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A/ Nouns
Exercise 1:
1. crowd 2. flash 3. cloud 4. team 5. pack
6. shower 7. piece 8. bunch 9. item 10.gang
Exercise 2:
1. is 2. is 3. is 4. has 5. are 6. is
7. is 8. has/ have 9. have 10.are/ have 11.a 12.-
13.- 14.a
Exercise 3:
1. a stone 2. the chair 3. chickens 4. drawing
5. groups 6. a love 7. a drawing/ 8. chicken
9. stone 11.chairs 12.A group

Exercise 4:
1. The Eastern Highlands is a moutain range running along Australia’s east coast.
2. Temperatures of desert areas can reach 50◦ C in summer.
3. Aboriginal peoples are thought to have come to Australia from Southeast Asia around 50,000 when sea
levels were much lower.
4. Over a third of Australia’s export income comes from agricultural products.
5. Australia is still the largest wool exporter in the world.
6. The most important area for beef farming is the northern state of Queensland.
7. Crops are watered with irrigation systems .
8. Australia is also rich in mineral resources.
9. Minerals produce high export earnings.
10. Sydney is the largest city and has an important business district.
Exercise 5:
1. leaded 2. a drama 3. is 4. have 5. were
6. were 7. is 8. great 9. literature 10. a spellbinding
Exercise 6:

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