land and have spitit of patriotism, so that they would forever defend the union an unitary of the nation. Iris hoped that this guide book of TNI Museum Setriamandala is useful and could facilitate us to know more about the collection of Museum Satriomandala and its information. Jakarta, Juni 2008 Kepale Pusct Sejarah TNI Chief of the Center of Indonesian National Military History Agus Gunaedi Pribadi Brigedir Jenderal TN) Brigadier General TN KATA PENGANTAR, PREFACE Sejarah’ telah mencatat, bohwa perjuangan Tentara Nasional (TNI) delom mempertahanken dan mengisi kemerdekoon Indonesia sejek awal berdirinya pada tanggal 5 Oktober 1945, mengalomi pasang surut seiring dengan dinamika kehidupan bangsa yang berlaku yoo! itu. Perjuangan TNI dari maso ke moso iwerupaken bukti keseticonnye kepada Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia NKRI) yang diproklamasikan pada tanggol 17 Agustus 1945, kekuatan TNI adalah sikapnya yang tidak kenal menyerah jerhadap kekvatan-kekuatan luar maupun pamberontakon-pemberontakan dalam eri yang mengencom Proklamas} dan Pancasila. Banyak putra bangsa, termasuk TN| yang gugur-sebagai kusuma bangsa dalam upaya: menegakkan kemerdekoon dan mejaga’ keutuhan Nrgaro Kesatuon Republik Indonesia. Sebagai bangsa yang besar, bangse Indonesia tidok akan pernah melupakan jasa-jaso para pahlawonnyo. Salah’ sotu upaya untuk mengenang dan menghargat mereka odalah dengan mendirikannya Museum Satriamandala yang terletok di Jalan Gotot Subroto No. 14 Jokarta Selatan. Museum yang diresmikan oleh Presiden Soehario, pada tanggal 5 Oktober 1972, dimaksudkan sebagai sarana pembinaon mental dan pewarisan NilaisNilai Juang 1945 don Nilei-Nilai Juhur TNL Dengan’ berkunjung ke Museum History has recorded, that Indonesian National Military (TNI) in defending and giving subtonce to the independence of Indonesia since its formation on 5th October 1945, hos experienced ups and downs in the dynamics of life of the nation and country ot the time. TNI has proved itself that itis always loyal to the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia which was proclaimed on 17th August 1945. The strength of TNI is its determination of never sureenderto external forces of internal insurgencies that endangered Proclaimation and Pancasila, A lot of Indonesian people, inclided TN! members were killed as heroes in the efforts to maintain and defend the solidity of the Unitary State of The republic of Indonesia. As @ big nation, Indonesians never forget the deeds of their heroes. One way to reminisce and honour them tiesthablis the Museum Satriamandalo that loccied ati4 Gatot Subroio street, Shout Jakarta. This museum which was officially inaugurated by President Soeharto on Sth October 1972, has the objectives of mental building and Inheriting the Values of 1945 Struggle and Noble Values of TNI. By visiting ine Museum Satriamandole which provides the guide book, itis hoped that the people specially the young generation comprehend the continuous siruggle of the TNI belween the periods of delending and safeguardings the independence ond the periods of giving its subsiabce fo the independence in the Yang dilengkapi dengan buke panduon dihorapkan masyarakat, khususnya generds| muda menghayati kontinuitas perjuangan TN! antora masa-mosa memperiahankan dan mengamankan kemerdekaan dengan perjuangan mengisi kemerdekaon sekarang dan pada masa- mosa yang oken datang, Semoga Buku Panduan Museum Satriamadcla: memudahkan kita’ untuk mengenal museum ini. present and in the future. {t is hoped this guide book of Museum Satriamadala would facilitate us to know more aboutthe museum, Jokaria, 2008 Tim Penyusun Editors, Kota Sembutan foreword Kola pengontar Preface Penerangon Umum General Information Denah Museum Satriomandala Mop of Museum Satriamandala DAFTAR ISI iii xvii Solayang Pandang Museun Satriamandals | “glance at Museum Sotriamandala Ruatig Diorama | The First Diorama Hell Quang Panji-Panji The Hall of Stamdards Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Rl (17 Agustus 1945) a The Proclomaton of the Republic of Indonesia (17 August 1945) Pombentukan Badan Keemanan Rakyat (BKR), (22 Agustus 1945) 4 The Formation of the People s Security Body (22 August 1945) Badan-badan Perjuangen The Various Struggle Organization Angkaten Muda Polisi Bergerok The Police Youth Action Pembentukan Tentara Keamanan Rakyat (5 Oktober 1945) Z The Establisment of The People s Security Army (5 October 1945) Pertempurtin Surabaya (110 November) ~ 8 The Batlle of Surabaya (10 November 1945) Ruang Jenderal Soedirman The General Soedirman Room Ruang Jenderal Ocrip Soemohardio . Fi General Oerip Soemohardjo Room Ruang Jenderal Besar A.H. Nasution dan Jenderal Besar H.M. Soeharto ... General AH. Nosution and General H.M. Soehario Room Ruang Diorama Il The Second Diorama Hall 7. Pedempuron Lima Hari Di Semarang (14-19 Oktober 1945) . The Five Days Battle at Semarang (14-19 October 1945) 8. Dopur Umum 18 The Camp Kitchen 9, Pertempuran Ambarawa (12-15 Desember 1945) 19 The Battle of Ambarawa (12-15 December 1945) 10. Pengumuman Proklamasi Kemerdekoan Bangsa Indonesi 20: Oktober 1945) The Establishment of The Sumatera (6 Ocober 1945) 11. Bondung Loutsn Api (23 Moret 1946). .... pe Bondung a Sea of Fire (23 March 1946) 12. Operasi Lintas Laut dari Banyuwongi ke Bali (4 April 1946) 23 The Sea Bome Expedition From Banyuwangi to Bali (4 April 19.46) 13. Penurunan Bendera Belanda dari Puncak Hotel Yamato, Surabaya (19 24 September 1945) The Lowering of The Duich Flag From The Top of Yomato, Hotel Suroboya (19 Septemper 1945) 14, Perebuten Pangkalan Udara Bugis, Malang (18 September 1945) ...... The Seizure of Bugis Airbase Near, Molang (18 September 1945) 15. Pertempuran Bogor (8 Desember 1945) ~ 3g The Battle of Bogor (8 December 1945) 16. Perlempuran Cibadak (9 Desember 1945) 27 The Battle of Gladak (9 December 1945) 17. Penumpasan Gerakan Tiga Daerah (21 Desember 19.45) 28 Suppressing The Local Coup af Pekalongan Three Regions Afair (2 December | 945) quran Krueng Panjoe, Aceh (24 Nopember 1945) 29 th Oi lla of Kweng Ponjoe, Aceh (24 November 1945) Hsymllti ba Moluku (3 Maret 1946) ~ 30 Ihe Capedition to The Maluku (3 March 1946) aviampuran Lima Hari di Palembang (1-5 Jonvari 1947) «ae - 33 ‘Kentingen Garuda 35 His Contingen Collection iehy\ Tanda Pongkat, Brevet TNI ... ij Polo TN dolom Era Pembangunen...... ofe Display of TNL in The Area of Development Willd Senjata si 38. he Snail Aems Room 5 Nj Diorama Ih 40 Third Diorama Hall 2 Penarbangan Pertoma oleh Perwira TNI (27 Oktober 1945) 0: ‘Tho First Armed Force Flight (27 October 1945) “) Paristiwa Merah Putih di Manado (14 Febuari 1946) - 43 The Red and White Incident at Manado (14 February 1946) Puputan Margarano (20 Nopember 1946). 