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Biographical deductions Sentence star

Write on board some words and

numbers (your age, children’s names, Ask your students to draw a five-point
favourite number, favourite band/song, star and finish the following sentences.
your birth place etc.) Tell the students
that they are all related to you and that
they should ask you yes/no questions in
I’ve got…
order to find out the connection.
Encourage them to ask as many
questions as they can think of and try
to engage all of them. I am… I can…
This activity helps to break the ice and
to create a good relationship with your
students. Besides it is a good diagnostic
tool – you can check your students’ oral
fluency and grammatical accuracy
I have never… I will always…
(question forms).
Ask them to do a list of their own and
ask each other questions in pairs.

Predicting similarities Five things about me

Ask your students to complete the
sentences about their partner and Ask your students to complete the
themselves. sentences.

1. At the weekends I _____________

1. We are both __________________. ____________.
2. We both have ________________. 2. My favourite part of the day is ___
3. We both like _________________. _________________.
4. When we were younger we both 3. I’ve never ___________________.
enjoyed _________________. 4. When I was little ______________.
5. Next year both of us will probably 5. I listen to music when __________
________________. ____________.

Then ask them to compare their When they have completed the
sentences and see how similar they are. sentences ask them to move around the
Good for students to get to know each class and try to find someone who has
other. similar ideas.

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