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Journal of Intensive Care Medicine

Hepatorenal Syndrome in the Intensive Care Unit

Hani M. Wadei and Thomas A. Gonwa
J Intensive Care Med 2013 28: 79 originally published online 21 August 2011
DOI: 10.1177/0885066611408692

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Analytic Review
Journal of Intensive Care Medicine
28(2) 79-92
Hepatorenal Syndrome in the ª The Author(s) 2011
Reprints and permission:
Intensive Care Unit DOI: 10.1177/0885066611408692

Hani M. Wadei, MD1 and Thomas A. Gonwa, MD1

Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is a functional form of acute kidney injury (AKI) associated with advanced liver cirrhosis or
fulminant hepatic failure. Various new concepts have emerged since the initial diagnostic criteria and definition of HRS was
initially published. These include better understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in HRS, identification of
bacterial infection (especially spontaneous bacterial peritonitis) as the most important HRS-precipitating event, recognition that
insufficient cardiac output plays a role in the occurrence of HRS, and evidence that renal failure reverses with pharmacotherapy.
Patients with HRS are often critically ill and, by definition, have multiorgan failure. The purpose of this review is to provide an
update on novel advances in HRS, with emphasis on the different aspects of management of these patients in the intensive care

acute kidney injury, liver cirrhosis, vasopressin analogs, liver transplantation, simultaneous liver-kidney transplantation

Received September 28, 2010, and in revised form December 22, 2010. Accepted for publication February 14, 2011.

Introduction which occurs primarily in the splanchnic circulation and is

mediated by the release of potent vasodilators, the most impor-
Acute kidney injury (AKI) often develops in patients with tant of which is nitric oxide (NO).4 Nitric oxide production is
hepatic cirrhosis, and in many cases it necessitates admission
increased in cirrhosis due to shear stress-induced upregulation
to the intensive care unit. Potential causes of AKI in patients
of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) activity in the splanchnic
with cirrhosis are diverse and sometimes hard to differentiate.
and systemic circulations, as well as endotoxin-mediated
Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is a form of functional renal fail-
eNOS activation.5,6 Increased inducible NOS (iNOS) activity
ure that is specific only to patients with end-stage liver disease
has also been documented.7 With arterial vasodilatation,
or fulminant hepatic failure and is related to intense renal vaso-
the resultant decrease in effective blood volume activates the
constriction. Renal histology shows no pathological changes
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), unloads the
severe enough to justify the deterioration in renal function, and high-pressure baroreceptors in the carotid body and aortic arch
kidney function recovers following liver transplantation or
with subsequent activation of the sympathetic nervous system
when kidneys from patients with HRS are transplanted in
(SNS), and induces nonosmotic release of vasopressin. These
healthy participants.1,2 Because of its poor prognosis and lack
changes lead to intense renal vasoconstriction and reduced glo-
of effective therapy, the term ‘‘terminal functional renal fail-
merular filtration rate (GFR). Other vascular beds show similar
ure’’ was synonymous with HRS.3 Over the last 2 decades,
changes, and studies have correlated renal blood flow with
major advances in our understanding of the pathophysiological
blood flow in the cerebral, femoral, and upper extremities in
mechanisms involved in HRS and the availability of pharmaco-
patients with HRS.8-10 With worsening of the liver disease and
logical and nonpharmacological interventions have translated progression of cirrhosis, further splanchnic vasodilation occurs,
into improvement in the short-term survival of patients with
creating a vicious cycle that favors further activation of the
HRS, but without liver transplantation, long-term survival
RAAS, SNS, and vasopressin release, and subsequent
remains dismal. The challenging role of the intensivist is to
prolong the survival of patients with HRS long enough to
receive transplant. 1
Department of Transplantation, College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic,
Jacksonville, FL, USA

Pathophysiology Corresponding Author:

Hani M. Wadei, Department of Transplantation, Mayo Clinic, 4500 San Pablo
The key pathophysiological change responsible for HRS devel- Road., Jacksonville, FL 32224, USA.
opment in patients with cirrhosis is arterial vasodilatation, Email:

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80 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 28(2)

Table 1. Hemodynamic Changes Occurring in Different Stages of Cirrhosis.

Compensated Diuretic-Responsive Diuretic-Resistant

Cirrhosis (Preascites) Ascites (refractory) Ascites HRS

Splanchnic and systemic arterial vasodilatation Normal to þ þ þþ þþþ

Effective circulating volume Normal - – —
Renin, aldosterone, vasopressin, and Normal þ þþ þþþ
Renal sodium retention þ þþ þþþ þþþþ
Plasma volume þ þþ þþþ þþþþ
Renal vasoconstriction Normal Normal þþ þþþþ
Abbreviations: HRS, hepatorenal syndrome; þ, mild increase; þþ, moderate increase; þþþ, severe increase; þþþþ, very severe increase; -, mild
decrease; –, moderate decrease; —, severe decrease.