45 ~ Pyputan Morgorane (20 November 1946) #5 Perlawanan Kapel Gajah Mads di Perairan Cirebon: (5 Januari 1947) sc 46 The Gajah Mada at Cirebon (5 Jonuary 1947) ‘6 Kepahlawanan Robert Wolter Mongisidi Dj Sulawesi Selatan (29 Januari 1947) 47. Robert Wolter Mongisdl (29 January 1947) 27, Pertempuran Di Teluk Sibolga (12 Mei 1947) oy 49 The Betlle Inthe Bay Of Sibolga (12 May 1947) 28 Pabrik Senjata Dalam Perang Kemerdekoon An Arms Factory During The Independence War 29. Fembomen Ambarawa, Solatiga Dan Semarang (29 Juli 1947)... The Bombing Of Ambarawa, Salotga And Semarang (29 duly 194 30. Pesawat Dokotayt-Cla Ditembak Jatuh Oleh Belanda (29 Juli 1947} The VT-ClA Dakota Aircraft (29 July 1947) 3]. Penerdbosan Blokade Belanda Dj Selat Malaka (OMober 1947; o The Piercing Of The Dutch Blokade In The Malaca Sirait (October 1947) 32. Polisi Bertugas Menjaga Daerah Status Quo (17 Januari 1948) ..... The Police Quard The Status Quo (17 January 1948) 33. Akademi Militer Tangerang (78 Nopember 1945) The Military Academy At Tangerang (18 November 1945) 34, Sekolah Angkatan Laut Tegal (12 Mei 1946) The School Of Naval Force At Tegal (12 May 1946) 35. Akademi Angkatan Bersenjatx Republik Indonesio (10 Desember 1946) sans. The Armed Forces Academy (10 December 1946) 36. Sekolah Penerbangan Di Yogyakarta (Desember 1945) .... The Aeronautical School A! Yogyakarta (December 1945) 37. Sekolah Polisi Merloyudan (17 Juni 1946) The State Police Schoo! Mertoyudan (17 June 1946) 38, Hijroh TNI (1 Februari 1948) The Departure (1 February 1948) 39, Perlawaran Rakyot Irian (14 Maret 19-48) The Defence of Irian (14 March 1948) 40. Pemberontakon PKI di Madiun (118 September | 948) The Indonesia Comminist Parly Rebellion (118 Seplember 1948) 4 Tentara Pelojor Dalam Perang Kemerdekaan ..... The Student Army 42, Morkas Besor Komando Djowa (28 Oktober 1948) .. Jova Commanded Headquarters (28 October 1948) 43. Morkas Besar Komando Sumatera (28 Oktober 1948) Sumatera Command Headquarters (28 October 1948) 44, Peronon Wanita Dolam Perang Kemerdekzan .... Woman in The Independence War Flinng Sefagam » 12 The Hall OF TN) Uniform: Boloirung Pahlawan = 48 The Hall OF Time Kolelsi Kendaraan Tempur ~ 14 Colectons of Armoured Vehicles bermaga Mini Wini Navy Vase Juman Dirgantora 116 Gorden Disploy SELAYANG PANDANG MUSEUM SATRIAMANDALA A GLANCE AT MUSEUM SATRIAMANDALA. Dalam rangka pembinoan mental dan pewarisan Nilai-Nilai Juang 1945 don Nilai-Niloj Luhur TNI 1945, pimpinan TNI merase peru dibangun suoly museum Angkatan don Polri yang sudah ado. Untuk itu Kepalo Pusat Sejarch NI perlama Bridjen TNI Nugroho Notesusanto dituigaskan mempersiapkan rencano don peloksanaan pembanguaannya. Pembangunan museum TNI dimulai pado tanggal 15 Noveriber 1971 di bekos rumah Nyonya Dewi Sukamo di tos tonch seluas 56,670 m2, JI. Gatot Subroto, dilakukan dengon-coro merénovasi dan memugar bekas rumah tersebut menjadi suatu museum TNl. Pelaksonizan pembangunen tahap pertome diresmikan oleh Presiden Soeharic pada tanggel 5 Oktober 1972, yang sekoligus memberinyo nama Museum Satriamadala. Kata Satriamandala berasol dari bahasa sonisekerta yang berari lingkungan keramnot para ksatria, Museum Sotriomadala secara khusus menyaijikan sejorah perjuanaan TNidclam memperohanken dan mengisi kemerdekaan indonesia, Penyajiannya dalam beniuk dioroma, yakni penyajian tiga dimenisi. Dj somping 74 diorama, dipeimerkon pula benda-benda bersejarah sebagai pendukunanya seperti senjata, atribut, serta berbagai panji dan lombang di lingkungan TNi. Benda-benda ini di tempotkon di ruang-ruang spesifik Sedangkan perlengkapan TN! loinnya terdiri dari kendaraan tempus, pesawat ferbang den meriam ditempatkan di halaman museum yang merupakan pomeran famen’ gandendisplay) In the frame of mental building ‘and inheriting the Noble Values of 1945 Indonesian Struggle, Chief of TNI realized that it was necessary to estoblish a military museum besides museums of services and. police that hod been available. Therefore, the farmer Director of Center of Military History, Brig. Gen, Nugroho Notosusanto, wos assigned to prepare for planning and conituction the museum. The first phase of the Construction, whice was started on | Sth ‘November 1971, was the renovation of the farmer mansiom of Madame Dewi Soekarno in the area of 56.470 m2, on Gatot Subrote street, Shouth Jokaria. The completion of the renivation was inaugurated by Presiden! Soeharfa on 5th October 1972, and he named the museum "The Museum Satriamadalo’. The word was derived from Sanskrit which meons the sacred place for heroes. The Museum Satriamadala specially present the history of the struggle of indonesion Military in defending and giving subtance to the independence of Indonesia. The displays are in the form of dioramas, three dimentional illustration Besides 74 dioramas, the museum also displays historical abjects to support the stories in the dioramas. They consists of weapons, standards and banners anid aitributer of TN, Those collections are located in specific rooms. Whilesee other bigger objects such @ military vehicles, cir crafi, and cannons ore displayed in the museum's yard, called garden display, Ruang Diorama I The