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For me, my perfect job could be one where I would be able to expresing myself
by music. Either writing or playing musical instruments or singing.
Not only because I have a father who has music habilities, but also because I
always like music since I was born.
It was heartbreaking when I realized that I couldn’t be able to study music
because It would’ve been difficult for me to have enough money to survive,
since in this country neither helps artists nor is interested enough on it.
So in order to least died of hungry I needed to change my choice.
However, my new job prospect (or at least the one that is expected), now that
I’m studying psichology, is to find a job either in a hospital or a mental clinic.
Although this career wasn’t my first choice, I coped with that and now I want to
have my own consulting room as well as I work in a hospital.
As a therapist, in a hospital, I want to be in charge of a group of people in a
specific area, what could be the mental disorders.

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