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eatson Eduction Limited Einburgh Gate Hato, Essex onze 2 Ertan fndassaciated companies oughout ie Wee (© Pearson Education Uited 200: st ow webste hpe//wama Jenga com ditlanares [Aighs reserved no parol hs publication maybe reproduced, sored a fereval sytem, 91 arsed nay fo a by ary eas, rleeone mechanical protecopyin, org orate wise. ‘witost the pir ven permission othe Publishers Fist publishes 2008 05 096 c08 aay 34 wos tha the ears have reason Bele constitute lragemaris Have bees descibed 5 such owen, nie he ‘sence nrthe absence Sich = desigvor shouldbe regatded ag affecting he legal tase any trademark 150N 9580 7rd 2 ‘etn 7pt MetaPlis Moral by Peter Wray Priniediachina NeCClo3 ‘ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Director Della Summers Editoria/ Director & Publisher Pierre:Henti Cousin Editor & Project Manager Wendy Lee Lexicographer Stella O'Shea Mustrator Chris Simpson Besign Alex Inge Coverdesign Abbey Design, Harlow, Essex Proofreader Wrene Lakhani ‘and the Longman Dictionaries team Contents Using the Dietianary iv Phrasal Verbs A-Z + Purasat Vers ACTIVATOR Like/dislike 194 love & friendship 195, Start 396 Stop 197 Continue 298 leave 199 On the telephone 200 Tyjradio/lights/machines 201 Irregular Verbs 437 Using the Dictionary What are phrasal verbs and how are they used? A phrasal verb is a verb that consists of two or three words: its meaning is different from the meaning those words would have if you considered each one separately. For example, the ‘meaning of camry out (=do) in the sentence Scientists carried ‘ur an experiment is not related to the normal meaning of “carty’of the normal meaning of ‘out’. You cannot guess the meaning of pull up (=stop) in the sentence A car pulled up outside the house even if you know what ‘pull’ and “up" mean. Even though answer back (=answer rudely) is related to the meaning of the verb ‘answer, this does not help you to understand what answer back means, ‘Most phrasal verbs consist of two words: get up, go off, tu 0”, ‘make out, and deal with. The first word is a verbs the second word, called a particle, is either an adverb (such as ‘out’) ora preposition (Such as “with’). There are also some three-ward for example, catch up with, ook forward to. are used with an adverb or preposition but do not combine ta produce a special meaning are not phrasal verbs, In sentences such as The boy fell off his bike and We carried some chairs out into the gorden, ‘fall off and ‘carry out” are not phrasal verbs because their meaning can be worked out if you know what fall’ anc ‘off, ‘carry and ‘out! mean, Some verbs are anly ever used with a particular preposition or ‘adverb: for example, rely on and amount to. Other phrasal verbs mean almost the same as the verb on its own, but the adverb adds emphasis of contains the idea of an action being, completed or continued: for example, eat up, hurry up, toi! ‘away. Some phrasal vers are used with ‘It’ it it off, jumo 0 it~and others are used with a reflexive pronoun - pride yourself on, lend itself to. How do | find the phrasal verb 1 am looking for? First look for the main Cone-word) verb = the ‘keyword’ ~ in ts alphabetical position; these keywords are shown in big CAPITAL LETTERS. Under each keyword, phrasel verbs are listed alphabetically acearding to their particles. They are shown in small canta tere2s, For example, if you ate looking for get up, first took for GET in big capital letters, When you have found GET, took for cer uP in small capital letters; you will find it in its alphabetical position, towards the end of the entry for GET. When you have found the phrasal verb you want, you may discover that it has more than one sense; the most comman meanings ar listed first. How can the dictionary help me with grammar? Your dictionary explains what each phrasal verb means. Ialso shows you clearly how each is used. It does this in two ways: by giving example sentences, and by giving {grammatical information ('grarmmar patterns’) at each sense. The grammar pattems show whether a verb takes an object, where the object goes, and whether the object is @ person ora thing. For example, at turn on (=make something start working). there are two grammar patterns: furn an sth, turn sth on. They show that the object can come either after the Phrasal verb, or between the main verb and the particle, The examples also help you to understand how the Phrasal verb is used, and hove the position of the object canvary: > turned 0» the aco an toned (othe svat dck ews » Could yu thn the oven om, f outs gama othe tte? USING THE DICTIONARY “ At nod off, there is only one grammar pattern: nod off This is because the verb does not take an object, and you can see this agein in the example: !ifssed the end of her lecture — [think t must have nodded off [ACjoin in (ntake part in an activity with other people}, the grammar pattems are: oin i, join in sth. They show that Join ip can be used without an object, or with an object immediately after the phrasal verb. The examples a\50 help you to see this: When we get to the chorus, !want everybody to join in. ® Politely, he joined in the laughter A talk into (=persuade someone to do something, especially something they are unwilling to do), this grammar pattern is given: talk sb into sth. This shows that {alk into must have two objects. The frst sa person ((sb’ = somebody/someone), and the secone is a thing ((sth' = something). The example shows the verb in a typical sentence: / should never have let you talk me into this erazy scheme. Phrasal verbs such as turn on, put off, and rip offcan all take an object between the main verb and the particle, or after the phrasal verb. They are called ‘separable’ plyasal verbs because thelr two parts can be separated: tum on Can yout te oven on fre Can ou temo te oven forme? Remember, though, that with this type of verb, two more rules apply: Ifthe object is a pronoun (a word such as ‘i’, ‘her’, ‘them’, “ime, 'you" etc which is used instead of a noun so that you do not have to repeat the noun), the pronoun must come between the verb and the adverb, For example: turnoff fu nt itening rote ao tum offic of. IFthe object is a long phrase, it should come after the phrasal verb. For example: ‘Geary tits he Fach cin vali ei ofS ache We “i USING THE DICTIONARY What other information does the dictionary give me? Nouns and adjectives which are related to a phrasal vers are ‘shown after the meaning of the phrasal verb that they come. from. For example, the noun blackout appears alter the Phrasal verb biack aut (~suddenly become unconscious). and the adjective made-up appears after the phrasal verb make up (invent a story, name ete), ‘Sometimes you will find that an entry for a phrasal verb is followed by a bold preposition. These prepositions are frequently used with the phrasal verb, and the example sentence which follows the preposition shows how this works, For example back out to decide notte Smeg that you have 2eedce do the couple wo were gong buy burs backed out atthe fst Irina of» She mode's promise (nd she can" bork ot of om. Common phrases which use a particular phrasal verb are also shown in bold: bet on th to eet sure chat something wil happen, especialy so har lenuerces what you cei {doe Teaders who hed bet ona ee Shave prices ost moray. don't bet on if woutdnt bet on > "yor thik theyll me tre fr tens pain? imovisn bet on USING THE DICTIONARY Abbreviations used in this dictionary 0, adjective ete etcetera sw noun uN pluratnoun sb somebody someone sth something v verb i ABANDON | Ahandon yoursta ths aca ota “ont s ston esing > She hondoned here ently io ge ABIDE Aide yt 6 oe ar apie the Condos aa ne, om or sneer’ Pie President sto bie by the Same ties es eveyone ae ABSORB ‘asoanD Beabsorbed Inst: 0 be very Interested an at ou ate 30. 