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Jupiter 9°, Venus 7° and Saturn 8°. No mundane aspects are considered. Though the nature of an aspect and conjunction may be said to depend upon the nature of the planets in aspect, the square and opposition are generally held to be inauspicious while the trine and sextile are held to give rise to auspicious results. Conjunctions are favourable with beno- fic planets and evil with malofic planets. For instance. a con- junction of Saturn and Mars is definitely evil and threatens serious consequences. A conjunction of Jupiter and Venus is equally good and denotes auspiciousness. Inhorary astrology, planets become distinguished as significators. For instance, the lord of the 3rd is the signifi- ator of brothers. If he happens to be, say Satur, and the ascendant lord is Jupiter and if they are in conjunction, the brother (signified by Jupiter) would be adversely affected if the question relates to mutual relations of the two brothers. ‘Yogas in Tajaka system arise on the basis of applying exact and separating aspects. For further details | would refer my readers to my book Varshaphal or The Hindu Progressed Horoscope. It deals fully with the Tajaka system. ‘As regards the significations of planets, Neelakanta has ‘no doubt dealt with them in a fairly exhaustive manner. But ‘we can also have recourse to the significations suggested in other authoritative classics such as Prasna Maiga and Krishnoeye. In interpretation of horary charts certain niceties have to bbe observed. The lord of the ascendant is always the signifi- cator of the querent or his agent though the ascendant and tho planets in the ascendant are also importent as _co-signifi- ators. The significator of the everit is the ruler of the house concerned. For example the significator of marriage is the lord of the 7th though planets occupying the 7th will also ‘can be studied from the 1st house bu the 6th house. Money mattors come under the 2nd but lands ‘and immovable property are signified by the 4th house. Further details about events signified by different houses can be found in the body of the text. If a querent puts a question, say pertaining to his brother's wife, then we have to consult the 9th house as it is ‘the 7th from the 3rd house. Similarly a stolen article belong- ing to a friend has reference to the 4th from 11th (friend), La., 2nd house. The closer the Yoga (Ithasala, etc.), the more certain will be the result. If in a question bearing on marriage, the aspect between the rulers of ascendant and the ‘Tth is a square, the event will no doubt happen but certain obstacles will have to be overcome. The Moon's situation always gives a clue to the mind of the querent or his agent. In order to determine @ correct answer, the different shades of evidence have to be carefully weighed and assessed. The astrologer must get into the root of the question and boldly declare the answer avoiding subjective factors. All questions should always be related to their appropriate houses and the planets located therein or connected with the houses by ‘ownorship, etc., should be carefully considered, ‘Translation of light is another factor considered in this book. When a planet separates from one that is slower than itself and overtakes another by conjunction or aspect, there is translation of light. The object of a query will be realised through the help of @ person signified by the translating lanet. Thus if in @ question bearing on marriage, Mercury translates the light of the lord of the 7th to the lord of the

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