First Diorama Hall RUANG PANJI-PANJI Ruong Panji-panji. merupakan janfung Museum Sairiamandala. Ruang ini menggambarkon secora -simbolik mist utoma Tentara. Nasional Indonesia. (TNI) sejak awal berdirinya di tohun 1945 hingga sekarang, Di ruangan ini terdapat firuan teks Proklomasi yang ieukir pada marmer. Proklamasi menggambarkan niloi:nilai tinggi kebongsaan, yaitu kemerdekaon Misi ufama TNI adalah dan kemerdekaan nasional dan dalam rvangan sebuah bengsa memperiohonkan mengisi ini terdapat koleksi ponji-panji TNI berbentuk tiruan yailu Panji-Ponji Hankam, TNI-AD, TNI-AU, dan POLRI. Di sisi lain kita dapat melihat lambang negara dan lambang Hankom, TNI AD, TN! AL, TNI AU dan POLRI. HALL OF STANDARDS: The hall of standards is considered the heortof the Museum Sairiomandala. This hall presents symbolically the central mission of the Indonesian’ National Milita (TNI) since its formation in 1945 up til the presen) time. Carved in the marble wal), is an enlarged replica of the acaproklamasi, our The Proklomasi represent the supreme value of declaration of independence. our nation, namely Notional Independence, The TNI ore represented by replicas of standards of the Services, the Army, Novy, Air Forces and the police. Hanging.on the wall, ‘on the other side there are the National Coot of Arms and the emblems of the service, the ‘Army, Navy, Airforce and Police. 2. PEMBENTUKAN BADAN KEAMANAN RAKYAT (22 AGUSTUS 1945) Pada tanggal 22 Agustus 1945 Rapai Ponitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia, memutuskan untuk tidak membentuk Tentara Nasional melainkan sebuah Badan Keamanan Rakyat (BKR). Kepiitusan ini diumumkan oleh Presiden Sockarno dalam pidatonya yang disiarkan melalui Radio Republik Indonesia (RRl) tanggal 23 Agustus 1945 malam Paro pemude segera menggunakan BKR sebagai wadah perivangannye, sehinggo dalom kenyataannya menjadi korps pejuang betsenjata. Mereka mempelopori perebutan kekuasaan dari tangan Jepang lasok tanah air 2. THE FORMATION OF THE PEOPLES SECURITY BODY (22 AUGUST 1945) On the 22nd of August 1945 the Preparatory committee for the Independence of Indonesia decided thet a People's Security Body would be esthablished instead of a Nationam Army. In the evening of 23rd of August President Soekarno announched the decision to the people of Indonesia through o national radio broadcast. Immediately the youth of Indonesia utilized the People's Security Body as o vehicle for its struggle, so thet in actual foct the People's Security Body became an armed fighting to wrest power from the Japanese in various parts of Indonesio. 1. WADAN-BADAN PERJUANGAN Keputusan pemerintah untuk ilo membentuk Tentara Nasional tidak inomuaskan sekelompok pemuda. Mereka doh emasuki BKR, melainkan membentuk badan-badan perjuangan. Untuk menggalang persatuan diintora badan-badan gerjuangan, diodokan Kongres Pemuda yang dihadiri 1 30 bedan-badon perjvengon dari oluruh Indonesio pada tanggal 10 November 1945 di Balai Maiaram, yokarta, Tepat pada saat kangres dimulai, di Surabaya meletus pertempuran lawan Inggris, sehingga wakil-wakil Surabaya terpaksa meninggalkan sidang. ‘3. THE VARIOUS STRUGGLE ORGANIZATIONS The goverment's decisions not io form the Notional Army did not satisfy. certain sections of the youth, They did not joint the People's Securily Body, instead. they formed various struggle organizations To unife the vrious struggle organizations, they held o youth Congress atiended by 30 struggle organizations from all over Indonesia on 10th November 1945 held in Moforam Holl, Yogyakarta. At the time the congress began, o baile against the British broke out in Surabaya, therefore the representalives from Surabaya lefi the congress to return to their city, 4, ANGKATAN MUDA POLIS! BERGERAK Poda:awal Kemerdekoan, Indonesio, Keisatsutai (Pasukan Polisi) dan Tokubetsu Keisotsutai (Pasukan Polisi istimewa) bentukan tentara pendudukan Jepang merupakan satu-satunya kesatuan bersenjata yang tidak dilucuti oleh Jepang. Anggota bekas Keisatsutai dan Tokubetsu Keisatsutai yang dipelopori oleh angkatan mudanya menyatakan berdiri di belokang Pemerintah RI-dan bersomo-bsama BKR serta rakyat mulai merebut senjata dan ‘objek-objek vital dori tongan Jepang, seperti yang telah teriodi di Jakarta, Sukabumi, Magelang, Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Suraboya dan Iain-lain, Penyerbuan gedung Kempetai {Polisi Militer) pada tanggal | Oktober 1945 oleh angkatan Muda Polisi Suraboyo 4, THE POLICE YOUTH ACTION At the beginning of the Indonesia's independence, the Keisatsutot (Police Force) ond the Tokubetsu Keikatsutai (The Special Police Force), founded by the Jopanese Occupation Force were not disarmed by the Keisatsutoi and Tokubetsu Keisatsutai declared to stand behind the goverment of the Republic of Indonesia. and together with the BKR and the people began to fight against the Japanese fo take aver weapons and vital objectives in Jokorta, Sukabumi, Magelong, Yogyakarto, Surakorta Suraboya-and other place.. The attacck on the Kempetai (Jopanese Military Police) Headquarters in Suraboyo exemplifies the courage and spirit of the police youth. pinpinan M. Yasin bersama BKR dan Nimuda-pemuda Surabaya mereka (wenggambarkan serangat juan wisktu itu. 5. PEMBENTUKAN TENTARA KEAMANAN RAKYAT (5 OKTOBER 1945) Setelah Proklamasi Kemerdekoan rusia 1.5 bulan pemeriniah RI rosokan songat diperlukannya sot 1 nasional sebo, operat kskvasoan, korena pasukan Serikot telah hegitu jauh merongrong kedoulatan Rl 1945 Presiden menyataken berdirinyo Tentara Keamanan Rokyat (TKR) Pada tanggal 5 Okt Mulai soot itu di mana-mena uk TKR untuk mernperkuot Ketahanan Nosional 5. THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PEOPLES SECURITY ARMY (5 OCTOBER 1945) After |.5 months of independenc ihe government of the Republic of Indonesia fel) that e notional otmy was urgently needed, for the Allied Forees, including the Dutch troops, were undermining the Sovereigniy of the Republic of Indonesia, On October 5, 1945, the ablishmentof the National Army with ‘esident announced the the name of People’s Security Army, Tentaro Keamenan Rakyat (TKR) From that moment, the People's Security Army wos established throughout Indonesio. 