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2018 Triggers & Tools


 Birthdays
 Being told, “You’re stupid”
 Being yelled at
 Having to read something aloud
 Not being able to talk or share
 Speaking about one’s family
 The smell of crack cocaine
 Speaking about the past
 Witnessing a heated argument between a man and a woman
 Witnessing a parent expressing pride for their child
 The month of September
 Hearing people whisper
 Certain songs
o “Everything Will Be Okay” by G-Eazy
o “You Are My Sunshine” by Johnny Cash
o “Lean On Me” by Bill Withers
o “Feel” by Kanye West
 Getting “too drunk”
 Things that remind one of their siblings
 The smell of gasoline
 Taking pills
 Hearing people scream
 People who resemble a particular family member


 Positive self-talk
 Exercise, especially running
 Grounding oneself
 Reading something to oneself in advance of having to read it aloud
 Smoking
 Taking deep breaths
 Raising one’s hand to speak
 Listening to motivational talks
 Taking a break and giving oneself physical space
 Thinking about “happy times”
 Using one’s phone
 Recognizing that triggers are biological responses to certain stimuli
 Practicing meditation
 Rubbing one’s hands together
 Listening to music
 Practicing yoga
 Crying, talking with a supportive individual
 Going for a walk
 Playing with pets
 Sleeping
 Coloring

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