intensification of renal vasoconstriction.4 Hepatorenal

syndrome constitutes the end of the spectrum of these patho-
physiological derangements, which start long before
HRS manifests clinically. Table 1 and Figure 1 summarize the
different pathophysiological changes occurring in cirrhotic
patients from early disease stage (preascites) to HRS. It is impor-
tant to mention that other mechanisms may also be responsible
for the early sodium retention in cirrhotic patients.11
In the kidney, the renal vasoconstriction is counterbalanced
by increased intrarenal production of vasodilating prostaglan-
dins and kallikreins. Indeed, urinary excretion of vasodilating
prostaglandins is higher in patients with ascitic cirrhosis com-
pared to normal participants with subsequent decline in urinary
prostaglandin excretion in those with HRS.12,13 Similarly, the
administration of cyclooxygenase inhibitors to patients with
ascitic cirrhosis precipitate HRS, indicating a role of vasodilat-
ing prostaglandins in maintaining GFR.14 Immnohistochemical
studies have documented reduced cyclooxygenase staining in
renal medullary tissue of patients with HRS, while the enzyme
shows normal expression in kidneys of patients with other
cause of AKI.15 Factors associated with reduced prostaglandin
production in HRS are unknown but intense renal vasoconstric-
tion may contribute to reduced prostaglandin synthesis.16 Figure 1. Pathophysiological mechanisms involved in HRS. HRS
indicates hepatorenal syndrome. Adapted with permission from
In addition to the vascular changes outlined above, recent Wadei et al.130
studies indicate that a relative inadequacy in cardiac output
(CO) contributes to the renal hypoperfusion. The role of car-
diac dysfunction in HRS was studied by Ruiz-del-Arbol disturbed relaxation, (2) diminished myocardial b-adrenergic
et al17 who demonstrated reduction in CO at time of diagnosis receptor signal transduction, and (3) an inhibitory effect of cir-
of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) without a change in culating cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a)
systemic vascular resistance in patients who had cirrhosis and and NO, on ventricular function.19-21 In alcoholic patients, a
subsequently developed HRS. Cardiac output further decreased variable degree of alcoholic cardiomyopathy can also be a con-
after resolution of infection in the HRS group but not in those tributing factor.
without renal failure.17 The same group studied the systemic Two recent studies indicate that relative adrenal dysfunction
and hepatic hemodynamics of 66 patients with cirrhosis and is common in patients with cirrhosis and might play a role in
tense ascites and normal serum creatinine at baseline with the pathophysiology of HRS especially in the intensive care
repeat measurement in 27 patients who subsequently developed setting.22,23 In the first study, adrenal insufficiency was
HRS. At baseline, arterial BP and CO were significantly lower, detected in 80% of patients with HRS but only in 34% with
whereas RAAS and SNS activity were significantly higher in serum creatinine below 1.5 mg/dL.22 Since normal adrenal
the group that developed HRS with further reduction in CO function is essential for an adequate response of the arterial cir-
at the onset of renal dysfunction.18 The mechanism of impaired culation to endogenous vasoconstrictors, adrenal insufficiency
cardiac function is complex and may include (1) neurohumoral could be an important contributory mechanism of circulatory
hyperactivity leading to myocardium growth and fibrosis with dysfunction associated with HRS, especially in patients with

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Wadei and Gonwa 81

Table 2. Diagnostic Criteria of HRS. progression of the same disease. Type 1 HRS is more acute,
commonly follows a precipitating event, is associated with
Cirrhosis with ascites multiorgan failure, has a very grim prognosis, and overlaps
Serum creatinine >1.5 mg/dL with other causes of AKI. In many cases, it is virtually impos-
No improvement in serum creatinine (a decrease in serum
sible to separate type 1 HRS from ATN. Type 2 HRS can be
<1.5 mg/dL) after 2 days off diuretics and volume expansion with
albumin (1 g/kg body weight up to a maximum of 100 g/d) considered the genuine form of renal failure in cirrhotics. It
Absence of shock represents the extreme expression of cirrhosis-induced circula-
No current or recent treatment with nephrotoxic drugs tory failure and is heralded by refractory ascites. Renal failure
Absence of signs of parenchymal renal disease, as suggested by in type 2 HRS is slowly progressive and parallels the degree of
protienuria (>500 mg/d) or hematuria (>50 red blood cells per deterioration in liver function. The median survival for patients
high-power field) and/or abnormal renal ultrasound with type 2 HRS is 6 months, whereas the survival for patients
Adapted from Salerno et al.26 with type 1 HRS is only 10% at 90 days from diagnosis.27
Table 3 highlights the major differences between type 1 and
type 2 HRS. Figure 2 shows the probability of survival in
severe bacterial infections. Other features associated with adre-
patients with type 1 and type 2 HRS, compared to cirrhotic
nal insufficiency were severe liver failure, arterial hypotension,
patients with ascites and no HRS.
vasopressor dependency, and increased hospital mortality.22
The second study showed that treatment with hydrocortisone
in patients with cirrhosis with severe sepsis and adrenal insuf- Precipitating and Contributing Factors
ficiency is associated with a rapid improvement in systemic
In type 1 HRS, a precipitating event is identified in 70% to
hemodynamics, reduction of vasopressor requirements, and
100% of patients with HRS and more than 1 event can occur
lower hospital mortality.23 The mechanisms of adrenal dys-
in a single patient.28-31 Identifiable precipitating factors include
function in cirrhosis with severe sepsis have not been explored,
bacterial infections, large volume paracentesis without albumin
but a reduction in adrenal blood flow secondary to regional
infusion, gastrointestinal bleeding, and acute alcoholic hepati-
vasoconstriction is a possible mechanism.
tis. Of the bacterial infections, a clear chronological and patho-
genetic relationship is established for SBP with 20% to 30% of
patients with SBP develop HRS despite appropriate treatment
Diagnosis of HRS and its Evolution and resolution of infection.32,33 Similarly, large-volume para-
Pinpointing the etiology of AKI in patients with cirrhosis is centesis without albumin expansion precipitates type 1 HRS
important for both prognostic and therapeutic purposes (dis- in 15% of cases, and 25% of patients presenting with acute
cussed below). In HRS, the tubular function is preserved with alcoholic hepatitis eventually develop HRS.34,35 Although AKI
the absence of proteinuria or histological changes in the kidney. following gastrointestinal hemorrhage occurs more frequently
Urine sodium level is usually very low (<10 mEq/L), which dif- in patients with cirrhosis compared to those without liver dis-
ferentiates HRS from acute tubular necrosis (ATN). There is no ease with similar amount of bleeding (8% vs 1%, P < .05), AKI
diagnostic test for HRS, and the diagnosis relies mainly on develops almost exclusively in patients with hypovolemic
excluding other causes of renal failure in cirrhosis and relying shock, making ATN a more plausible diagnosis.36
on established diagnostic criteria.24 Type 1 HRS is defined Why would a precipitating event lead to HRS or the progres-
as doubling of the serum creatinine to a level >2.5 mg/dL in sion of type 2 to the more severe type 1 HRS? Most of the
<2 weeks’ duration, whereas in type 2 HRS there is a gradual above described precipitating events will lead to aggravation
rise in serum creatinine to >1.5 mg/dL. The diagnostic criteria of the circulatory dysfunction with further stimulation of the
of HRS were originally developed in a consensus meeting of RAAS, SNS, and worsening renal vasoconstriction.16 Another
the International Ascites Club (IAC) in 199625 and were subse- possible explanation is that the deterioration in renal function is
quently modified in 2007 (Table 2).26 The main points of secondary to deterioration in cardiac function due to either the
difference between the 2 definitions are as follows: development of septic cardiomyopathy or worsening of a latent
cirrhotic cardiomyopathy.18 In either case, the resultant renal
1. Creatinine clearance is no longer incorporated in the hypoperfusion will lead to deterioration in renal function that
diagnosis. might not reverse to baseline values without vasoconstrictor
2. 2.Ongoing bacterial infection does not exclude the diagno- therapy and/or liver transplantation.
sis of HRS, provided septic shock is not present.
3. Albumin is preferred to saline for plasma volume
expansion. Epidemiology
4. Nonessential minor diagnostic criteria including low urine Although the actual prevalence of AKI in patients with cirrho-
sodium level have been omitted. sis is unknown, AKI is reported to develop in 20% to 35% of
hospitalized patients with liver cirrhosis37,38 and is associated
It is important to think of the 2 types of HRS, type 1 and with higher mortality, both in the hospital and in the ambula-
type 2, as 2 different clinical entities rather than stages of tory settings.37,39,40 Patients with cirrhosis with ascites are at