6. PERTEMPURAN SURABAYA (10 NOPEMBER 1945) Pada bulon Oktober 1945 Teniare Serikat (Inggris) mendarat di Surabaya. Mereka berjanji tidak akan mencampuri urusan dalom negeri RI. Karena Inggris tidak menepati janjinya timbullah insiden bersenjata yang meningkat menjodi pertempuran, Dalam soloh soty inside, Brigadir Jenderal Mallaby tertembak mati. Panglimo Tentara Serikat untuk Jawa Timur, Mayor Jenderal Mansergh, mengelvarkan ultimotum agor rakyat Surabaya termasuk para pejabainya menyerahkan senjatanya masing-masing di bataviaweg sebelum pukul 06.00 fanggol 10 Nopember 1945 Ulimotum tersebut fidak dihiravkan oleh rakyo! Suraboyo, pada fanggal 10 Nopember 1945 Ingaris mengerahkan segala kekvatannya di darat, laut maupun udara. 6. THE BATTLE OF SURABAYA. (10 OCTOBER 1945) On October 1945, the Allied Fosces landed in Surabaya. They promished not to interfere with the internal affair of the Republic of Indonesia. As the british didn't keep their promise, incidents broke out that deteriorated into a battle. In one of those armed classes Brig. Gen Mallaby was killed. Allied. Forces for E Mansergh, issued an ultumatum thot the Comander of the Java, May, Gen. population of surabaya, including its authorities should hand over all weapons intheir possession before 6 om on 10th November 1945 This ultimatum was ignored by the people of Surabaya. on 10th November 1945, the British opened their catiack on land, at sea and in the air RUANG JENDERAL SOEDIRMAN Ruang ini memomerkan benda- jovida peninggalan Jenderal Sosdirman, Ponylime Angkotan Perang pertama, Sebogoi pusat dari rang ini adalah swbuah tandu yang dipakai seloma londeral Soedirmon bergerilya melawan Ayjiesi Milliter Il Belanda. Perlengkapan Ibinoya selama beraerilya berupa peta jhuosi rute gerilya, duplikat mantel, porabotan meja tulis dan meja tomu yang dilengkapi dengan kursi, serta tempat lidur, Disomping itu dipamerkan lukison dan foto-foto yang enggambarkan ketika Jenderal soedirman menjabot sebagai Panglima. Pada dinding rvangon tercantum salah atu ucapannya yang terkenal yaitu : “TNI lohir Karena Proklamasi dan bersumpah nati-mation hendak mempertahankan THE GENERAL SOEDIRMAN ROOM This room displays relics of General Soedirman, the first Commander in Chief in the Military Forces. The focus of this room is his conying chair, in which he-was transported by his guards. Atthettime he wos very ill, but had to lead the guerilla war durung the second Dutch Military Aggression. Other things which were used during the guerilla are : the mop of guerilla route, the copy of his cof, the furniture consists of his desk, table ond chair ond o bed. Honging of the wall, o famous painting of General Soedirman in his coat, and photo displays showing his carrier os Commonder in Chief. There is alsi his famous saying : TNI wos bom result of Proclamation Independence 17th August 1945. Disployed in'the vilrin are his small relics such as badges of ranks, badges of kesucion Proklamasi 17 Agustus 1945” Sedongkan di dalom lemari kaca terdopat relic seperli jando-tanda jas yang dihadiahkan oleh pemerintah setelah beligu meninggal, Jendersl Soedirman dilahirkan di Dukuh Rembong, Purbolingga (Jawa Tengah), pada tanggal 24 Januari 1916. Usicnya boru 29 tahun ketika beliou diangkat sebagai Panglima Angkaton Perang. Ustanya yong mosih muds nampak pada waiah patung dada Jenderal Soedirman yang dapat kita lihat di tuang ini. offices and his decorations all award: posthumously. General Soedirman was born the. village of Rembong, Purbolingg: Central Java on 24th January 1916. He 29 years old-when he was promoted as th Commander in Chief of the Military Forces. His yooung age was reflected in the face his buste inthis room, HUANG JENDERAL OERIP THE GENERAL OERIP SOEMOHARDJO. HOWMOHARDIO ROOM idok berbeda dengan tuang Like inthe General Soedimon Jwiidoral Soedirman, di ruang ini dapat 1m, in this oom we can see Hi jonukan lukisan dan foto-foto emohardio's pointing and photo IMwloval Oerip Soemotirdjo yang scat itu displays of his carrier as the first of staff of aignjabo! sebagai Kepalo Stef Angkatan the Millitary Forces. Nw roma. Beliau dilohirkan d Karn durejan, Purworejo [Jawa He was born in a village of fungal 22 Febuari 1893. sindu' 2j0, Central Java on 3. 22nd February Beliau berusia 52 tahun ketik ugas mengorganisasi suaty tentara Al the-age of 52, he was tidak mauler. Sebelumnya pemerint government did not (jor mau membentuk tenlara regular lished « regural army immediately, so ingga beligu mengucapkan kato-kata the said: i's strange a country without wall Sobogian ats engl yaitu: “Aneh suotu Negara on apporotus of power, as on er (tanpa) te Ucopannyar ini army n pada dinding di Rung Jendera eed Sea p Soemohardjo. Di wang ini depat pula dilihat relik berupa lampu minyok yang sering dipergunakan beliau pada scat bekerja dirumoh, alot pengukur jarak, arloji, peto, Yanda kehormatan, keris, Surat Keputusan Pengangkatan beliau menjadi Kepala Stat Umum Tentara Keamanan Rokyat, don sebuah telepon. In the vitrin, we can see a pair oil lamps which he frequenily used when working very loie ot his homie, o watch, a) distance-meter, an old road map, decorations, a keris and a certificate of his promotion as Chief of General Staff of the People's Security Army, as well as 0 telephone. RUANG JENDERAL BESAR A.H. NASUTION DAN H.M. SOEHARTO GREAT GENERAL A.H. NASUTION AND H.M. SOEHARTO’S ROOM JENDERAL BESAR A.H. NASUTION 7" This Room exhibits property objects Great General Nasution and HM. Soeharto that related fo its war, In other Ruang ini memamerkan berida- benda milik Jenderal Besar Nasution dan HM. Socharto yang terkait dengan ipamerkon hand displayed olso photos ata period of struggle, masterpiece books Great General Nasution and