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Samuel Villasenor

Othello is a story about how two lovers who meet a tragic end because of another man's
jealousy. Othello is a decorated war hero but things take a turn for the worse when he names
Cassio over Iago to be his Lieutenant. When Iago hears of this he goes a tries to ruin Othello’s
life he tells Desdemona's father Brabantio that Othello and Desdemona are together so that
Brabantio will ruin their relationship but he fails. Later Iago plots to take Cassio out of his
Lieutenancy by getting him drunk and making him do something reckless and he succeeds.
Than Emilia gives Desdemona's handkerchief to Iago and Iago plants it on Cassio so that Iago
can make is seem that Desdemona has cheated on Othello and eventually Othello believes
Iago and he swears that he is going to kill Desdemona and Cassio. But Iago says the he will do
it instead. So he tells Roderigo kill Cassio and when they both duel they get wounded and Iago
comes and kills Rodrigo.While this is happening Othello is killing Desdemona and when
Desdemona is dead Emilia walks in and finds her body and she calls in Iago and then Othello
finds out that Iago has been playing with him so he stabs Iago but not fatally and Othello ends
up killing himself and Cassio ends up ruling Cyprus. Shakespeare may be an old story but many
of its lessons still hold true today and that is why it is still relevant today.

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