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82 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 28(2)

Table 3. Characteristics of Type 1 and Type 2 Hepatorenal Syndrome (HRS).

Course Precipitating Event History of Diuretic-Resistant Ascites Prognosis

Type 1 HRS Precipitous doubling of serum Present in >50% of cases May or may not be present Without therapy, 90-day survival
creatinine in <2 weeks of 10%
Type 2 HRS Gradually progressive Absent Always present Median survival, 6 months

transplantation. Untreated type 1 HRS carries a grim prognosis,

with mortality as high as 80% in 2 weeks, and only 10% of
patients survive more than 3 months.25,34 By contrast, survival
of type 2 HRS patients is slightly better, with a median survival
of 6 months.27 Model of end-stage liver disease (MELD) score
is also an independent predictor of death in type 2 HRS, with
the median survival of only 1 month for patients with a MELD
score of 20 or more compared to 8 months in those with a
MELD score <20 (P < .001). Interestingly, patients with type
1 HRS have very poor prognosis (median survival of 1 month),
irrespective of their MELD score.43 A recent study has demon-
strated that the 3-month survival of patients with cirrhosis hav-
ing HRS is much worse than those with cirrhosis and other
forms of AKI.44 In this study that included 562 patients with
cirrhosis having AKI, 3-month survival for patients with HRS
was 15% compared to 31% for patients with infection-induced
Figure 2. Probability of survival in patients with type 1 and type 2 HRS AKI, 46% for hypovolemia-induced AKI, and 73% for AKI
compared to cirrhotic patients with ascites and normal kidney func-
associated with evidence of parenchymal renal disease (eg pro-
tion. HRS indicates hepatorenal syndrome. Adapted with permission
from Arroyo et al.131 teinuria or hematuria; P < .0005). Therefore, determining the
etiology of AKI in patients with cirrhosis does not only deter-
mine the treatment plan but it also foretells the prognosis in
greater risk of developing AKI, and a recent study confirmed
these patients.
that almost 50% of patients with cirrhosis develop AKI within
41 + 3 months of developing ascites.39 Hepatorenal syndrome,
however, is not the most common cause of AKI in patients with
cirrhosis. For example, in 1 study, HRS was the cause of AKI in Treatment
only 7.6% of 129 patients with cirrhosis with ascites and Prevention
AKI.39 In another multicenter retrospective study that included
Some interventions are beneficial in reducing the risk of HRS,
423 patients with cirrhosis and AKI, the most common cause of
in specific, clinical settings. For example, prophylactic antibio-
AKI was either ATN (35%) or prerenal failure (32%), whereas
tic therapy in patients at high risk of SBP has proven effective
type 1 and type 2 HRS were the cause of AKI in 20% and 6.6%
in reducing HRS risk. In a study by Fernandez et al,44
of cases, respectively.41
68 patients with cirrhosis were randomized to receive either
The prevalence of HRS parallels the progression of liver
daily norfloxacin (n ¼ 35) or placebo (n ¼ 33). Daily norflox-
disease in patients with cirrhosis. With the absence of ascites,
acin reduced the 1-year probability of developing SBP from
the likelihood of deteriorating kidney function is minimal. In
61% to 7% (P < .001) and the 1-year probability of HRS from
patients with cirrhosis with ascites, Gines et al34 estimated the
41% to 28% (P ¼ .02). The beneficial effect of norfloxacin in
1-year and 5-year probability of HRS at 18% and 39%, respec-
preventing HRS is probably related to its ability to prevent bac-
tively, whereas the prevalence of HRS in patients with cirrhosis
terial translocation, suppress proinflammatory cytokines, and
having advanced liver disease waiting for liver transplantation
improve circulatory function.45,46 Once SBP has developed,
is as high as 48%.42
treatment with intravenous albumin (1.5 g/kg of body weight
at diagnosis followed by 1 g/kg 48 hours later) in addition to
ceftriaxone reduced the incidence of HRS to 10%, compared
Natural History and Prognosis to 33% in those who received ceftriaxone alone (P ¼ .002).33
Hepatorenal syndrome is a functional renal failure without sig- Hospital mortality (10% vs 29%) and 3-month mortality rates
nificant histological changes, and therefore is potentially rever- (22% vs 41%) were also lower in patients receiving albumin
sible. However, if left untreated, intense renal vasoconstriction and antibiotic compared with those who received antibiotic
precipitates irreversible renal damage. This explains as to why alone.33 The mechanism by which albumin prevents HRS is
not all cases of HRS recover kidney function following liver incompletely understood but may be related to albumin’s

