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Date: May 10, 2018

Name: Karen Viteri Moran
Course: 10

Humans have only explored a very small part of the sea, but there are

some interesting facts about its depth that most people did not know.

From the 200 meters of depth the sunlight is non-existent. The marine

creatures that live under that depth because they do not receive sunlight

have really amazing forms, the deepest thing that a human being has

been able to swim is 281 meters. The deepest point of the ocean is

11034 meters above the surface. This site is known as Marian graves,

it is located in the Pacific Ocean between Japan and Australia and there

are probably animals to be known. Live and develop at the bottom of the

ocean has an effect of gigantism. Scientists have the theory that species

that live on the sea floor are much larger than their counterparts in less

depth because of the extreme cold there, between 0 and 3 degrees, so

that having more volume contributes to thermal efficiency. Many things

we can find in the depth of the ocean, undiscovered species for example,

it is clear that there is still much to explore.

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