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Criterion B: Movement Plan

Student Name: Kwan Yiu Tam Homeroom: Year 10 Trust

Student Name: Max Chang Homeroom: Year 10 Trust
Student Name: Austin Ng Homeroom: Year 10 Trust
Theme Synchronization
Music Another one bites the dust- Queen
Duration 2 minutes 33 seconds
1. Choose 8 moves (2 basic, 3 intermediate and 3 complex moves) that you have
2. Explain and justify plans on how would you use these moves to improve the
routine/improve your group’s performance.
3. Analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of your plan based on the outcome of the
performance in the assessment. You are advised to write your work on weekly basis.
Move # Pictures/ Diagrams Description, explanation & Analysis & Evaluation
justification of moves
Basic 1 This will be the move that starts off our This move is the core fundamental of rope
performance. The three of us will be skipping, anyone that is looking to master
Forward Straddle standing side by side, except for Kwan Yiu this sport will have to learn this basic move
who will be in the center standing slightly first. In the practices, me and my group did
behind the other members to create a sense not particularly struggle with this move due
of level for the audience. Our whole routine to the fact that we have had previous units
will be synchronized with the music’s beat, working on our rope skipping skills in Year
in which this section will ideally take around 8. We will also typically use this move as
8 beats. our warm up for our practices and do get
use to the rhythm of rope skipping. Using
This move is when we land one foot on the this move in our performance as a starting
front and one at the back while we keep move is very effective, since it is the basis
alternating the pattern every time we jump and rope skipping, and by using this move
over the rope. To make sure that we are all first, the audience can see the slow
synchronized, we decided that we will have transition of skill sets as the performance
our right foot in front for every odd number goes on.
and left foot in front for every even number.
This is why we decided one set of the move
will take 8 beats, it is so that we can do this
move for 4 times.

Forward straddle is a great move to practice

for beginners that have never tried rope
skipping before. It can also act as a warmup
for our synchronization and also our
muscles to prevent any injuries. This also
acts as a warmup in mentality to prepare for
more complex move, and in our case we
have also placed another set towards the
end to slow down for the finale. It also
requires a minimal skill set, but it provides
more variety in our jumping movement
compared to normal jumps. The reason we
chose forward straddle is to ensure that we
can use it for our own preparation, and at
the same time show the audience a more
interesting move.
Basic 2 Similar to the previous move, we will be During our practices leading up to the
having the same stance and will start performance, we did not particularly
Front cross performing the front cross in sync. This struggle with this move as this is one of the
move will also take 8 beats. more basic moves in our performance.
Sometimes during our routine practices
This move is similar to the normal some of us will have problem synchronizing
skipping position, but it will take a bit more the move since it involves a cross in the
skill and coordination because our arms move, and we will be jumping at different
will be crossed at our waist. Due to the rates, which leads to us being not in sync.
fact that it is extremely difficult to do By week 3, we were able to do this move in
consistent crosses, we have concluded sync consistently as we have practiced
that we will adjust the move according to together by playing the music while
our skill level and do the front cross when practicing the moves.
it is an odd number beat, and will uncross
and perform a normal jump in even
number beats. Since the entire move is 8
beats, we will be doing 4 crosses.

Front cross is a simple move which only

requires minimal practice to perform and
be consistent at, while it will provide a lot
more variety in movements than normal
jumps to make the performance more
engaging for our audience to watch. Like
the forward straddle, this move is also
useful for us to warm up before we begin
the intermediate and complex moves.
There the move is included in our

Intermediate 1 Standing next to each other, we will be This move is the first obstacle that we had
changing between normal and double ran into while practicing for this routine.
Synchronized under jumps in sync. This move will last 8 One of our group members were unable to
double under beats. perform this move due to its high
complexity, as well as the fact that none of
The double under jump is a more difficult us can do it consistently for more than once
move to master, since it will require us to due to the high frequency of the jumps. As
jump higher than a normal jump while we continue practicing during week 2 to
swinging the rope faster so that the rope week 3, our team mate was able to perform
will pass under us twice while we hang in the double under jump. During week 4,
the air. While individually, the move will be after numerous times of attempting to
easier to perform, doing it as a group and practice for the synchronization of this
being able to synchronize it is a much move, we were able to effectively do the
harder task to take on, making the move double under jump for up to 5 times in a
more difficult. row, more than the required amount in our
routine, and we had learnt to synchronize
This is a great move to transition between our jumps with the beat through following
simple moves to the intermediate level the rhythm in the music and practicing
moves, because usually after being able continuously.
to master normal jumps and cross jumps,
a person would most likely take on this
move, so this is a great move to show
transition between simple to intermediate.
The synchronization of the move would
help us to strengthen our theme of
synchronization, and at the same time it
will increase the technicality of our