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Wadei and Gonwa 83

positive effect on circulatory function and its antioxidant for liver transplant or undergoing evaluation to determine
properties.47,48 In patients with acute alcoholic hepatitis, the candidacy for transplantation. There are 4 therapeutic options
administration of the TNF inhibitor pentoxifylline for 28 days for the patient with HRS: pharmacological treatment, transjugular
or until death reduced the probability of HRS by 8% in the pen- intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS), renal replacement
toxifylline group vs 35% in the placebo group (relative risk therapy (RRT), and liver transplantation.
[RR] ¼ 0.32, 95% confidence interval [CI] ¼ 0.13-0.79, P ¼
.0015) and hospital mortality by 24% vs 46% (RR ¼ 0.59,
95% CI ¼ 0.35-0.97, P ¼ .037).35 Following large-volume
Pharmacological Therapy
paracentesis (5 L), albumin is more superior than other
plasma expanders in preventing postparacentesis circulatory The goals of ideal treatment for HRS must include the follow-
dysfunction and renal impairment.49,50 Other measures of pre- ing: (1) reversal of renal failure, (2) prolong survival at least
venting HRS include avoiding nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory slightly to increase the chance of liver transplantation, and
drugs, aminoglycoside antibiotics, and the judicious use of (3) have minimal side effects.
diuretics. Various renal vasodilator agents, including dopamine,
fenoldopam, and prostaglandins, have been studied and found
to be ineffective and associated with increased side effects;
General Measures therefore, the use of renal vasodilators in patients with HRS has
Patients with type 1 HRS usually require hospitalization, been largely abandoned.57-60 Based on the current knowledge
preferably in the intensive care unit, whereas those with of the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms, administra-
type 2 HRS can be managed on an outpatient basis. Assessing tion of vasoconstrictor agents such as vasopressin analogs and
the intravascular volume status using central venous access or, a1 agonists is the best approach to managing HRS.
preferably, global end-diastolic volume index (GEDVI) is Vasopressin analogs ornipressin and terlipressin are potent
essential to guide the fluid and albumin infusion.51 Although vasoconstrictors that exert their action through binding to the
in other critically ill patients there is no clear benefit for colloid vasopressin (V1) receptor, which is preferentially expressed
over crystalloid use for fluid resuscitation, albumin infusion is on the vascular smooth muscle cells within the splanchnic cir-
clearly beneficial in patients with cirrhosis and should be culation. Although associated with remarkable improvement in
aggressively used prior to labeling patients with cirrhosis and renal function, increase in RPF, GFR, and sodium excretion in
AKI as having HRS (Table 2).52,53 Diuretics should be stopped, almost 50% of the treated cases, ornipressin use has largely
and a trial of large-volume paracentesis with albumin infusion been abandoned due to significant ischemic side effects that
(8 g for every liter of ascitic fluid removed) is warranted in all develop in almost 30% of the treated patients.61-63
patients with cirrhosis presenting with tense ascites and HRS. Terlipressin is a long-acting synthetic vasopressin analog
In some of these cases, the increased intra-abdominal pressure composed of 1 molecule of lysine vasopressin and 3 glycine
will impair renal blood flow and compress the renal veins, residues. It is metabolized through exopeptidases to release
reducing the effective renal filtration fraction.54 In 1 study, small amounts of lysine vasopressin over a sustained period,
goal-directed albumin infusion to maintain a stable GEDVI fol- allowing it to be administered by bolus injection rather than
lowing large-volume paracentesis resulted in reduction in the by continuous infusion.64 The administration of terlipressin and
intra-abdominal pressure and systemic vascular resistance and albumin is associated with significant improvement in GFR, an
an increase in cardiac index, urine output, and creatinine clear- increase in arterial pressure, near normalization of neurohor-
ance in 19 patients with HRS admitted to the intensive care unit monal levels (including plasma renin activity, serum aldoster-
with tense ascites.51 A similar study has also documented an one, and norepinephrine levels), and reduction of serum
increase in renal-resistive indices following paracentesis and creatinine in 42% to 77% of cases.29,41,65-68 Hemodynamic
albumin infusion in 12 HRS patients with tense ascites.55 studies have also documented improvement in renal arterial
Associated adrenal insufficiency should be diagnosed and resistive index following terlipressin infusion in 19 patients
treated with hydrocortisone administration.22,23 Every effort with cirrhosis and portal hypertension.69 Multiple clinical stud-
should be made to exclude other causes of AKI and to identify ies evaluated the role of terlipressin in HRS reversal (Table 4).
and treat precipitating factors especially SBP and gastrointest- From these studies, terlipressin appears to have an acceptable
inal bleeding. Special consideration should be made to nutri- side effect profile, with ischemic events occurring in 5% to
tion as these patients are usually malnourished; however, 30% of cases, but most studies excluded patients at high risk
high-protein diet may precipitate hepatic encephalopathy and of ischemic events (Table 5). Following completion of therapy,
aggravate the metabolic abnormalities. Low-salt diet should HRS recurred in up to 50% of cases. Factors associated with
be reinforced in all cases and free water restriction in those who HRS recurrence are unknown, but renal function responds to
develop hyponatremia.56 Once the patient is stabilized, realistic the reintroduction of terlipressin.29 The benefits of terlipressin
assessment of the overall patient’s prognosis and concurrent also seem to extend to type 2 HRS, with a slightly better
medical condition will determine future management plans. response rate and longer survival than in type 1.65,67,70 All
Given the dismal prognosis of patients with type 1 HRS, studies used terlipressin until serum creatinine decreased to
aggressive therapy is usually indicated only for patients waiting <1.5 mg/dL or for a maximum of 15 days; therefore, it is

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84 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 28(2)

Table 4. Summary of Some of the Studies of Terlipressin in HRS.