books hit Great General HM, Sosharto. peperangannya. Selain itu pula foto-foto pada masa perjuangan, buku-buku karya Jenderal Besar Nosufion dan buku-buku mengenci Jenderal Besar HM. Soeharto. Ruang Diorama IT The Second Diorama Hall 7 PERTEMPURAN LIMA HARI DI. SEMARANG (14-19 OKTOBER 1945) Pada tanggal 14 oktober 1945 pomuda:pemuda Semarang bergerak rerebut gedung-gedung yang diduduki bleh tentara Jepang khususnya di daerah Candi Baru. Keesokan harinyo, komiandan \entare Jepang Mayor Jenderal Nakamura dengan pasukannya yang berkekuatan | 500 orang dari Jatingaleh bergerak dan iwenyerang kota Semarang deri tiga jurusan: Mereka mencngkapi para jremuda yang bergabung dalam BKR, Polisi Istimewa, Angkatan Muda dan lain- lain, hinga pecah pertempuran hebat di dalam kota, antara lain di Kantor Besar ‘owatan Kereta Api, Gedung Kempetai, Bojong; Bulu dan Pendrikan, 7. THE FIVE DAYS BATTLE AT SEMARANG (14-19 OCTOBER 1945) On October 14, 1945, the youth ‘of Semarang moved to toke over the public buildings tahot were still occupied by the Jopanese, especially in the borough of Candi Baris: The next day Maj. Gen. Nokamuro, the Japanese commondey, leit his stronghold at Jatingaleh to attack the ity of Semarang from three directions. mony Indonesians were arrested. this incident incited the resisiantce of the youth ‘organized in the People's Security Body {(BKR), The Special Police, The Struggle Organization, etc, so that fierce fighting broke out in various parts of the city. Pikak Jepang berhasil sasal kofa. Beberapo kampuig dibakor, Gubemur Jawa Tengah ditahan don dipaksa untuk menyatokar penghentian pertempuran, Penghentian periempuron dipei 9 datangnya pasukan Serikat di bowah Pimpinan Brigadir Jenderal Bethel pode tanggal'19 Oktober 1945, yang langsung melucuti Jer ng. Salah satu perfempuran it Hotel Du Pavillion terjad di sekit ( ang Hotel Bibyo Puri) yang fahankan wiati-mation oleh para pemuda don BRR. 8. DAPUR UMUM jengan menegakan erdekaon didukung oleh seluruh lapisan masyorakot, dan perjuangan it tidak semotd-mata, berada di garis depan. The Japanese succeded in conquering the'city but suffered heavy laosses. Several kampongs were burnt, the Governor af Java was abducted and was forced to announce a.ceasetire. This bettle wos ended by the arrival of the Allied Forces led by Brig, Gen. Bethel on 19th October 1945, who soon disarmed the Japane 8, THE CAMP. KITCEN: The struggle to defend our independence was supported by all sirata of the society and the struggle was not only done on the fronts Kaui wanita yang berado di {yoi\s belakong pun secora aktit Werdirkan dapur-dopur umum untuk fypentingan pasukan di garis depan, Bopur umum odalah cermin integrasi yieyat dengan Angkatan Bersenjata 9, PERTEMPURAN AMBARAWA 12-15 DESEMBER 1945) Sebogoi hosil perundingan Jara Presiden Soekamo don Brigadir nderal Bethel di Magelang, Tentora agris ditarik mundur ke Benteng mbarowa. pada saat pengunduran itu Inggris mencoba menduduki dua desa itar Ambarowa. Pasukan kita berada di bawah pimpinan Komandan Resimen Banyumes Letnan Kolonel Isdiman berusaha membebaskan kedua desa tersebut. vere ont oman who The home front actively erecter camp kitch: for the benefit of the troops on the front lines. The camp kitchens were expression en the Armed. the integration betw cos and the people 9. THE BETTLE OF AMBARAWA (12:15 DECEMBER 1945) A‘ resull of negotiotion beiween ident Soekarno and Brig. Geli, Bet at Magelong, the British Forced were lo withdrawn fo the Amborawa Fortress d withdrar, the British During that sched tried-to occupy two villages around Amibarowa: Under the comme Regimental Commender Lieulenont Colonel Isdimon, the tried lorecoptured those to villa Dolam pertempurar membebaskan dua desa, Letnan Kolone! Isdiman gugur, Panglima Divisi V Banyumas Kolonel Soedirman kemudian memimpin langsung pertempuran untuk membebaskan Ambarawo. Bolo bantuon Tentaro Keamanon Rakyat (TKR) datang dari Magelang, Yogyakarta, Purwokerto, Semarang, Solo, Salatiga dan loin-lain. Setelah pertempuran selama empat hari, okhimya pada tonggal 15 Desember 1945 ‘Ambarawa jatuh ke tangan kita. 10. PENGUMUMAN PROKLAMASI KEMERDEKAAN BANGSA INDONESIA, DI SUMATERA (6 OKTOBER 1945) Keiika Gubernur Sumatera Mr. T. M, Hassan tiba di Medan dari Jokaria dengan tiembewa berilaiproklamasi Kemerdekoon Republik Indonesia, sejumlah pasukan Belanda telah tiba di Medan, sehingga berita proklamasi terpaksa belum dapat. disiatkan. Pada tanggal 30 September 1945 di Gedung Taman Siswo diadokan rapot oleh para pemuda pejvang bersenjato yang berhosil mendesak Gubernur Sumatera mengumumkan kepada rakyat Sumatera, bahwa Scekarna-Hatio telah memoroklamosikan kemerdekoan bangso Indonesia, Li. Col, Isdiman was kitled inthe batile: Colonel Sceditman, the Commander of 51h Division of which Isdiman's regiment was @ part, took command and led the struggle fo free Ambarawa. Additional troops of the Peoples Security Army (TKR}came from Magelang, Yoayakaria, Purwokerto, Semarang, Solo, Salatige and other sities. For four days ond nights the bettle raged. The enemy's troops: withdrew fo Semarang And Ambarawa was regained, 70. THE ESTABLISMENT OF THE PROPVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC INDONESIA IN SUMATERA (6 OKTOBER 1945) When TM. Hasan, who was appointed governor of sumatere arrived af Madan from Jakarte cartiying the news about the Proclamation of independent, a detachment of Dutch troops was already in the city, creating an unfavourable situation thet the proclamation could not be announced. On Septermber 30%, 1945, « meeting was held oi Taman Siswo Schoo! building which succeeded in persuading the Governor of Sumoiera TM. Hasan to make public the information independence already proclaimed by Soekarno and Hatta. Akhirnya poda tanggal 6 kiober 1945 di lapongan Fukereido korong lapangan Merdeka) dokan rapat umym untuk engumumkan proklamasi kepoda volayak ramai. Tindokon ini remerlukan keberonian, karena uktu itu. tentara Jepang masih rkuasa dan tentaro Belonda telah ba pula di Medan. 