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Hi, welcome to my portfolio for Writing 39C.

My name is
Victoria Tran and I am a first-year biological science major at
UCI. As a person in the pre-health field, I have been taught that
the process and steps to a final answer is sometimes even more
important than the result itself. This portfolio contains my ten-
week long process that has led to the two central pieces of
Writing 39C, the Historical Conversations Project and the
Advocacy Project. While Writing 39B introduced me to the
concept of implementing secondary sources into my paper and
argument, it gave me the practice I needed to skillfully
incorporate and weave another person's ideas and thoughts into
my own writing.
Through this class and its various discussions on controversial
ideas, I developed my own voice and recognize the difficulties
of choosing a side when there is no right or wrong answer. It
was a hard process trying to articulate my ideas and solidifying
my choice in one side of an argument, but in the end, it allowed
to me think more critically on these controversial topics.

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