Type 1 Type 2 Response Adverse Terlipressin Duration of Therapy

Reference Randomized Study HRS HRS Rate (%) Events (%) Dose (mg/d) Mean (Range) in Days

Uriz et al.66 No 6 3 78 11 3-12 9 (5-15)

Ortega et al.65 No 16 5 67 5 3-12 7 (4-14)
Colle et al.29 No 18 0 61 NA 2-4 NA
Halimi et al.129 No 16 2 72 17 2-12 7 (2-16)
Moreau et al.41 No 99 0 58 23 3.2 + 1.3 11 + 12
Solanki et al.68 Terlipressin/albumin vs 24 0 42 21 2 4-15
Sanyal et al.71 Terlipressin/albumin vs 62 0 34 32 * 4-8 14
Martin-Llahi et al.70 Terlipressin/albumin vs 17 6 43 31y 6-12 15
albumin only
Average 258 16 57 16 1-12 2-16
* Similar to placebo.
y Including arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, suspected intestinal ischemia, and arterial hypertension requiring discontinuation of therapy.

Table 5. Contraindications to Terlipressin Use. P ¼ .017) but 3-month survival was not different between those
who did or did not receive terlipressin (27% in the terlipressin
History of coronary artery disease
arm vs 19% in the albumin arm, P ¼ .7).70 Again, a lower base-
Dilated and nondilated cardiomyopathies
Cardiac arrythmias line serum creatinine level at initiation of therapy predicted a
Cerebrovascular disease favorable response to terlipressin, suggesting that earlier
Peripheral vascular disease of the lower extremities initiation of therapy might confer the best probability
Arterial hypertension of improvement in kidney function. Other predictors of
Asthma or obstructive lung disease favorable response to terlipressin include young age and a
Age >70 years Child-Pugh score of <13.29,41
Terlipressin is unavailable in many countries, including the
United States. Cost of terlipressin might also be prohibitive.
unclear whether longer duration of therapy will be of any Unlike terlipressin, a1 adrenergic receptor agonists such as
benefit in increasing the HRS reversal rate. midodrine and norepinephrine are readily available and have
Of the studies listed in Table 4, 2 recent prospective rando- been shown to be effective in the treatment of HRS. When
mized studies are worth mentioning. The first is a multicenter, given as monotherapy, oral midodrine slightly improved sys-
double-blinded study that included 112 patients with type 1 temic hemodynamics but failed to improve renal function in
HRS randomized in 1:1 fashion to either terlipressin plus albu- 8 type 2 HRS cases.74,75 However, when combined with the
min or placebo plus albumin. More patients in the terlipressin glucagon inhibitor octreotide (glucagon mediates splanchnic
arm (34% compared to 13% in the placebo arm, P ¼ .008) vasodilatation) and in combination with albumin infusion, a
achieved reversal of HRS defined as a serum creatinine of significant improvement in renal function and survival were
1.5 mg/dL on 2 separate occasions 48 hours apart.71 The most observed. Two nonrandomized studies evaluated the efficacy
important predictor of HRS reversal was a low serum creatinine of oral midodrine and octreotide combination on HRS rever-
at initiation of therapy. In fact, none of the HRS cases with a sal.30,76 The first study was a prospective trial that included
serum creatinine 5.6 mg/dL responded to terlipressin (per- 5 patients with type 1 HRS. In this study, the dose of midodrine
sonal communication, Dr. Sanyal, November 2010). Although was increased from 7.5 mg 3 times daily to 12.5 mg 3 times
HRS reversal was associated with improvement in survival at 90 daily, and the dose of subcutaneous octreotide was titrated from
days (P ¼ .025), this beneficial effect became less apparent at 100 mg 3 times daily to 200 mg 3 times daily if the central
day 180 (P ¼ .07). Also, the overall and transplantation-free sur- venous pressure did not increase or the plasma renin activity
vival was similar between study groups (P ¼ .84).71 The second was not reduced, compared to baseline values on day 3 of ther-
study intended to investigate whether the effect of terlipressin apy. After 20 days, the mean arterial pressure increased, plasma
infusion on HRS reversal is independent of albumin, as earlier renin activity decreased, and all patients achieved reversal of
studies suggested that albumin alone is beneficial in improving HRS defined as a serum creatinine less than 2mg/dL.76 In the
kidney function in HRS.72,73 This study included 46 patients second study, continuous intravenous octreotide infusion (25
with either type 1 or type 2 HRS randomized to receive either mg/h) and fixed dose oral midodrine (2.5 mg/d) were used in
terlipressin and albumin or albumin alone.70 There was signifi- 14 patients with type 1 HRS. Therapy was administered until
cant difference in favor of terlipressin in the likelihood of HRS serum creatinine was <1.5 mg/dL for 3 days or for a total of
reversal (44% in study group vs 8.7% in the control group, 15 days. Hepatorenal syndrome reversal was achieved in