Intermediate 2 This is the move which follows after our This move had required a lot of planning
first complex move in our routine. This and practice in order for us to be able to
Touch the ground move will start as Kwan Yiu and I start perform. We had watched a video of
in long rope while swinging the long rope, while Austin people from high school rope skipping
would jump over the rope, and also touch competitions perform this and was intrigued
the ground at the same time. to attempt this move in our routine. At first,
this move is very hard as none of us were
As an addition to this move, Austin will able to perform it through the method of
enter the long rope by performing a trial and error. Eventually, Austin was able
double cartwheel. He would then to perform this move once, and through
immediately do the long rope skip 8 times practicing during Week 3 and Week 4, he
as a slow transition and preparation for was able to perform this jump several times
this round touch move. Austin will then consistently. Kwan Yiu and I had also had
kneel down after 8 beats and continue to to compensate and slow down the swing
jump while doing the ground touch rate of the rope as Austin would get
simultaneously. Ideally he will jump 4 exhausted quickly if the speed of crouching
times in the span of 8 beats. To transition and jumping is too rapid.
toe complex move 2, Kwan Yiu and I will
stop the rope, and I will be throwing a
short rope to Kwan Yiu for him to catch.
This will allow a smooth and entertaining

We believe that this move can show the

strong synchronization and collaboration
skill that we have, as this move requires a
lot of precision timing for the people who
are swinging the long rope, and the
physical stamina and coordination
required for Austin to perform his move in
time before the next jump. The move also
requires everyone to be moving, thich
means that no one would be not doing
anything and just standing still.

Intermediate 3 This is a move that we created to add an This is more of a creative move compared
element of creativity and design to our to the other more technical moves in this
Getting caught routine. Using a premade long rope, we routine. While practicing for our routines,
will tie a noose that is set aside during the we had come up with an idea that we
first parts of the performance until when wanted a sort of unique element in our
we will use this move. This move is before routine. Initially, we wanted to involve
complex move 3. elements of other sports such as basketball
or badminton into our routine, but since it
After Kwan Yiu purposely messes up the was prohibited to do so, we had to
rope in rope jump, he would act frustrated improvise and use the ropes to come up
and throw the rope forward and proceeds with something creative. We are not
to leave the performance. Afterwards, particularly good with gymnastics, so we
Austin would use the noose to throw to had prefered to not include so much
Kwan Yiu, and it would wrap around Kwan gymnastic movements in our routine (other
Yiu and pull him towards Austin. While than complex 1). While brainstorming for
this is happening, I will be jumping over ideas, we had decided to use ropes in our
the knot, and pick up the rope Kwan Yiu performance, and had tied a noose to see
had threw on the ground, and proceed to how we can work that into our routine.
perform double cross jumps. There is no Finally, we decided to do a cowboy style
exact beat/timing for this move as it can and so in conclusion, we decided to get this
vary greatly. move into the routine. Another element in
this move is that after Austin ties up Kwan
This move will take a lot of pre planning Yiu, I will have to jump over the noose to
and practices to be done correctly, but then perform double cross jumps. During
this acts as a “twist” to the performance. practices I have struggled a few times
This will get the audience more engaged, performing the jump since the height is
and this move will slightly drift away from pretty high, but eventually after a few
the theme of synchronization as it is more attempts during Week 3, also with
artistic than technical. This is used to give adjustments to the height of the noose, I
the audience a stronger impression of the was able to perform the jump and perform
whole routine. the double cross jumps. Personally, after
not doing the double cross jumps for a
while, I had to practice for 2 weeks in order
to regain the coordination to do that. This is
one of the times where I will have to
overcome obstacles and I will also practice
this in the future after the unit in order to
maintain this skill and potentially even
further develop my skill in rope skipping
Complex 1 This move can demonstrate and This move is inspired by the fact that most
strengthen our high cooperation skills and routines in national rope skipping
the theme of synchronization in our competitions involve high level of
Cartwheeling into routine. Kwan Yiu and I would be holding acrobatics in their routines. We also
the long rope and start swinging it decided to include elements of acrobatics
a long rope
according to the beat of the music. Austin in our routine in order to spice up our
will then face the audience standing a few performance. In our group, Austin is the
meters away from the long rope and best in gymnastic movements, so it would
proceed to perform a double cartwheel be appropriate for him to be performing the
into the rope after having a few beats for cartwheel. This move took several trials
preparation. This move will then transition since the direction of swinging the rope, as
into intermediate move 2. well as the timing of the entrance point.
After a week (Week 2-3) of practicing and
This move is highly complex as it requires concise timing we were able to time the
very precise timing and skill in order for jump so that Austin enters the rope and is
Austin to enter the rope in the right able to jump consistently in the rope.
moment, which justifies our decision to
consider this as a complex move. The
move itself is very eye catching and
amazing, which can increase the overall
attention of our rope skipping
performance. We strengthen the
complexity of the move by placing the
move right after doing individual rope
skipping moves as this move will make
the transition more interesting for the
performance, there we have decided to
place this move in this place.

