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Ethan Reyes

English II

Should Animal Testing Be Eliminated?

Animal testing is a topic that has been debated over for a long time. People see that it is

both good and bad. Some scientists see it as good, because of the medical discoveries from

simulations on animals in labs. Other people say that animal testing is a tragic issue, because

animals are used for experiments including drugs, chemicals, and medical simulations. These

poor animals have to suffer through whatever is done to them in laboratories. Animal

experimentation is not only expensive, but it isn’t even an accurate medical simulation. Animals

suffer horrible mutations and conditions from these experiments, changing their mental states,

and sometimes their physical appearances. Animals are important beings, not to be wasted and

mutated in laboratories. These horrible experiments need to come to an end.

Animal experimentation is very expensive, just like most scientific research. But with

animal testing, the capturing of animals, the equipment, and the people are expensive things to

use. In an article about animal testing, it says: “Relying on animal research and testing to protect

and improve human health is not only unsafe, but also expensive, time-consuming, and

unreliable.” This research isn’t only expensive in the sense of money, but it even costs time, and

safety. The safety of animals is important. It is horrible that an animal would have to undergo a

simulation of what could happen to a human.

Another point is that animal experimentation isn’t even accurate. Animals aren’t people,

and shouldn’t go through unnecessary tests. “For example: forcing dogs to inhale cigarette

smoke did not show a link to lung cancer…” This was from another article about this topic.
People can agree that science tends to get out of hand once scientists think they’ve gotten a

solution to a problem, and pose a solution that requires sacrifice. In no shape or form, do animals

deserve to be treated as expendable test subjects. Animals are living, just like any person is. They

were born, and can die. There is no reason why life should be wasted on useless “research”.

The human environments that these animals are put in are horrible for them. These

environments change how the animals acts. An animal will act differently in the wild than in

labs. “Captivity and the common features of biomedical laboratories—such as artificial lighting,

human-produced noises, and restricted housing environments—can prevent species-typical

behaviors, causing distress and abnormal behaviors among animals.” This was from yet another

article on animal experimentation. Animals may act abnormally when around human-like

environments. They may be more aggressive, more stressed, or even in a depression state. One

could just imagine how horrible it would be like to be captured, taken to labs, tested on, force

bred, and know that their children would meet the same fate.

Some might say that animal testing is actually beneficial. On a webpage, it was said that

it is beneficial. On a webpage about the topic, it says “Animals are appropriate research subjects

because they are similar to human beings in many ways.” But really, animals are completely

different species, and do not relate to humans in any way. They may have similar body systems,

but that doesn’t create a relation between humans and animals.

Ultimately, animal testing is wrong. It should come to an end, due to the suffering of the

animals that go through the testing. Animal testing is expensive, unreliable, and horrible to the

animals. These experiments take away the lives that animals could have lived happily in the
wild. They must come to an end, or at least be limited. Imagine how much more peaceful it

would be.

“Animals in Research: Overview”, Unknown Author, “​© 2017 New England Anti-Vivisection Society, a national
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization​” Link: ​
This is an article on animal testing, and the effects of it. It explains what has been done by animal testing.
This source relates to my topic because I’m on the con side of animal testing. I can use the effects of animal testing
to create pathos in my argument. “For example: forcing dogs to inhale cigarette smoke did not show a link to lung
cancer…” This will help me make my argument because it will contain evidence of what horrible things are done to
animals. This will create pathos in my argument, making people feel bad for the animals.

“Limitations and Dangers”, Unknown Author, “​© 2017 New England Anti-Vivisection Society, a national 501(c)(3)
nonprofit organization​” Link: ​
This is an article about the cons of animal testing, and why it should be limited. It describes why it is
harmful and even unreliable. The source relates to my topic because I am writing about the cons of animal testing. I
am arguing that animal testing should come to an end, or at least limited. “Relying on animal research and testing to
protect and improve human health is not only unsafe, but also expensive, time-consuming, and unreliable.” This
quote will create logos, bringing logic into my argument. It will inform the audience how inefficient animal testing

“The Flaws and Human Harm of Animal Experimentation” by AYSHA AKHTAR, October 24, 2015. Link:
This article explains both sides of animal experimentation. It explains how animal testing can be both good
and bad. The source relates to my topic because I also need to have the pros of animal testing. I need to have a
background in my intro and a counterargument. “Captivity and the common features of biomedical
laboratories—such as artificial lighting, human-produced noises, and restricted housing environments—can prevent
species-typical behaviors, causing distress and abnormal behaviors among animals.” This quote will create logos,
because it is scientifically proven that animals act differently in labs than in the wild. It will also create pathos,
because the audience may also feel bad for the animals in laboratories after reading this quote.

“Animal Data Is Not Reliable for Human Health Research (Op-Ed)” by Theodora Capaldo, June 6, 2014. Link:
This article talks about what is happening with current animal testing research, and also what some cons of
animal testing are. This is good for my argument because I am writing against animal testing. This relates to my
topic because it gives extra information on animal testing. The extra information can be seen as a pro, supporting the
counterargument. “​Before examining the data, consider the logic. Mice or other animals in labs are not little people.​”
This quote creates logos, since it involves logic. It explains that even if you do a test on an animal, it may not turn
out the same on a human being.

“Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing?” ​© 2017

All rights reserved​, Link:​
This webpage shows the pros and cons of animal testing. This is beneficial because this source helps my
argument, in the sense of when it talks about the cons. This relates to my topic because I need to look at both sides
of the issue. This webpage shows both sides, to make both an argument and counter. “Animals are appropriate
research subjects because they are similar to human beings in many ways.” This quote will be a counter to my
argument. I will be able to explain that this quote is wrong and refute it. My refutal will create logos, because it is
real information.

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