0 tharyou dona: aoe wha Fappening sound you wes 50 atsareed in ny wore that Fain hte te ine ABSTAIN ‘ABSTAIN Fram ~ Abeta from th to not do something ou woul keto a ested fr heath olin teasers» Waoon ‘reusuayadsed to aston fem ‘oho urna sreanorcy. ACCOUNT ecOUNT FoR + 1 econ fos orm apatesor partorsmountof something Pipont accu or ve Bo pe cent oon 2 aecaun for sto gives foster tlre fa omehes low do you scoot farsa ‘thoppearnee? $ acount ort to ete eacon or 2cteting eich Seo fr ghee tes “account for bh to know here Sito iso: wea hpered to. Sarneing ast ae dion bbe aveouned for Grey pony Ros {0 he accounted fu ACE Ack out + {ev ou theo easly eet Sereaoeo: something» Se ee out her eoses ei forthe top fs | ACHE Bene for sth to mat someone ot Seething very uch» was ag Fonsome tine oie uth hee > ie ‘ched for ba ACQUAINT Acquasnr wire 4 aegis with sth: tern bout eo el someone about fomeone or samethine» Ae yo acquit wth myo ond Sion? >She ck te roe acqaan? hese wr er stents 2 auqusint sb with sth Sorsone soot something He eaced to use ts oppor equning Re itn he te ats act 4 a otf, at sth out: 10 poor, fhe events in att oraton The Sderts ow asked fo 0 ot tne le Sf young peran wha i being be 2a oat sth act sth ot 19 express {our emotions by doing sametting teenagers io oc ui ther rusts tg ering op fo behave bay He ways sed fo act uncles when he Wes uo ADD» AIM A00 {dd add th nt include Zanethingina total» you 2 of theoter outs me mode very fee money fae om lt ona 90: 0 Icrease apumber or cst, of 8 9 pono someting» a ourof East ‘si, where you tudo or an extra (ree: Bet» on extension cided o> tothe back ofthe house fe tonto make something bigger Sr presen hii ony ada fe fost of geting i feed » the renare milena to heute are about netealy moatied fod. fn00 UP + $30d w sn aston, 2 aide to Beate the totale? The waite added wp te bil wgain 5 Thetis oreo taught ow ted, tent, and ade uo. 2nd upto ely to Bete oF Corvette sors scat {jo seemed to be missing» a ‘stds phe the onl pesn no oul possibly have commited the add op f small amounts or rarbers 2a tne total gacuaty gets tobe Suvpiinly og i you sa bean medi, ne clores Soon oe 368 upto 0: ohare» pantclae Fesutor eet Ai think ads Upto cremarable achiever ADDRESS Address yourself tosh to doa with boca pabler The coritee Wil edaes soft ee mat sues ADHERE fdhere to st: o obey a ue am oF | Sytement door sides ore exgetea ‘Sadho to hervtes ADMIT ‘ait te 0a tar you ave Gone smtething wrong of that yt aves feng rat you nk You ‘hos not Have adm lng sth hee neve ant being sare. > The te praoners finaly amt fonsnagiog he emoessovor ADVISE dovise oF dave bof i ttl someone ft acto situation Patents toe ot aise of the nh of BE ‘pert. AGREE donee ws + {Trac agree with 8:2 yp ooo frank oes not agree wth ous Paes you fe sigh i 1 ee re Ine eat eesn® ely agree th 2 agtee with sb: something aiees ‘ath you, rakes you feet good > She nots realy well he couniry fav ondciry ages with AIM Amat $m at sth: 0 ty to achieve Something» Wete cing ao growth sateor23% 2 be aed at sb: tobe imendea fore articular ‘ype of person oe prov to 3 use, uy orwateh 0 new TH Sees timed at women intel 308 ‘be aed ats remarks aimed 3 someane, especialy ely is Innes to e aout them» hope thot est commen’ waso¥ aimed ce ALLOW allow frst to incu o conser Samething when you are making 2 Plan of decison» Make sure yo lilow for possible delsson te way othe aipor. 2allow for sto make possible or Something o happen The sytem ows for prtae be tea eral ALLUDE det s/h 19 mention someere Or somethingirrecty™ He seomec fo bealudng to ecent events in. Firpe: AMOUNT ‘awounT ro > { emount tosh tobe te same or have the sate eect vs something Ase Peasize and happiness donot ecesseriy emount tate same thins 4 pot amount ta much se nat Smount to grea deol ee: (0004 Sen very mortar, ga, saccesafl ter She feeiat tevin acadenie {chlevements tr’ amount toch 4 amount sth to raul ns aver tra» Teel hi ening to Fumes ine region amounts ‘out £3000, ANGLE ANGLE FOR —> fl fr sth to eye get someting iinckret say Wea anew she ‘wor angi for premotor. ALLOW > APPROXIMATE ANSWER Snawer bac, sneer sb back