11, BANDUNG LAUTAN API (23 MARET 1946) Ultimatum yang dikelvarkon aggris pada tanggal 23 Maret 1946, gar TRI (Tentaro Republik Indonesia) eserta pejvang-pejuang bersenjata nenyingkir dari kota Bondung sejauh ‘dius 11 km dianggop seperti “angin lalu” oleh para pejuang kita On 6” of October 1945 the long awoifed announcement wos made at the Fukereido Square (now lopangan Merdeka). To announce the Proclamation in. Meden d still held power and the Duich troops had needed courage, for the Jopanese h already arrived in Medan. 11. BANDUNG A SEA OF FIRE (23 MARCH 1946) On 23° March 1946, the British issued an ultimatum, that the army og the Republic of Indonesia ond other arm must be evacuated from freedon tic the city of Bandung to 0 radius of 11 km ded by the Indonesian But it was nof he side Berdosarkan perselujuan bersoma, kota Bandung pada mulanyo dikuosai bersama-sama. Bagian Utara dikvasai Inggris, sedangkan bagian Selatan dikvasai pasikan Indonesio dengon batas rek kereto api yang melinias di tengah kota Bandung Dengan adanyo ultimatum ity inggris telah mengingkari persetujuan. Posukan-pasukan Indonesia menolak untuk menyingkir dari kota, namun pemerintah di Jakarta memerintahkar ‘agar mereka meninggalken Bandung Sebagoi prajurit yang disiplin, TRI terpakso tunduk kepada perintah tersebut, sekolipun dengan hali berat, Pada tanggal 23 Maret 1946 tengah malam, sesaat sebelum meninggolken kota, TRI membakar bagian selatan kota, sehingga Bandung menjadi loutan api. Bosed on mutual agreement between the British and the Government of Indonesia, the city of Bandung was:at first occupied jointly, the Nother part was occupied by the british Forces, while the Southern part was occupied by the Indonesian Forces The above ultimatum was clearly a violation of the aggremeni. The Indonesian troops refused to withdraw, but later on the government in Jakarla ordered them to lcove Bandung. Then the Indonesian troops with a heavy heart. had to comply, alihoug On March 23rd, 1946 at midnight, the troog applied the scorched earth ta oyoid the enemy the use of public buildings and installation and then they left the city. 12 OPERAS| LINTAS LAUT DARI ANYUWANGI KE BALI 4 APRIL 1948) Operosi lintos laut pertame hierolak dari PangkalanX/ALRI di Hlonyowangi menuju Bali. Operas lintas (yu? bertujuan membangun Pangkalan ALtl di Bali Operas’ terdiri atas tiga nbongen, yaity : rombongan pertama yorg membowa Komondan Resimen ida Keeil Leinan Kalone! | Gusti Ngurah rombongon keduo Troep ALRI/Sunde il di bawah pimpinan Kapten Markadi 11) rombongan ketiga Pangkalan X/ALR} pawah pimpinan Kapten Laut Waroka, pedisi bertemu dengan patroli ngkatan Lau} Belanda dan terjadi eriempuran la: tetopi rombongar erhosil mendarat di Bali dengan selamat telah mendarat Kapten Waroke gugur jalam suatu pertempuran melawan elanda 12. THE SEA BORNE EXPEDITION FROM BAYUWANGI TO BALI (4 APRIL 1946) One of the first sea-bo: operations was the expedition conducted by the 10” Naval Base from Bonyuwongi Bali, which purpose was jo establish o beach head for the Navy in Dutch occupied Bali The expedition consisted of 3 id by the sunda Kecil Regiment, groups ; the t group: was Commande! Lieut. Col. | G droup consisted of marines under Capt. Markadi and the third from the 10ih Noval Lievlenent Waroka: sli Ngurah Roi, the second up Ware troops The expedition which only used fishing boats, met o patrol of the Dutch Navy consisting of motor-bools. Afler'an exchange of fire the group succeeded in landing safely in Bali, After the landing in Lieut. waroka was killed in one of the engagement with the Duich. 13. PENURUNAN BENDERA BELANDA DARI PUNCAK HOTEL YAMATO, SURABAYA (19 SEPTEMBER 1945) Poda bulan September Pemerintah Republik Indonesio di Surabaya mengelvarkan larangan untuk mengibarkan bendera lain kecuali bendera Merch Putih.Barang siapa yang melanagar akan ditindok. Tibo-tiba pada fanggal 19 September 1945 orang-orang Belanda bekas tahanan Jepang yang berada di Hote! Yamato mengibark bendera Belando: Kejadion ini sudah tentu membuat rakyat marah dan menuntut di turunkannya bendera tersebut. Kerena tuntutan tidok dipenuhi, pecahlah perkelohian serv. Dua orang pemudaberhasil menaiki atap hotel, menurunkon bendera Belanda dan merobek warno birunya. Bendere yang tinggal berwarna merah don outih kemudian dikibarkan kembali sebagai bendera Indonesia 13, THE LOWERINGOF THE DUTCH FLAG FROM THE TOP OF THE YAMATO, HOTEL SURABAYA. (19 SEPTEMBER 1945) In the month of September 1945 the government of Republic of Indonesia iif Surabaya announced a prohibition to: holish any other flag except the Red and white flag of Indonesia. When on September 18th, 1945, a couple of Dutch people, who were former Japanese war prisoners flew the Dutch flag over the Yamato Hotel, it caused a furore omong the Indonesian youth. A crowd began to gather in front of the hotel and wo yaoung man climbed the roof of hotel to lower the Duich flag. The Dutchem tried to prevent it ond @ fight endsued. Finally the Dutch flag was lowered, its blue colour torn off ond holisted again as @ red and White flag of indonesia. 14 PEREBUTAN PANGKALAN UDARA BUGIS, MALANG: (18 SEPTEMBER 1945) Sesudah pora pemude yang JWyubung dolam BKR berhosil melakukon rivbuton kekuascan didalom kote Moling, sasaran perebuton beralih ke Parigkalan Udara Bugis (sekarang Mingkalan Utama Abduracman Saleh), Pangkalan udara diserbu oleh feta pemuda bersoma-samo rakyat dan tnaveka berhasil menduduki pangkalan yiuro beserta fasilitasnya pada tonggal 18 Sioptember 1945, Sejumloh pesawat Jwibang dari berbogai tipe dapat divampas. Pesowat-pesawat terbang inilah yang menjadi salah satu modal utamia hogi pembentukan kekuotan udora Indonesia. 