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Wadei and Gonwa 85

70% of cases. In both studies, no significant treatment-related at 10 weeks of type 1 HRS patients managed with TIPS was
side effects were reported and therapy was well tolerated.30 53%, a significant improvement compared to historical cases.34
It is important to mention that midodrine is a prodrug that is Of the 7 dialysis-dependent cases, 4 discontinued dialysis fol-
metabolized in the liver into an active metabolite, desglymido- lowing TIPS insertion, and liver transplantation was performed
drine, which is later eliminated in the urine. The pharmacoki- in 2 cases 7 and 24 months after TIPS, when the medical con-
netics of midodrine and desglymidodrine in patients with dition precluding transplantation has abated.86 An important
HRS have not been studied and deserve further research. Also, observation from these 2 studies is the slow and delayed recov-
it is still unclear whether terlipressin is superior to octreotide ery of renal function following TIPS (within 2-4 weeks), unlike
and midodrine in reversing HRS. One study suggested that vasoconstrictor therapy, in which responders have faster recov-
terlipressin-treated patients have a higher HRS recovery rate, ery of renal function (1-2 weeks). It is important to mention that
longer survival, and are more likely to receive a liver trans- all patients with advanced cirrhosis (bilirubin >15 mg/dL,
plant, but this study was nonrandomized and the results could Child-Pugh score >12, or history of hepatic encephalopathy)
have been affected by selection bias.77 Finally, the Food and were excluded from these 2 studies, limiting TIPS as a viable
Drug Administration (FDA) is considering withdrawing oral treatment option in many patients with HRS. Nevertheless, the
midodrine from the markets due to the lack of long-term benefit results of these studies demonstrate that there is occasionally a
data, mainly in patients with orthostatic hypotension; however, group of patients with HRS in whom TIPS insertion might pro-
doing so would limit the treatment options for patients with long survival long enough either to receive a liver transplant or,
HRS who do not have access to terlipressin. if they are not candidates, to stay off dialysis.
Finally, the effect of continuous norepinephrine infusion
(starting at 0.5 mg/h and titrated to achieve 10 mm Hg increase
in mean blood pressure and/or increase in urine output by
Combination Therapy
>200 mL/4 h) in association with albumin and furosemide on In all, 14 cirrhotic patients with type 1 HRS were treated with
HRS reversal was studied in 12 type 1 HRS patients.78 Nore- oral midodrine, octreotide, and albumin, followed by TIPS
pinephrine was given, either until serum creatinine decreased insertion in 5 of the 10 patients who responded to vasoconstric-
<1.5 mg/dL or for a maximum of 15 days. The mean norepi- tor therapy and were at low risk of hepatic encephalopathy.30
nephrine dose given was 0.8 mg/h for a mean duration of 10 All 5 patients who received combination therapy were alive 6
days. Of the 12 patients, 10 (83%) achieved HRS reversal (ter- to 30 months following TIPS, with only 1 patient requiring
lipressin had previously failed in 2). Ischemic episodes were liver transplantation 13 months later. On the other hand,
observed in 2 (17%) patients.78 Improvement of kidney responders to vasoconstrictors who did not receive TIPS either
function was associated with improvement in patient’s sur- died (3 patients) or required a liver transplantation (2 patients).
vival, and 4 of the responders did not require liver trans- Another study of combination therapy that included 11 type 2
plantation 6 to 18 months after recovery of renal HRS cases managed with sequential terlipressin and TIPS
function.78 In a recent meta-analysis, terlipressin and nore- showed further improvement in kidney function following
pinephrine were equivalent in terms of side effect profile TIPS insertion.67 However, due to the small number of patients
and probability of HRS reversal.79 and the fact that many patients with advanced cirrhosis are
inherently not candidates for TIPS, it is difficult to draw firm
conclusions on the exact role of combination therapy in the
Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt treatment of HRS.
The association between the reduction of portal pressure
induced by TIPS insertion and beneficial changes in neurohu-
moral factors and renal function in patients with cirrhosis and
Effect of Therapy on Patients’ Survival
refractory ascites, a forerunner of HRS, is well documen- Vasoconstrictors may improve renal function in HRS, but their
ted.80-84 Guevara et al prospectively investigated the biochem- effect on mortality is unclear. In a recent study, Gluud and col-
ical, hemodynamic, and neurohumoral changes following TIPS leagues87 performed a systematic review of 10 trials compris-
insertion in 7 type 1 HRS cases.85 One month after TIPS, renal ing 376 patients with either type 1 or type 2 HRS who
function improved in 6 patients (86%), with significant reduc- received terlipressin alone or with albumin, octreotide plus
tion in serum creatinine and increase in urine volume. These albumin, or norepinephrine plus albumin. Mortality was the
clinical changes paralleled amelioration in renal hemody- primary outcome measure. Overall, vasoconstrictors used
namics and reduction in the plasma levels of different media- alone or with albumin reduced mortality compared with no
tors of vasoconstriction. Patient’s survival ranged from 10 to intervention or albumin alone (74% vs 58%, RR: 0.82, 95%
570 days with 30 days survival achieved in 5 patients CI: 0.70-0.96). In subgroup analyses, the improved survival
(71%).85 Another prospective nonrandomized study evaluated was apparent at day 15 of therapy (RR: 0.60, 95% CI: 0.37-
the effect of TIPS on long-term outcome of 31 patients with 0.97) but not at 30, 60, 90, and 180 days. When compared to
type 1 or type 2 HRS who are not candidates for liver transplan- albumin alone, terlipressin plus albumin conferred a survival
tation.86 After TIPS, the 3, 6, 12, and 18 months survival were advantage in type 1 but not in type 2 HRS. There was no sig-
81%, 71%, 48%, and 35%, respectively. Importantly, survival nificant difference between the type of vasoconstrictor and the

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86 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 28(2)

Table 6. Thirty-day and 90-day Survival Following Treatment of HRS by Treatment Modality.

Number of Patients 30-day Survival (%) 90-day Survival (%) Reference

No treatment 25 10 Gines et al.34

Octreotide þ midodrine 5 80 33 Angeli et al.76
NE 12 50 NA Duvoux et al.78
Terlipressin 21 61 12 Ortega et al.65
99 40 22 Moreau et al.41
23 NA 27 Martin-Llahi et al.70
TIPS 7 71 42 Guevara et al.85*
14 81 64 Brensing et al.86*
Vasoconstrictor þ TIPS 5 100 100 Wong et al.30*
NE: norepinephrine; TIPS: transjugular intrahepatic protosystemic shunt; NA: not available.
* Patients with advanced cirrhosis were not candidates for TIPS insertion.

