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Will Mann, Adam Finn, Jared Conway, and Nick Kush

Assignment: Our Country’s Reaction to the Ultimatum

Country: Italy

Due to the issues we have been having with our economy recently, it is causing us to
have a lot of catching up to do (1). Therefore, being involved in the conflicts between Austria-
Hungary and Serbia is not a situation worth getting involved with. In addition, there are not any
other powers that we are currently allied with specifically or against. We are neutral, and that is
the best state we can be in right now. Also, while we have had our current prime minister,
Giovanni Giolitti, lives of regular Italians have improved and he has managed to keep away
political opponents. (2) Also, under his rule no other liberals were able to form a formal political
party. (3)

Additionally, we have found out some information about Serbia’s response to the
Ultimatum of Austria-Hungary. The Serbian Government has stated that they will “amplify and
render more severe the existing measures against the suppression” (a). By Serbia saying this they
are basically threatening Austria-Hungary, and that is not a mess to get involved in. Like we said
before, staying neutral is the best option right now. Also, there is a man from the Railroad
Department of Austria-Hungary who is known to be a part in the tragic events that happened.
However, to this point, it has been impossible to locate him and warrants have been issued
against him. (b) This is just another reason why we shouldn’t get ourselves involved if we don’t
have to. Also, propaganda directed against Austria-Hungary is becoming an issue and Serbia is
warning that it will “without delay...eliminate from the public instruction in Serbia anything
which might further the propaganda”. (c) Without real reason to, we as Italy don’t feel the
necessity to be involved in these matters. Lastly, Serbia stated that Austria-Hungary’s
government wants to come into Serbia to investigate the tragic events of June 28, but obviously
Serbia was against this because it was done on Serbia soil - not Austrian-Hungary soil. (d) We
definitely don’t want to get involved in issues with issues happening across borders that way we
and our great people stay safe and have no fear unlike all the other troubled countries.

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