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a Color Me Pink = Chapter Pre-Rea Discus the answers ta these questions sith your eassmates, 1. imagine youset as one of the people in the peture. Hove would you fel it the room was al blue? 2. How would you fea ifthe room was alved? 3, How would you fel ifthe oom was al black? 4. What colar would you like this room tobe? Predicting What feeling do you associate with each ofthese colors? Match each color with a feeling, Then compare your ideas with those in the reading 1. tue a, energy 2 red bi, contentment 3.___green wealth 4, yellow 4. coursoe 5. brown fe. sadness cae £ peace i i; & rack Reading Color Me Pink Reg, white, pink, purple—what is your favortie color? We are all sensitive to-color. There are some colors we lke lot and some we don't like at al. Some colors soothe us, others excite us, some make us happy, ond others make ws a4, People are affected by color more than they realize because color is ied to all aspects of our lives. [Experts m colorgenics, the study of the language of col, believe that the colors we wear say lt about us. Do you hrow why you select a shirt or dress of| ‘| certain color when you look through your clothes in the morning? Colorgenics experts say that we subconsciously choose fo wear crtaln color in order te ‘communicate ou desites, emotions, and needs, Colorgenies experts claim that our clothes send messages to others about ‘our mood, personality, and deste. For these experts, pink expresses the peace and contentment of the wearer People who often wear pink are supposed 10 bbe warm and understanding. The message Is that You Would lke to share your peace and happiness th others, Red garments, on the other hand, indicate a high level of physical enezay. People who wear red like to take life at a fast pace Brown is the color of wealth, and it shows a nced for independence and material security, Wearers of gteen have a love of nature and enjoy peacefal moments ‘They often like tobe let alone with their thoughts. Although colorgenics may be « recent area of study, associating colors with emotions isnot new. Colors have always been used te describe net only our fealings, but also our physical health and attitudes. “Red with rage” describes ‘anger “in the pink” means to be in good health; "feeling blue" is @ sad way to feel; and "green with envy” indicates a jealous attitude Color is used symbolically in al cultures, and it plays an Important role ln ceremonies and festivities. Yellow isa symbol of luck in Peru, and it can be seen just about everywhere during New Year celebratlons-in flowers, clothing, aukd decorations. Some Peruvians say, “The more yellow you have around you, the luckior you wil be inthe new year." Yellow is also an important color to Chapter 3 the Vietnamese, who use it ot weddings and also on their fa, where it represents courage, victory, and sacrifice In many culture, white symbolizes Purity, whic is why brides often wear white wedeling gowns. Black, on the other hand, symbolizes death, and itis often the color people wea to funerats According to colorgenics experts, colors not ony ote @ mirror of ourselves, but have an effect on us os wel. Blue is calming while edie stimulating and exciting. I's no caimeidence that racing cats are often painted red Yeliow isa happy color that makes us fee! goad abou life. Pink awakens love and kindness Some experts are so convinced that colors have a strong effect on us that they believe colors can be used fo heal. They say thot by concentrating our thoughts on certain colors, we can cause energy 1 99 tothe parts of the body that need treatment. White light i said to be cleansing, and it can balance te Body's entice system. Yellow stimulates the mind and creates, © A positive attitude, soit cam help against depression. Green, which has a calming and restulefect, i supposed to be good for heart conditions. Books ate now evaituble that teach people how to heal with color. Taese hooks provide long ists of allawemts and the color that cam heal ther, Some psychologists and physicians also use calor to help them treat Potients with emotional and psychological problems, By giving patients ‘what is called the Luscher color test, in which they sleet the colos they like ‘and aise, doctors can learn many things about patient’ personalities Jn condusion, the stady of color can help us to understand ourselves and {oimprove our lives. it offers an alternative way to heal the body and spirit tit can help us understand what othets are trying to communicate. We ‘can then respond to their needs and achieve a new level of understanding, Vocabulary A. Vocabulary in Context Complete each definition with one ofthe following words aliments contentment stimulating attitude pace subconsciously coincidence soothe 1. People who are sick have 2% ~ someone's to comfort the person and make the person feel better. 3. Something that excites us and makes us active is 4, To do something is act wthout actively knowing that you are doing it. 5. When things happen by some way but realy are not. _ they appear to he connected in 6. Your ‘the feeling er emotion you have toward something, 7. Tobe happy and at ease isto fel B,____is the speed at which we do thing. Wierd Partnership [Use attitude vith prep. athuse toward/about a, bad tiude, new attuse, pstve/negative ‘tiie, progressive stnude Vocabulary Building Complete the sentences with the correct form of the bold words. You may use your dictionary The first one is done as an example. 1. symbol 2. The color red __stbolzes anger Colors are used —Simbotzaly— to express feelings 2. emotion 2 People react to ferent colors 2. You can expressyour______ by wearing ferent clos, 3. prychology 3 Some use color to eat patients B. Colors can help people wih problems Vocabulary in New Context \rite your own sentences using the wr in the Ist from Part & and the bold words in Pat captor Reading Comprehension A, Looking for the Main Ideas Circle the leter af the best answer 1. Learning abaut color can help us to a. express our ideas more clearly b. control our desies understand ourselves and others 4 feel happier 2. Colors 2. have similar teanings around the world b. ae not often used in a symbolic way «say something about our personality 4d. ate used io inluence others, 3. Some exaerts believe that 2. colors can be used to heal b. associating cols with emotions i samething new , most colors have a calming effect. on us 4.colars ca itluence our personaly 8B. Looking for Details Sean the reading quickly to ind the answers to these questions. Write complete sentences 1. What do colorganies experts say about a person wha likes to wear pink? 2. What does white symbolize in many cutures? 3. Whats yelow a symbol af in Peru? 4, According ta colorgenics experts, ow does red make us feel? 6. According to some experts, green is acolo for healing. What part of the body do they think tis good for? 7. What isthe name ofthe test some psychologists use to help them veat their patients? G. Making inferences and Drawing Conclusions The ancwets to these questions are not directly stated in the reading. Write complete sentences 1. Why might it be good fora decorator to study colorgenics? chapter) 7 2. Why is olor an important part of ceremonies and festivities? 13 Howw might the Luscher color test help psychologist teat a patient? 4, How might learning about color be useul in ou lives? 5. What colors wauld you use in (a) a childs bedroom and (bi) @ classroom? Discussion Questions Discuss the answers to these questons with your classmates 1. what colors ae you wearing today? Do you think they reo efection of your feelings? 2. Look atthe colors your classmates are wearing. D0 You think the cols hey ate wearing match ther personalities? 3. Do some colors make you fel beter than others? 4. What colors are symbolic in your cuture? res _ Critical Thinking Questions Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates, 1. What do you tke orice abou the wy colors are used in our environment for ‘ramp, the cols in you choo! or casro0m? How weuld you change them? 2, How does color affect your appette? What colors of fod or your surroundings reduce you appetite?

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