patient’s survival.87 Despite the lack of clear survival advan- dismal chance of survival without transplantation and the high
tage, the limited number of days gained with vasoconstrictor morbidity and mortality associated with RRT. In these patients,
therapy might be crucial to allow for liver transplantation. the decision to initiate RRT may be considered futile and
Also, current evidence indicates that posttransplant outcomes should be individualized.
in patients with HRS who responded to pretransplant vasocon- Predictors of mortality following RRT initiation have been
strictors are similar to patients with normal renal function who studied in 82 cirrhotic patients with AKI, 26 of them with HRS.
received transplant.88 Therefore, all attempts to improve kid- In all, 46% received intermittent hemodialysis (HD), whereas
ney function prior to liver transplantation should be made. the remaining group received continuous RRT (CRRT). The
Table 6 summarizes the 30- and 90-day survival of untreated relative risk of dying following RRT initiation was increased
patients with HRS and those who received therapy with differ- by 8.2-fold in patients with thrombocytopenia <100/nL, by
ent vasoconstrictor agents, TIPS, or a combination of vasocon- 3.9-fold in those with hepatic encephalopathy and by 2.8-fold
strictor and TIPS. The important observations are (1) compared in patients with malignancy. Importantly, the etiology of renal
to no treatment, the 30-day survival of HRS did improve with failure, whether related to HRS or not, did not affect survival.91
different treatment modalities, and (2) 90-day survival of HRS There is still controversy regarding the best modality of
remains to be dismal, irrespective of the treatment offered. RRT in orthotopic liver transplant (OLT) candidates. Daven-
port et al and Detry et al demonstrated that CRRT is better tol-
erated than intermittent HD in patients with liver failure as
Renal Replacement Therapy evidenced by better cardiovascular stability, gradual correction
of hyponatremia, and less fluctuation in intracranial pressure.93-96
Pretransplant RRT Furthermore, CRRT has the potential advantage of removing
For those waiting for a liver transplant, who did not respond to inflammatory cytokines including TNF-a and interleukin 6,
vasoconstrictors or developed volume overload, intractable both have been implicated in the development of AKI and
metabolic acidosis, or hyperkalemia, RRT may be a reasonable HRS and the exacerbation of hepatic injury.16,35,97-99 Despite
option as a bridge to transplantation. Patients with HRS often these presumed advantages, in a prospective study by Witzke
manifest complications of advanced liver cell failure including et al, CRRT did not confer a survival benefit in 30 patients
encephalopathy, hypotension, and coagulopathy, which com- with HRS waiting for liver transplantation.100 In this study,
plicates the decision to initiate RRT especially since early stud- cases were subjected to either CRRT if they were mechani-
ies have found that initiation of RRT was associated with cally ventilated or HD if they were not. Eight cases (53%)
increased risk of hemorrhage and hypotension, which directly treated with HD survived for 30 days, whereas none of the
contributed to mortality in some cases.89,90 However, mortality CRRT patients survived for the same duration. At 1 year,
is even higher in patients with HRS not receiving RRT. In a ret- only 3 were still alive. All received either liver transplanta-
rospective study by Keller et al,91 7 (44%) of 16 cases on RRT tion (2 patients) or combined liver-kidney transplantation
survived to transplantation compared to only 1 (10%) of the 10 (1 patient). None required posttransplant HD. The author con-
who did not receive dialysis. This improved patient survival cluded that CRRT in patients with HRS on mechanical ventila-
was incurred at the cost of increased hospital stay with 33% tion is futile.100 In contrast to this experience, the group from
of the survival days gained being spent in the hospital.92 There- Baylor reported on their experience in patients undergoing RRT
fore, in patients with HRS who are waiting for a liver trans- before liver transplantation in 2 separate time periods.101 From
plant, RRT is justifiable as a bridge to transplantation but is 1985 to 1995, 10 patients received preoperative RRT (all HD),
associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality. How- and their 1-year survival posttransplant was 89.5%. From
ever, initiation of RRT is controversial in patients with HRS 1996 to 1999, a total of 19 patients also received preoperative
who are not candidates for liver transplantation due to their RRT. One had HD, and 18, CRRT. The 1-year patient survival

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Wadei and Gonwa 87

patients with fulminant hepatic failure and increased intracra-

nial tension due to the adverse effect of intermittent HD on
intracranial pressure.95
The ultimate dialysis dose and timing for RRT initiation
have not been studied in cirrhotic patients with HRS, but data
can be inferred from other studies of AKI in critically ill
patients, which suggest that early RRT initiation and mainte-
nance of negative fluid balance improve patient survival.104,105
Two recent randomized studies that included a large number of
critically ill patients with AKI (many of them with concomitant
liver cell failure) showed no clear benefit of higher dialysis
dose on hospital mortality or the probability of renal function
recovery.106,107 However, other studies demonstrated an
improvement in gas exchange, lower norepinephrine dose, ear-
lier weaning from mechanical ventilation, shorter ICU stay,
and better survival in septic patients with AKI who received
Figure 3. Survival of liver transplant candidates with acute renal early high-dose isovolemic hemofitration (45 mL/kg per h for
failure receiving different modalities of renal replacement therapy 6 hours), followed by conventional CRRT at 20 mL/kg per h,
(RRT). P value is calculated for comparing CRRT versus HD. CRRT, compared to a similar group of patients who received conven-
continuous RRT; HD, intermittent hemodialysis; ALL, all patients. tional dose CRRT.108 Therefore, it remains unclear whether
Adapted with permission from Wong et al.42
critically ill patients with HRS will benefit from higher RRT
dose. A randomized study specifically addressing this question
in this group was lower at 73.6%, possibly reflecting the more is needed.
serious nature of their illness. In another study of 102 cirrhotic The molecular adsorbent recirculating system (MARS) is an
patients with AKI requiring RRT, 48% of them with HRS who albumin-based form of RRT that combines a conventional
were awaiting liver transplantation showed increased mortality CRRT circuit and albumin-enriched dialysate that is then
for those maintained on CRRT compared to HD (78% vs 50%, regenerated by passage through a charcoal and ion exchange
P ¼ .02; Figure 3).42 Nevertheless, those who received CRRT cartridge. The assumption is that, by removing albumin-
had a higher APACHE II score, lower blood pressure, and were bound toxins (eg bile acids and nitric oxide) and water-
more likely to be on vasopressors and mechanical ventila- soluble cytokines (TNF-a and interleukin 6, both have been
tion.42 On a multivariate logistic model, a high mean arterial implicated in HRS pathogenesis), liver function will stabilize
pressure, but not duration of RRT, was associated with lower and end-organ damage will improve.109-111 Although studies
risk of mortality (OR ¼ 0.97, P ¼ .03). Approximately, half have demonstrated improved survival with MARS compared
of the patients died in the first 7 days after initiating RRT, sug- to conventional CRRT, the overall survival is still low, with
gesting that these patients were seriously ill and would have 7-day survival of 37% and 30-day survival of 25%.109,112 Other
died regardless of RRT initiation. The authors concluded that albumin-based dialysis techniques include single-pass albumin
RRT is still justifiable in acute renal failure and called for early dialysis which can be performed using a standard CRRT circuit
liver transplantation in these patients, especially since the high and fractionated plasma separation, adsorption, and dialysis
mortality rate is a reflection of the severity of illness and is (Prometheus system).113 Molecular adsorbent recirculating
comparable to similarly ill noncirrhotic patients with AKI.42 system is currently approved by the Food and Drug Adminis-
One drawback of CRRT is the need for continuous systemic tration (FDA) for the treatment of drug overdose but not for
anticoagulation, which might increase the risk of bleeding; how- HRS while Prometheus system is not FDA approved.
ever, patients with cirrhosis are often coagulopathic, and anticoa-
gulation may be safely avoided. Other alternatives include
regional citrate or regional heparin/protamine anticoagulation; Intraoperative RRT
both have been used in patients with cirrhosis and provided filter Intraoperative complications, including hemodynamic instabil-
life span similar to those obtained using systemic anticoagula- ity and hyperkalemia, are more prevalent in patients with HRS
tion.102 However, caution should be exercised with citrate antic- undergoing liver transplantation. Derek et al114 described their
oagulation, as hepatic citrate metabolism is impaired in patients experience with intraoperative CRRT in 41 patients at the time
with cirrhosis increasing the risk of citrate toxicity.103 of liver transplantation. Indications for the procedure were pre-
Hence, although the best modality of RRT in HRS is not operative CRRT in almost 50% of the cases; hyperkalemia,
well defined, OLT candidates in need of RRT can be managed dysnatremia, and metabolic acidosis in the rest of the group.
with either HD or CRRT before transplantation with similar Despite the presence of elevated international normalized ratio
outcomes. The choice of best modality is dictated by hemody- (INR) in all the patients, filter circuit clotting occurred in 40%
namic stability and severity of illness and should be tailored to of the cases. However, heparin or regional citrate anticoagula-
individual patients. One clear indication for CRRT is in tion was not used except in 3 patients for fear of bleeding

