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Learning activity 2 / Actividad de aprendizaje 2

Evidence: Health solutions / Evidencia: Soluciones para la salud

Look at the symptoms and write three things in the lines that a person should do
and shouldn’t do to get better. / Observe los síntomas y escriba tres cosas en
las líneas que la persona debe y no debe hacer para sentirse mejor.
I have a
cough and I
don’t feel

Fuente: SENA

If you have a cough, you have to

1. You have to go to the doctor.

2. You have to drink plenty of water.
3. You have to be very well protected.
4. You have to take medication.

And you shouldn’t

1. You shouldn’t stop taking the medicineI.

2. You must not get out of bed.
3. You should not take cold things.
4. You shouldn’t go out in the night.
I feel very
tired all the

Fuente: SENA

If you feel tired, you should

1. You should take vitamins.

2. You should exercise to have more energy.
3. You should have a routine in the day so you have more free time to rest.
4. You should drink an energizing drink.

And you shouldn’t

1. You shouldn’t go to bed so late.

2. You shouldn’t eat so much before bed.
3. You should not be neglected.
4. You shouldn’t do heavy exercises

I have fever
and a terrible

Fuente: SENA
If you have fever and headache, you should

1. You have go to the doctor.

2. You should take drugs.
3. You must go to a place where there is not so much noise.

And you shouldn’t

1. You should not take medicines that no doctor prescription.

2. You should not smoke when sick.
3. You should not go to a place where there is so much noise.

I have a sore

Fuente: SENA

If you have a sore throat, you must

1. You have to take one tablespoon of honey.

2. You should gargle with salt water.
3. You should take a lukewarm tea

And you shouldn’t

1. You shouldn’t eat mind to maintain fresh throat.

2. You shouldn’t be in a warm place.
3. You should not take anything acid.
Criterios de evaluación
 Usa vocabulario relacionado con una vida sana teniendo en cuenta la
estructura de los verbos modales should, must y el semi-modal have to en
el contexto requerido.

 Comparte información respecto a enfermedades y tratamientos médicos

teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario requerido y la estructura de los verbos
modales should, must y el semi-modal have to.

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