to tawer someone rude essetaly a patent or teacher soo es your moter ets you, and dont answer awswer F08 {Tensor frst tobe considees fesponsiole fo samething bad a possibly be punished or. Rave Enawerforsinb One doy ie gee rie aaverfora sites 6 2 have ll to answer for oo hove @ good deal to answer foro 22 ‘sponsible for cous aot of rouble Teint ann telenision has 0 972 ‘eal to arses ot Attn fos: 1 ave to ein the feasar tr your ation ta someone Bnd accept mat hey ink about Ihe Polis have to ansver to thevotersat the gener ection APPEAL peal to Soo be atratve or Ineesting to sameane» Zoe nove nil oppea te even of oes. APPROVE Sppeoee of sy tink hat Sarettiog ar somects is good. ersulabes as paents nea approve othe maroge APPROXIMATE breaoninare to ‘opronimat oH fo be ano the Sime 383 pact amount ora parcubr situation» Ths fie {pproninatesto he tra pepution ‘of heater Europe ARGUE > ASSOCIATE ARGUE argue shout, argue out sth:to argue bout or lgcise every pata omethingin ere! to make. fa declan They sent months againg but te seta fhe care ARRIVE Sve at sth: to make a decison on Sureemert atau! sometnieg ater, Caretly eonsienng Te ry Cook fre nourstoarive sea verat ASCRIBE {se th toh: 0 soy what Somethings cased by Mer death nor asonbea to note causes ASK tak afer shto ak how somsane sof ‘ta they have been ding so Jon {eather day= she asked afer you tak cb alg, ack along bo nite Someane ogo someere with yu wimy do tpou ask some of your ends clong? ‘AS AROUND, also ASK ROUND —+ ‘sk around round: ook sve pegole shout someting norer to Find he ntrmaton tat you nsed eres areund and See theres ‘oom avafobe 1 ask fo boy tha you wou ke le'speak to someone Me caled the Dolce stein and asked forlspector “onsen 2/you cout as for a better. Used Sey mat comecne Someing is he bes a tnd Tou couldn? ost fora more romantic pee branes ‘ 23 sbis asking for ouble usec sy ‘fatcomeone nding something that [Slay goingtomate someting ‘Sea happen fa ha Anyone ho eis round tht are eer ares esting fs roe sb as asking or tus ia say thee fomeane deserved ote atarked fordeseendsametng bad tat Ianpened to them» sy dd you bt imi "We wes ashing frit Sebi to ‘sted bin Toracup of coffee {5k sb out: 0 ase someone to goto 2 festa fim ee wih you, ‘especialy because You want start 2 fomantereslorshis wih them At Hise was 0 shyt 08 er Oo. ‘hoe She ang ne tht same Suoning and asked me out fora drink ‘sk aves, also ask ROUND + Seb ove/ ound: to te someone Tocome'o your house ors neal 2 Atte You must ask hin ee for dane some tine ASPIRE epi tasth fo want and ey har chievesovetting» She hed evans spied io ease pas ASSOCIATE $e associated wth thy 0:10 be anne’ ath someting smears Paar eure 5 ‘ssocued ih smoking, 2 associate stb wth sh 9 inate conrecion nour mind between one thing or prs and anather» Peope use ossorite Iapan with hg fcr consumes products 5 associate wth st: 0 spend tine nth someone, exec someone ‘tier people disaarove a ty Pareto’ want ta eae tat the any am across te tee ATONE Aone for sh: odo someting to Show ha you are carry force Something wong and want to make ‘he staan you fave eased beter They were anaous fe atone for of They hot doe dung te wor ATTEND { tend tos: 10 cel with someting Tom ef ea sing he had some Iinpartan business tocotend 2 2 attend too lp ot ook ater Someone Army meds wre bis tending to te wounded, ATONE > AVERAGE ATTRIBUTE: ariaiguTe 70 abate th oaths tothe that ameinine was caused or rade by 8 otal ers, aver, or sutton total warming hes neon etre foenmareasem polation rom crs. he pina wes onainaly ‘tno to Peas, 2 attribate tht ssh: to bateve that someone or something aes paar eu» We mus be cove roto otbute himan motives fo sommes. 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Sette able back meu. back pb sth, back s/h op: 0 rave adeional help a super Copia decid the possbiiy of {sng the my to back pte pote Baek up adeional helper supper > Sever pole cas provided back op ortne ofc. 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