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88 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine 28(2)

diathesis. Nevertheless, CRRT was administered for almost Our approach has been to provide OLT in the majority of
50% of the operative time, and filter clotting did not affect the HRS patients, with the exception of those who have been on
duration of CRRT. This study demonstrates that intraoperative RRT for 8 weeks or more. In cases where the etiology of renal
CRRT is feasible and useful in providing negative or even fluid failure is unclear, or if there are overlapping features of chronic
balance, despite the large number of blood transfusions in this kidney disease (proteinuria, hematuria, etc) and HRS, we rely
cohort. on histological information to direct the transplant options.127
In our hands, percutaneous kidney biopsy has been providing
adequate tissue for analysis with acceptable complication pro-
file. Other centers have been utilizing transjugular renal biop-
Liver Transplantation
sies.128 For those not on RRT, we try to reverse HRS with
Orthotopic liver transplant is the treatment of choice for vasoconstrictor therapy in an attempt to improve posttransplant
patients with HRS. Indeed, subsequent to OLT, renal sodium outcomes as previously described.43,88
excretion and hemodynamic abnormalities normalize within
1 month and renal-resistive indices decreases to normal values
over the first posttransplant year.115,116 Survival of type 2 HRS
Conclusions and Future Directions
patients is sufficiently prolonged enabling them to receive a In summary, HRS is associated with increased morbidity and
liver transplant; however, the clinical applicability of trans- mortality in patients with cirrhosis and has a negative impact
plantation in patients with type 1 HRS is limited by their shor- on postliver transplant outcomes. Hepatorenal syndrome can
tened survival expectancy and long waiting times. Not all cases be reversed with pharmacotherapy in more than 50% of
of HRS will recover kidney function following OLT.117,118 In patients, but improvement in kidney function translates into
1 study, only 58% of HRS cases recovered kidney function improvement in short-term survival only, with dismal long-
4 to 110 days after OLT.117 Predictors of renal recovery term survival without liver transplantation. Nevertheless, every
included younger recipient age, nonalcoholic liver disease, and attempt to achieve HRS reversal should be made, as HRS rever-
low bilirubin level at day 7 posttransplantation. There was a sal has been associated with improvement in post-liver trans-
trend for better renal recovery with younger donor age, implying plant outcomes. The best therapeutic intervention, including
that marginal livers should be avoided in patients with HRS.117 dialysis modality, should be tailored according to patient can-
Patients with HRS who undergo transplantation have a didacy for liver transplantation, comorbid conditions, and
lower probability of postoperative survival and a higher prob- hemodynamic status. Simultaneous liver-kidney transplanta-
ability of developing postoperative complications than those tion is generally not indicated in patients with HRS unless they
without HRS. In 2 studies by Gonwa et al.,119,120 although the have been on RRT for 8 weeks or more. Kidney biopsy might
2-year patient-and-graft survival was similar in those with or be helpful, both in differentiating HRS from other causes of
without HRS, the actuarial 5-year patient-and-graft survival AKI and guiding the decision of liver vs SLK transplantation
rates were decreased in those with HRS. Posttransplantation, in selected cases.
patients with HRS were sicker, required longer hospitaliza-
tions, prolonged ICU stays, and more dialysis treatments. Declaration of Conflicting Interests
At 6 weeks following OLT, 10% of the patients with HRS The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
were still in need of RRT.119,121 The risk of end-stage renal dis- the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
ease (ESRD) is also higher in the patients with HRS compared
to those with normal kidney function at the time of OLT Funding
(7% vs 2%).119 The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
In an attempt to limit posttransplant complications, another ship, and/or publication of this article.
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tion (SLK). Indeed, since the introduction of the MELD score References
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