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After visually experiencing the tedious hours of work required for Writing 39C through my
roommate during the winter quarter, I was extremely hesitant to enroll; especially due to the fact
I was aiming to take sixteen units instead twelve like my previous two quarters. Although
hesitant, several of my close friends recommended that I should get Writing 39C out of the way
given the opportunity that we could all take it together. My journey through this course has been
filled with both shortcomings as well as success, both of which have greatly contributed to the
evolution of myself as a writer and student. I struggled initially with the research aspect of the
Historical Conversations Project (HCP) due my lack of experience conducting scholarly
research, however, prevailed during the Advocacy Project (AP) as a result of the time I spent
conducting research. Through the struggles and successes I encountered with the Historical
Conversations Project and the Advocacy Project, I have strengthened previous aspects of my
writing as well as developed new skills of research and argumentation. Writing 39C has given
me numerous resources and tools that have elevated my proficiency as a writer and will impact
every course I take in the future.

Historical Conversations Project

When assigned with the HCP, I faced numerous challenges when it came to my composition
process. From the initial HCP pitch to the problem statement, I had changed topics as it was
relatively difficult to find evidence for my first pitch. Nonetheless, this rendered the hours spent
researching my initial topic useless and wasted time I could have spent conducting more
research. As seen in the introductory paragraph of my problem statement below, it is obvious
that the depth of my research was far too shallow for any substantial claim to be made. I had
two graphs that illustrated the magnitude of the United States’ spending issue, but no
reasonings as to why the problem is indeed a problem, who the problem affects, as well as how
it affects them,
As I continued to make progress in my HCP, I noticed improvements in my writing as well.
Following the lackadaisical completion of my HCP problem statement, which lacked both
direction and reasoning, I was determined to show improvement in the first draft of the HCP. I
attacked the weaknesses I found in my own problem statement, focusing on the whys and hows
of the problem. This increased focus to specific parts of my argument provided a basis as to
where to begin both my research and my writing.

As shown in the introductory paragraph of my HCP draft, the added focus to the why and how of
the problem I was addressing gave me the direction for me to find the foothold needed to
establish my argument, beginning with a core reason as to how my problem negatively affects
the societal development of the United States. Focusing on the whys and hows of the problem
revealed to me that they are the driving factors of both the HCP and AP.

Advocacy Project
The composition of my Advocacy Project was made easier through my efforts in the HCP. After
conducting strenuous research in order to complete my HCP, I had already prepared myself
greatly for the AP. Compared to the problem statement from the HCP above, the following
position statement for the AP perfectly illustrates the increased efficiency of my research,
resulting in an incredibly detailed overview the blueprint of my AP. As a result of completing the
HCP, I was able to conduct accurate research that strengthened my argument as well as begin
with a strong, detailed position statement for my AP.
My increased proficiency in writing and research only continued to strengthen the progress of
my AP. While tackling the draft, I found it quite easy to compose both the introduction of the
problem as well as the reason as to why the problem I was addressing is a problem due to my
previous focus on the whys and hows of the HCP. This previous work completed in the HCP
greatly benefitted my work on the AP as I was able to make connections between the two

This comment made by Professor Broadbent on the draft of my AP greatly helped specify which
aspects I would have to focus on while writing the AP Final draft. This comment helped me
realize the deficiencies in the structural component of my paper, advising me to focus more on
organizing the logical flow of ideas given I already had sufficient evidence and sources down.
From this comment I was able to truly grasp the core of the Advocacy Project, both providing
sufficient evidence supporting my argument as well as presenting such evidence in a logically
sound way that would strengthen the logos of my argument.

Writing 39C has taught me a multitude of skills that I will continue to utilize in my future as a
student. I have grown as not only as a writer, but as a communicator. Both the HCP and AP
projects have taught me the crucial necessity of analyzing situations to the full extent by
gathering various perspectives through research and analysis. Writing 39C has given me an
abundance of resources when it comes to research, many of which I didn’t even know existed
prior to taking this course. From this class, I have learned how to conduct scholarly research
and how to efficiently utilize such research in order to argue for and against any topic, which will
greatly enhance my success in future classes. In my future as a business economics major,
these skills will definitely be applicable both in terms of written documents as well as

Looking over the work I have completed over these past 10 weeks in Writing 39C, I am grateful
to say that I have evolved both in terms of writing as well as thinking. Reflecting on my past
works, it is clear to me that a major obstacle in my academic career was laziness and a lack of
motivation, which was changed during my time in this course. Writing 39C has given me the
opportunity to realize that the only way to improve and evolve in a certain aspect in your life is to
continuously work and practice that aspect. I am grateful for the opportunity Writing 39C has
given me and even more grateful for the outcome.

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