14. THE SEIZURE OF BUGIS AIRBASE NEAR, MALANG (18 SEPTEMBER 1945) After the BKR managed to fake over the city of Malang. their atiention turned to the Bugis Airbase (now Adurachman saleh airbase) The airbase was attacked by the BKR and the people, and finally occupied on 18 September 1945. A number of air planes:of several types were siezed, Those planes later on hecame the first assets of the Air Wing of the National Army Karena para pejabot Indonesia menolak permintaan Inggris untuk menyerahkan Istana Bogor, pada tanggal 8 Desember 1945 tentara Inggris menyerang Istana Bogor dan menurunkan Bendera Merah Putih. Perbuatan tentara Inagris yang menginjak-injok kedaulatan Republik Indonesia, menimbulkan amarah para pemuda, Merekai yang tergabung dalam barisan berani mati menyerang kedudukan-kedudukan musuh di sekitor kota Paris, Pabaton, Kebun Raya dan Istana Bogor. Keesokan harinya musuh, mendatangkan bala bantuan dari Jakarta, Kedotangan mereke disambut dengan perlawanan yang hebat oleh para pernuda Bogor, Seluruh pertempuran yang berlangsung pada tanagal 8 Desember 1945 telah menimbulkan puluhan korban jatuh, termasuk Komandan Kompi 4 Batalyon 2 Letnan Satu Muslihat. When the Indonesian authoritie refused the British demand to surrender th presidential palace in Bogor, the British reacted by seizing the palace by force and lowering the Red and white flag of Indonesia which flew over it. The youth was angry for the British humiliated the souvereignty of the Republic of Indonesia Our troops retaliated by attacking the positions of the enemy around Kota Paris, Pabaton, the Botanical Garden and the Palace. The next doy the enemy brought in reinforcements from Jakarta. Their arrival was resisted violently by our side. The battle ensued on 8 December 1945 caused tens of casualities, included the Commander of 4th Company 2nd Batallion, First Lieut. Muslihot. 6. PERTEMPURAN CIBADAK (9 DESEMBER 1945) Pada tanggal 9 Desember 1945 ingkaian kenvoi militer Inggris dengan \\kowal oleh beberapa tank jenis Stuart ergerak menujy Bandung Di desa Bojongkokosan, ecomatan Parungkuda (Cibadok), konvo! i dihadang oleh pasukan TKR dan dilah pertempuran, Dolam puran itu berhasil dilumpuhkan tiga buah tank, beberapa truk serta beberapa puluhan anggota pihak musuh meninggal Angkaton Udara Inggris [Royal Air Force) kemudion membom beberapa Jesa di sekitar daerah pertemouran antara n Kompa den Cibadok, sehinggo rata dengan tanah. Peristiwa itu menjadi verdebatan dalam Porlemen Inggris. 16. THE BATTLE OF CIBADAK (9 DECEMBER 1945) Oh 9th December 1945, 0 British military convoy escorted by several tanks oi Stuart typers moved in the direction of Bondung Ai the village of Bojongkokosan, of the district of Parungkuda (Cibadak), this convoy was attacked by our troops and fighting broke out. Al one stage of the fighting our troopd succeeded in paralysing 3 tanks and destroying several irucks with SreRyneope The Royol Air Force there upon flettened several village neor Cibadak with rockets and nopalm and broke our resistance. At thet time our troops had only small arms and no air cover. That event became a subject for debate in the British Parliament, 17. PENUMPASAN GERAKAN TIGA DAERAH (21 DESEMBER 1945) Sejorah menunjukkan bahwa golongan komunis sejak permulaan berdirinya Republik Indonesia, telah merongrong kewibawaan Pemerintah Rl Hal ini terbukti dengan peristiwa Tiga Daerah yakni suatu pergolakan sosial dan politik yang terjodi di daerah Brebes, Tegal dan Pemalang di Keresidenan Pekalongan yong didalangi oleh orang-orang komunis. Akhirnya mereka menyingkirkean Residen Pekalongan yang syah den nenggantikannya dengan pimpinan mereka, Sarjityo. namun pada tanggal 27 Desember 1945 TKR melakukan operesi penumpasan terhadap Peristiva Tiga Daerah dan Sarjiyo bersama kawan kawannya ditangkap dalam pengejaran 17. SUPPRESSING THE LOCAL COUP AT PEKALONGAN “THREE REGIONS AFFAR” (21 DECEMBER 1945) History proved thet the Communists since the estabisment of the Republic of Indonesia had undermined the government authority. The so-called Three regions affair, wos sicio political unrest that happened in Brebes, fegal and Pemalang in pekalongan recidency by communist group. They namanged fo remove the Residenct of Pekalongan and replaced him with their leaden Sarjiyo. However, on 21 December 1945, TKR launched an operation fo suppress the movement Sorjiyo was coptured together with his friends. 18. PERTEMPURAN KRUENG PANJOE, ACEH (24 NOPEMBER 1945) Pada tonggol 24 Nopember 1945 Jepang berusaha merebut kembali hole Bireuen. Mereka bergerak ke Lok awe dengan menggunaken kereta Namwun poro' pemuda yang bung dalom pasukan Siop Sedio snghadang pasukan Jepong, Penghadangan dilakukon di Krueng Ponjoe sebuah dese di Ivor kota Bireven, fengan cara membongkar rel kereta opi epanjong 0.5 km dan menghujani kereia api dengan tembckan, Pasukon Jepang \erpakse turun dari kereta epi den berlindung di parit-parit sawah 18. THE BETTLE OF KRUENG PANJOE, ACEH (24 NOVEMBER 1945) The beitle happened when the Japanese troops moved into Bireuen, Aceh to restore the status que in the name of the Allies Freedom fighters were mobilized at the village of Krueng Pnioe, near the town of Bireven to intercept the invanders, Japanese, who traveled by train, were stopped by breaking up the rails in front and behind the train. When fired upon by the Indonesians, the Japanese troops werecompelled to descend from the train ‘and to hide in the ditches of the rice fields. Paro pemude kemudia mengolirkan air waduk ke parit-parit sowah. sehingga pasukan Jepong terpaksa meninggolkannye. Akhirnya posukan Jepang yang berkekuatan 300 orang lengli dengon persenjataannya menyerah, Karena tidok berdaya lagi 19. EKSPEDIS! KE MALUKU (3 MARET 1946) Anggoia TRI Laut Jawa Tengoh yang sebagion besorterdiri dar putro:putta Maluku mengadakan ekspedisi lintos lout ke Maluku untuk membangkitkan perlawanan rakyat di sona. Ekxpedisi bertolak dari Tegal Jawa 1946, n menggunakan dua buah ke Tengah) pada tanggal 3 Mo der kayu tipe Kiri Maru (60 ton, mesin 155 Px) But our troops inundated the ditches with water from an irrigation reservoir. Realising the hopelessness of the silustion, the 300 Japanese