Complex 2 This is quite a conventional complex move This move took a long time to practice and
for rope skipping, but we will attempt to master. During the first time we decided to
bring the move to the next level. After the do it, the long rope and the short ropes
Short rope in transition from intermediate 2 move, Max timing could not be synchronized, which
and Austin will be swinging the long rope lead to many times where we will fail. After
long rope
as Kwan Yiu jumps inside with his own a lot of practice, we decided to plan it so
rope. The move starts by having both that Kwan Yiu will be counting the beats of
Kwan Yiu’s rope and the long rope behind the jump while we swing the rope
him. After the preparation is completed, we according to his beat. It is very hard to
will swing the ropes in a synchronized control the timing of the swing because the
fashion and jump according to the beat of long rope requires way more strength to
the music. We will be increasing the swing compared to the short rope.
swinging rate as Kwan Yiu jumps in the Eventually we got used to the fact that the
middle, which leads up to Kwan Yiu failing people on the side will have to swing much
and a transition to Intermediate move 3. harder and slightly faster than Kwan Yiu
This move should take 32 beats, and was able to master this by the end of
week 3.
The move is meant to be a demonstration
for our coordination skills as a team.
Reason being the increasing speed of the
movement meant that we will need a lot of
practices and collaboration prior to the
performance in order to execute the move
properly. The move will also make the
performance more exciting for the
audience as the rhythm of the performance
changes and increases rapidly, making the
performance much less dull. Therefore, we
decided to use this move in the
performance to demonstrate our skill in
coordination and to further entertain the
audience in our performance.
Complex 3 Similar to our second complex move, this This is the move where we end off our
is a move highly based on our team performance. We wanted to include a move
coordination. This move is very useful for that can show the element of team
Three at a time showing our true potential in rope skipping coordination most clearly, and will also
and also useful as a connection to the show synchronization in the clearest way
third intermediate move. After the second possible to conclude our performance. In
complex move, Kwan Yiu would place the end we decided to use this move
aside his own rope and join Austin and I because it shows the points most clearly.
who are holding ropes on both ends and Some struggles we have had with this
join us in the center. After Kwan Yiu move is when Austin and I had to swing the
counts 4 beats, Austin and I will start rope while standing inwards, it is
swinging the the rope and we will all be particularly difficult because we cannot
doing synchronized jumps in a long rope. clearly see each other’s hand movement
This entire move will take 24 beats, and and hence will not be able to swing the
will be the conclusion of our whole rope consistently. In order to solve this
routine. problem, we had to count beats so that we
can jump at the same time and that we will
The move is difficult as all three of us be able to swing the rope in a constant
must jump in a synchronized fashion in speed and our arms will be in a
order to do this move effectively. Austin symmetrical position. By the end of week 4,
and I as the people who are swinging the we were able to master this move.
rope, must swing the rope hard and in
sync in order to achieve this move. This
move can therefore demonstrate our
strong synchronization skills and will be a
great way to conclude this performance.

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