with’ their weapons surrendered 19. THE EXPEDITION TO THE MALUKU (3 MARCH 1946} In carrying Out the programme of spreading the massage of independence fo the farthest comers of Indonesia, on 3" March Naval branch of the Army undertook an 946, sixty members of the expedition to the Moluccas, most of them of the Moluccas. being nati Kapol itu diberi nama Sindoro an Semeru yang masing-masing dipimpin (ch Ibrahim Saleh, Opsir Jos Sudarso, ito Opsir Mulia Jolah Meluku Utara, sedangakn Sindoro uku Selaton. Dalam periolanan ini anyak ditemui kesukaran-kesukeran Tujuan Semerv notora loin kerusakan mesin, kekurongon ahan mokanen dan keharusan renghindari patroli Belonda. Meskipun lorikion tugas dapat dilaksonoka jengon baik. Sindoro berhasil nenurunkan anak buahnya di Namlea Pulau Bury), sedangkon Semeru di Pulau Ambalau. Dalam perjalanan selanjutnya nenyjuPiru (Pulau Seram) Sindoro fertohan besena’ onak buchnya, sedangkan Semery korena persedisan bahan makanan telah menipis, terus memutar haluan menuju Jawa dan berhasil berlabuh dengon selamat di Probolinggo (Jawa Timur) They departed from tegal, central jaws, with two wooden vesselsthe Kiri Maru type (60 tons, 155 HP engine). This vessels, named sindoro and Semerv, were commanded respectively by Ibrahim saleh, Jos Sudarso and Mulayadi, all of them were naval officers. the aim of the Semeru wos the shouth Mollucces, while Sindoro wos to North Molluceas: During the voyage many difficulties had to be foced, uble, food emong ethers shortage and the necessity of avoiding ngine Dutch patrols. The mission wos reasonably accomplished, the sindoro succeeded to land its crew on Nomlea (Bury), and the Semeru on the island of Amnalau. But during its futher voyage in the direction of Piru {on the island of Ceram) the Sindoro was captured by the Dutch, The Semeru, however, retuned safely to Java. 20, PERTEMPURAN LIMA HARI DI PALEMBANG (1-5 JANUAR! 1947) Para pemuda Indonesia menolak tuntutan Belanda untuk meninggalkan kota Palembang, sehingga pecahish pertempuran sengit antara para pemuda don Belondo. Karena kedudukannya ferjepit, Belondo mengajak berunding, tetapi kesempatan ini dipergunokan Belanda untuk menyusun kekuatannya. yan gagal, pertempuran berkobar kembali pertempuran sengit terjadi di sekitar Mesiid Agung, Rumah Sckit Charitas, Markos Divisi di Sungan Jeruju, di Plaju don sekitar Benteng Palembang. Belonda mengerapkan segenap kekuatannya di darat, di sungai dan di udoro. 20. THE FIVE DAYS BATTLE AT PALEMBANG (1-5 JANUARY 1947) When the Indonesian troops wer not prepared to comply with the Dutch demand fo leave the city of Palembang, ihe Dutch tried fo use force to push them out. Al fierce battle endsved, as a result the Dutch position wos critical. They persuaded the Indonesian to negotiate, but thet chance was use to. con solidate their strength by sending for reinforcement. the negotiation failed, and fighting broke out more. The Dutch deployed all their forces, on land from the: river and in the air eerineuron berlangsung sejak tanagal 1- Jyuorl 1947 dengan akibat seperlime Hojo Palembang hancur. Korba “Hieijulubion di kedua belch pihak, di pihak Hivlonesia penduduk kota Palembang Biiyok: yong fewas: #1) TANDA BAHAYA DALAM PERANG. KEMERDEKAAN Perang Kemerdekoan adalah porang rakyat semesta yang dilakukan TNI dav vokyot. Mereka salaing melindungi ton bekerjasama. Bantuan rakyat antara loin melengkapi pengamanan dengan kentongan, The bettle lasted for five days and nights from Ist ti Sth January 1947, ‘one filth of the city of Poleribang was destroyed. Many casualties fell on both sides. 21. THE VILLAGE ALARM SYSTEM The wor of independence wos a tofal people war conducted by TNI soldierd and the people, in which they helped and protected each other Dengan memukul tanda bohaya The people hil tang-tong to: berupa kentongan, TNI bersiop-siop the Tniunits of the movement af the ene menghedapi musuh. sedangkan rakya! froap mony miles away so that the TNE dapat menyingkir keluor desc mereka. units would prepare themselves fo face Bunty! kentongan flu telah menggagalkan enemy, ond the villages evacuated fo avi operosi-operasi pembersihan yang the Dutch sweeping operation to the dilekukan Belanda ke desa‘deso. villages, The souns of tong-fong bad foil the Dutch operations in the villoges. THE COLLECTION OF GARUDA CO KOLEKSI TANDA PANGKAT CHEVRON COLLECTION. Memamerkan tanda Exhibitchevron, brevet, badge thal pongkat, brevet, badge yang pernah everutilized TNIsince 1945 (located in room dipergunakan TNI sejak 1945 Diorama |i). (erletok di rang Diorama ll). RUANG FOTO TNI DALAM ERA PEMBANGUNAN Rongkaian foto-fote yang Jisajikan di ruang ini nenggambarkan peranan TNI Jalam kehidupon berbangsa don bernegara dalam era 1embangurian. Sebogai kekvoten onkom, TNI selaly berperan dalam nembela bangsa dan negara erdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945 melalui operasi-opersasi samanan dalam negeri. ’eranannya tidak terbatas di dalam ageri tefuptmeluas keluar negeri nalalui operas!-operasi perdamaian BB serta berbagai kegiatan dalam ongka kerja sama regional dan nemasional; Melalui foto-foto di uang ini, tergambor pula peranen TNI bersame masyarakat dalam serbagai kegiatan menyuksesken Pembangunan Nasional. PHOTO DISPLAY OF TNI IN THE AREA OF DEVELOPMENT Photo display in this room illustrates the role of the TNI in devoting the nation ond country in the ero of development. As the defence and Security Foeces, TN) always defend the notion and country thet based in Paneasila and 1945 Vpnstitution, through internal security ‘operations. The role was not only in the home country but also broadened fo foreign country, such as involving in the UN Peace Keeping Operatin and various activities ta make regional and international coordination: Thare is-also 0 series of pictures illistiates the role of TNI together with people in the activities to make the national development successtul.

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